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Posts posted by lepeep

  1. Edgar Graham may have a point . . . I know 2 people in real life who listen to dubstep and they could both easily be described as pretentious twats.

    ah!....so that means....

    I know a few people who like metal, who are pretentious twats..ergo - metal = music for pretentious twats

    jazz....for pretentious twats

    techno ... for pretentious twats

    trad .....for pretentious twats....

    should I go on? (....because I don't think my efforts are contributing to a debate...unlike the ever so constructive and well thought out arguments that all too often pop up on this forum).

    can you tell I didn't eat my dinner today? (too much coffee man...strikes again)

  2. First post? I've been on here for years. The dubstep I've listened to I've found very boring. The "pretentious twats" bit was just to wind people up.

    first post....(as in first response to a thread)...happens all the time on here, a glib one liner, something on the lines of "what a load of shite" - "they are shite" - "that is shite" - "boring shite" (you get the drift)..I just want someone to be bothered explaining why something is so shite - you know "start a discussion" - pin their colours to the mast so people can start to get a context to their argument.

    It's all so bloody easy just to type a one liner "shite" and watch the dull slagging match that ensues.

    so if you find something boring, and someone else doesn't they are "pretentious twats"...

    gotta love those sweeping generalisations (just to get a reaction).

    well done, mission accomplished.

  3. I've no idea why I stayed to watch them - I've a feeling a mate wanted to see them so did it for him. It was 14 years ago so I haven't the faintest clue of my reasoning at the time - I do remember being quite far from the stage though.

    Hell, I can't even remember if I did actaully stay the entire set.

    Whether this makes lazy, stupid or a moaner is something only you can decide.

    so memorable that you can remember hating it so much though!

    I remember shouting "fuck off" to nick cave, as I was itching for Nirvanna to come on....oh, how I look back with regret now.... ho ho.

  4. Who gives a fuck.

    Besides a few of them are darn hot totty! And I can see that clearly through the haze of ill advised party gesturing!

    No big deal, move on! Lets, instead, have a look at the Chinese record on human rights, and stuff...

    shaddup round eye. (sorry...your avatar made me do it!)

    Look, the spanish are smiling, they don't mean it....tha tha tha, glen hoddle.

    (Just to clarify...I think the spannish team are obviously thick as mince, or don't actually know what is "ironic humour"....but I certainly love going to their country for holidays)...

    "spain = culture"...yip...where did picasso, gaudi, dali, miro, some of the worlds best architects come from?...

    (tip of the iceberg stuff).


  5. I was just listening to Core this weekend in the car...how strange.

    I liked Core and Purple (first two LP's)...

    they did get a slagging for "jumping on the grunge bandwagon"...whatever that fucking means!

    I think they've got some great tunes, and some ding ones too.

    I too saw them at reading, and loved them...

    If I stayed and watched a show for 50 mins I absolutly hated, I'd be slagging myself off for

    a - being lazy

    b - being stupid

    c - looking for something to moan about (not unlike any other happy aberdonian looking for the finer things in life and not getting bogged down with negativity!)

    but, I guess the only other thing on at reading when STP were playing were Carter USM or Mega City Four ?....didn't think so!

  6. boring music for prententious twats

    ho ho, what a typical first post...

    can you list us all your "prefered types of music", just so we can base our reaction to that rather sweeping statement?



    "err....nu metal" (does that still exist?)

    me, I am loving the planet Mu output (the new meat beat manifesto LP is fantastic)...

    the "new" scorn lp (stealth) is a doozie...but that's got all the bits I think might make you sick? (slow, repetitive, low end ass wobbling bass)...not for the feint hearted.

    there are some excellent dubstep comps out too (as someone pointed out, Skream, Skull Disco, Dubstep allstars Vol X to y)

    if anything, check out Boomkat - Your independent music specialist for new tunes (30 sec samples)...just look for the "dub step / grime" label

    love from a pretentious wanker (who happens to like a lot of musical styles, but, I guess that's pretentious...I wish I were a luddite sometimes, life would be so much simpler.)

  7. they are superb...so many to have a poke at!....

    I only got intot he second one and laughed.

    "Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it. "

    .....er....."the sun" ?

  8. Ahem....

    thanks Biz :O Probably most like me though you f****er :rolleyes:


    and to a customer a few years ago who called me ...


    and to some friends who thought I was like...


    I wish!

    and to some really drunk customers who thought I looked like...


    Ha ha. in my dreams!!

    I recon that's the best example of the "beer goggles effect" in 4 stages...

