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Posts posted by lepeep

  1. Saxophone really is a gay instrument. It sounded great in the 50s rock and roll songs, but the 80s power ballad ruined the smooth sound of the sax forever. Whenever I think saxophone now I think Careless Whisper, or Hungry Eyes, or the Top Gun soundtrack. Or Rob Lowe in St Elmo's Fire.

    Seriously, check out this list of musical abominations.

    Sax Solos


    jesus...it's the most masculine instrument going, just as Tim Cappello..



    perhaps that horn purchase was funded by some 0898 60 60 60 ads he did?...

  2. It was a good night, Phil.

    some interesting developments ongoing...

    Keep it up min.

    I need to become a bit more hard nosed, and cut off conversations with people who take 45 mins to say anything...I missed speaking to a load of people because of that!

    the feedback is great, so many happy people being able to have specific "arts" agenda and free wine...of course!


    I've been back for just over 2 years now...but I am a dad, so rarely get to go out and play at nights.

  3. Hey guys,

    I just wanted to share this with you all..

    I'd put on the networking night in conjunction with Peacock's last tuesday, and the Director of the list came up...and wrote this rather lovely article on the evening...

    Creative Cultures have arts in North East in mind | The List

    seems like if we keep up our game, we might be able to put stuff on the radar for the central belt...we just need to keep confident and positive!


  4. Sinky told me they'd been on an "impromptu visit" to the deen...and here's me living in london at the time thinking "all the cool stuff is here".

    It's like when soulwax played in drummonds...someone gave them the taste of "rowie"...and they liked....mmmmmm

  5. Actually he played loads of stuff I liked, a highlight of which was FSOL doing one of the first live shows streamed over the internet on his show...

    anyway if you are seriously suggesting john peel would have loved amy winehouse, jamie cullum and james blunt etc, personally I think you're quite wrong.

    I thought I'd weaned myself off bothering replying to you...so I'll have one more fix (for no point, of course)

    3 things.

    1 - I meant "stripey's music"...as in the music you make (not the stuff you like).

    (rediculous!...of course he didin't play my music...he didn't ever hear it, I'm better than winehouse, Peel would have loved my ground breaking works etc (breaking point 3 here, but you don't give a fick, so I won't)) - and it was meant as a sort of joke...but, you being aberdeen music's biggest humourless cunt, again, a waste of finger action on the keys from my part there.

    2 - when did I say that John Peel would like winehouse (or even JAMES FUCKING BLUNT?) - who's making shit up again to "bolster" you oh so one sided and banal "argument" - what I was referring to was "someone with a john peel like appreciation for every type of music under the sun". I am no peel - but I've got a winehouse cd in my collection, that fits nicely with my 310, autechre, napalm death, Scorn, Ormando Portuondo, Bonny Prince Billy, Tortoise, Junior Senior, art blakey, jeff mills....oh, FSOL...to name a few. I am no "shops in tesco for his CDs" - but even if I did pick up a cd from there, I am man enough to say I did - and not have some retarded class value system of whether I am allowed to like a certain band or not, because they are available in tesco or because they come from rich mummy and daddy backgrounds...the fucking underground music police need people like you, making sure that no "improper" music gets out there. (that you and you alone decide what should be allowed in the wide world). - that's the "general" feeling I get from the reasons why people shouldn't listen to Winehouse here...so If I paraphrase, up yours. ;)

    3 - I never said that John peel would like amy winehouse (I hope he would!).

    ah, that was a waste of 10 mins and energy.

    • Upvote 1
  6. He liked the Quo, does that count?

    and sheena easton.

    I liked the fact that Peel played Stripey's music all the time....

    oh, hold on...he didn't, that must mean he thouhght he was shit too?

    I love people who know what other people think - even when they are dead. amazing.

  7. yeah you're right, i'm sick of these white dudes ripping off the rich black punk sounds of the late 70s and 80s.

    i didn't state that she wasn't real, she's just one of an increasing market of young, rich white londoners (mostly girls) who seem to be making big headlines by doing nothing more than covering black music from 40 years ago, or singing songs written by songwriters who are ripping this shit off. might i also add that anybody with any affiliation to mark ronson is an utter cunt. that includes being mark ronson.

    all of these people are white, and rich. i have limited respect for any musician whose fame is a result of being rich or well connected (oops, that means everyone).

    as stripey says, all these people went to stage school for rich kids, most of them go to the same rich kid schools...have a look at bedales allumni

    Bedales School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    and ya might see some familiar faces. What's that, amazing indie band the kooks actually all had parents who could afford to spend 20+ grand a year sending them to an exclusive secondary school where they rubbed shoulders with other millionaires from age 13? oh well, that couldn't possibly have any bearing on their success as musicians. lily allan also went to this school, amy winehouse went to the same school as the guitarist for shitty tesco rock band The Feeling, and S-Club 7's Rachel Stevens.

    as for coffee shop music for people with no interest in any authentic soul, blues or funk records from days gone by, really ask yourself how many middle class mums have bought joss stone or jamie cullum's shitty white albums in tesco and put it in their cd collection along with the greats? probably about 3 or 4.

    and i resent any logic that requires for me to be a radio DJ such as john peel, or a world class musician or performer to form an opinion of another band. i could be the most talentless hack in the world (no really, I could be, I'm still waiting for the results to come back from NASA) but i still have a right to have the most damning opinion of any artist in this entire planet.

    so you don't like her music then?

    ps...I said "john peel LIKE".

  8. i'll bear that in mind, king of deon. another thought for y'all, anybody made their own? it seems like more hassle than it's worth but i bet it tastes good

    I make my own quite a lot.

    eggs (laid by my chicken "halal")


    oil (oilive, tomato, basil, chilli...crude)

    (you can bung in dried oregano into the mix too)

    and a pasta maker to get the thinness needed....

    and it takes seconds to cook and tastes 10000000 times better ...it's like a different food stuff to dried pasta.

  9. it's not my fault that ya got hooked on her crappy fake, white, tesco soul music and now you're greeting because she's going to kill herself through self abuse - a controversial act which is sure to get some sort of reaction, like the british public hailing her as a tragic genius.

    sorry, but the only thing she has going for her is that she is a white person marketable to dad-rockers who "wouldn't normally listen to that sort of thing", that sort of thing being music identical to that which was being released and done better 40 years ago. i'm sick of this influx of 'soulful' rich white girls. why would you want to listen to this over the real thing?

    hey Tam,

    I hope to god you don't listen to some third rate white boy pastiche of punk, "rock n roll" or whatever crap that's punted out as original these days.

    I always have a chuckle at people that spout off stuff about Winehouse's music...

    how the fuck would anyone know if she's "real" or not...

    if she sings the music she loves, who's to stop her? who's to say that she's disingenuous?

    you don't like her, or her music, fair enough, but to think you all have the fucking corner on the market of "what's right and wrong in making music" is fucking laughable.

    pile on top.

    unless...of course....you are all fantastic, well respected musicians and producers with a "john peel like" appreciation for ALL TYPES OF MUSIC....

    ....tumble weeds...

    nope...didn't think so.

  10. I had a great second hand trawl the other day in one up...

    I got

    Comets on Fire : Avatar

    Paul Duncan : Be Careful What You Call Home

    King Crimson : In The Court Of The Crimson King

    Stereolab : Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night

    dave clarke : archive one

    and the fantasic (and cheap) minimal techno comp (scottish?) : Ai023CD_SAMPLER Zero Eight

    all for about 25

    birthday pressies were :

    Joana Newsom : Ys

    Herbert With Dani Siciliano - around the house

    adem : takes

    shortwave set : Replica Sun Machine

    jamie Lidell : jim

    Tommy Guerro : Return Of The Bastard

    the jamie lidell lp is...hmm.... possibly a bit too much of a pastiche...unlike multiply, that to me had more soul in it...perhaps it's the fact that Mocky & Gonzalles have had a shot at writing for it, that's made all the difference...

  11. It took me 10 years or so to wean myself off sugar in coffee...now, I can't stand it if someone accidentally drops in a sugar...

    TOFFEE...no thanks.

    as for instant...I stopped drinking that shite a long time ago, and someone once gave me a cup at a meeting...and I got a banging headache, but I can happily (?) have 4 javas a day....

    I've got an electric grinder + cafatier, and it's just as quick as doing an instant...it's how long the kettle boils for that determins the wait!

    My pal Jonathan made a wicked ukranian coffee, with the sludge at the bottom...you are supposed to have condensed milk are you not? (now that is sweet...)


    oh, and yes, black, like my men.


  12. My vote would go to Copy Ha Ho as the best around just now. Saw them in London a few months ago and they were great.

    Best ever? There was a period when I was at school in Moray when Aberdeen seemed to be the place where loads of exciting music as happening - Purple Munkie (I know strictly an Elgin/Forres band), Nero, Maple, Deadloss Superstar. Almost seems like a different time now - it was well before myspace, bebo, webs forums, etc.

    Special mention to Hookers Green No.1 and Dedalus (though without me playing in them!) - they were both brilliant too.


    too kind!

    maple - hi fi audio maintenance 2004

  13. Derren Browns book on the subject is fascinating. It's pretty much your classic placebo effect.

    He doesn't believe it has any effect at all and he has been doing it for years. If you believe in it it will work, but science shows that it has no real world effect. Same goes for acupuncture or other "alternative medicines".

    I'd rather believe the new scientist...

    Acupuncture relieves cancer chemotherapy fatigue - health - 20 December 2007 - New Scientist

    "...Patients in the acupuncture group reported a 36% improvement in fatigue levels, whilst those in the acupressure group improved by 19%. Those in the sham acupressure group reported a 0.6% improvement."

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