  9. I've been likened too....(and these are not pretty at all).


    Chesney Hawkes

    Mike Edwards (Jesus Jones)

    Dave Grohl (?! - beard and long hair - no massive teeth mind)

    Screech (saved by the bell, thanks lady!)

    Mike Patton (that's more like it!)

    oh, and of recent - Jesus (the western Idea of jesus, you know - i.e. not what jesus "should" look like)

    so - here's me :


  10. I've just come back from a long weekend in Liverpool.

    I'd gone specifically to see the Klimt Exhibition...it's fantastic...all these years looking at his paintings in books and to see them in the flesh is just astounding...I'd highly reccomend it!


    Having a stroll round the Tate's permanent collection, I was really surprised to see so many iconic works in there, some fantastic things to be seen there!

    I'd also "stumbled" upon the BlueCoat gallery, where there is a show of arabic art (mostly contemporary installation + photographic works), but it's a fantastic show too - well worth going to see.

    I'd also checked out the Walker Gallery (their version of our Aberdeen Art gallery), wher ethey too have some surprises in their permanent collection - with two "special" shows on - "the age of Steam" (sounds dull, but it wasn't - they'd put on a good spectrum of steam train related art - and a quote from marinetti on the wall, which made me like the show even more.)

    It's just a shame that someone had forgotten to approve building work a few years earlier...liverpool still feels like it's being built. You appologetically tip toe between building sites to get to "the attractions" - I get the feeling that it's going to be like that wayyyyy past the end of 2008 - a real shame for the city (or the people living there).

    I got the feeling that the City would be a cultural gem, whether they have the title of "European City of Culture 2008" or not.

    I did stroll up the cavern street - but I am no beatles fan so I didn't stop - but I did take a great photo (I'll post it later) of the brick wall of names who've played there....and it was of "Garry Glitter" - to which someone wrote "peado prick" or something like that on the brick... ho ho - I bet there was a queue.

    I'd also "nipped up" to Newcastle and checked out the Nara show at the Baltic - this is spectacular, everyone should go see it. the Large hall (level 4) is filled with his temporary / fantasy houses / town, with his usual "big eyed rude kid" paintings in them, but the atmosphere of the place is superb, they also simulate night by dimming the lights every now and again....this show was just superb - go seeee it!


  11. that's a cool heron.

    how much was your dinghy phil? not that i can actually afford one mind but it'd be cool to bear in mind for the future. though i'm quite interested in getting into kayaking but wouldn't know where to start.

    i've been upto girdleness twice now and it seems to be a pretty good spot. saw a good range of birds there yesterday including Common and Sandwich Tern, Curlew, Oystercatchers, Eider, Goosander, Dunlin, Linnets and a Kestrel. Lots of Dolphins playing in the bay as well.

    we picked it up in Costco for 75 or so...but they don't stock them anymore.

    Seahawk 400 by GHOSTBIKES.COM

    Intex Seahawk 400 Inflatable Boat Set *4 Man* with Oars on eBay, also, Dinghies Boats, Sailing, Sporting Goods (end time 29-Aug-08 04:47:55 BST)

    the new ones seem to be a silly purple...we've just got a dull grey one.

  12. this is what happens when you wear an ipod.

    surely the battery ran out in the middle of his favourite song?

    (that can happen too on a "tape cassette player" (a "walkman") - remember, those new fangled gadgets that people went mad for in the 80's - or a "Portable CD player" - another wizz bang invention that let people listen to music "on the move" - crazy ass holes! We should only be listening to music on a wax cylinder!....no!....LIVE! and ONLY LIVE!

  13. or Birdwatching. Anyone into it? I just got a nice new fancy zoom lens for my camera so I can take some good bird photo's. Managed to get a few shots of the Peregrine atop Triple Kirks spire and a decent Heron shot at Walker dam earlier in the week.

    Wheres your favourite spots for seeing birds(please don't say private eyes)? Went upto Girdleness last night which is meant to be particularly good but didn't see anything amazing. Some nice Swallows and some Terns fishing.

    Anyone seen any rarities in Aberdeen?

    you can see some of my shots at Flickr: dave officer's Photostream but i'm just starting out with the wildlife photo's so they vary in quality.

    I got a sturdy dingy (seahawk 400) from Costco - and regularly go down the dee & don...

    I once saw an osprey up at the Milton. And Herons are common as muck when you float fdown the river, you see about 20 in 4 miles.

    the dippers are cute.

    Here's a Heron my Wife drew....aww.


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