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Posts posted by lepeep

  1. That seriously grinds my gears. I see the word photo's every day and feel like giving english lessons to everyone who does it.

    "my Photo's black and white"....what's wrong with that? ho ho...(actually...photo isn't a proper noun).

  2. Not so much for me. They both sound the same, therefore very easy to mess up and not worth getting too pedantic over.

    One of the most common spelling mistakes on this board, again, fairly forgiveable:

    'weird', not 'wierd'.

    I think it's the worst (your / you're) becuase they are two different words / meanings, even if they do "sound the same" (unlike a "commoner garden" spelling stimake*)... as for loose and lose...I always get it wrong...but I am shit at smelling*. I still say to my self "be extra careful and use some eggs" to spell because...I was once singled out in primary three by a proper kunt of a teacher...in the spelling B's, she'd always give me "the" (pronouced "thee") and I'd always put two ee's on the end.....I'd have like to put an E in her...shame they werent* invented back then.

    * ha ha ha.

  3. I had a problem with one of the Ian Livingstone Fighting Fantasy books (maybe Deathtrap Dungeon) where there was a page with an image of some undead skullfaced horror that was shit yer pants scary. I'd scream everytime I flicked onto the page.

    And I got quite upset 'cos I couldn't stop the hawt elf lady dying (sad face)

    I started playing "rings of Kether" the other day...150px-The_rings_of_kether.jpg

    and I've got "freeway fighter lined up!"....I was 13 or so when I first played these...I too had a problem with the zombie pics...

    Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks


    and here's the Iain McCaig blog!

    lines and colors :: a blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics, concept art and other visual arts Iain McCaig

  4. I have a friend who sat bolt upright in a living room full of sleeping-bagged pals, and shout "you are all fucking statues" - waking everyone and scaring the shit out of them, while he lay back down - oblivious to the ruckus he'd just caused. I've woke up laughing and not knowing why...I don't know if that's a good thing...or a bad thing.

    • Upvote 1
  5. i remember my mum telling me about a few weird things that happened after my nana died a few years back.

    She was driving in her car, sitting in some traffic i believe, and she had just driven past the graveyard where my nana is buried and she smelled the flowers that were in her hospital room the day that she died. Like a very strong smell of them from the back seat of the car.

    Another story, similiar to Lucky Rathen's, we used to have this photo of my nana and me that would sit in the living room. And every now and then, for some obscure reason, and its seems totally impossible, it would fall completely on its face, even though it was leaning back the way. This went on and on for months until one day it happened again and the glass inside the frame cracked. never happened again after that.

    this actually throws up an interesting point...

    Synesthesia is an interesting phenomenon, where senses "short circuit" - vision can be translated as smell, sound as colour etc.

    A strong emotion can possibly create that interlinking of senses, so, vision of Nan's cemetery "short-circuits" to "smell of flowers in hospital"...

    It's also an interesting thought - was it the smell of flowers, or a remembered smell of flowers? ("no difference" to your mum, obviously, but "in reality" - would anyone else have smelled the flowers, if they were in the car? - much like someone hearing a sound, and no one else present does.)

    as for the frame moving, well that's obviously a ghost with the ability to move solid objects. (Until it realises that it's gone too far, and broken something)...like a poltergeist with a conscience.....honest.

  6. Although you make a good point, saying that people are only religious because of existentialist fear and doubt is a sweeping generalisation. And as far as I'm aware, science has yet to either refute or confirm the existence of God.

    I also don't think I've ever said that Science has ever confirmed or denied "a god" (the words were "refutes (currently)")...the interesting thing about that point, is that Science is open to it (either way), with "proof" (be that physical, quantifiable, ethereal (if that's such a point)).....religion on the other hand, would never entertain the idea that there is no god......logic wins with me hands down, and that doesn't mean to say it's a cold, loveless life.

    why else would anyone be "religious" ? - it's surely the fear of death (and the fact that 99% of us are a waste of space & time (and star dust, wink wink)) that people cling to the "hope" (blind faith) that there is a big, lovely "good man" going to look after us, when we die (if we've been good).

    What would the other reasons be? - if it's a sense of community, that's not particulalry specific to religion, is it. I don't think it is a sweeping generalisation to say that most (if not all people) take comfort that their "afterlife" will be rosey, compared to their "living life" - hence, the fear of death is removed. (or eased). It is the one uniting factor of all religions - the afterlife is ace (if you are "good"). I'd hate to think who's "hell" is the real one, as there is going to be a lot of pissed of "good folk" who banked on the wrong side, ending up with scorched feet.

  7. I just bought Bertrand Russells "Why I am not a Christian" - It's fantastic, not difficult to read at all, so eloquent and logical...I think I'll read the bible next (or the edited books that Penguin did (Nick Cave doing the Intro to Armageddon))... One essay (do we survive death?) was written in 1930 and it's amazing the foresight he has over certain aspects of science...(he "sort of predicted" that electrons are not particles, using this as a way of showing that science can have "fundamentals" that are still under scrutiny, which doesn't weaken "science", but strengthens it....good read for all you blasphemous brethren out there.

  8. There will be a ceilidh, but the wedding is actually taking place elsewhere in Elgin. Namely here:

    Country Hotel Scotland | Country Club Elgin | Whisky Trail Scotland | Golf Scotland

    But at 200 a night that place was a little steep for me. Looks awesome though.

    just fuck yourself up, and stay at Dr Gray's hospital for free on the night? you pay your NI don't you?..... ho ho

    PS, you are nobody if you haven't rolled down the Duffus Castle Hill....HARDCORE

  9. What a shit topic. "Look at me, I moved to Poland. I'm teaching foreigners business."

    Almost as bad as the "Did anyone see me..." thread.

    I'd say I'm happy that Cloud moved to Poland, but moving to Essex didn't stop him from rambling pish all over the boards.

    shut up you miserable dong. Even if it is "self indulgent", at least it is a positive story "kick start"....I;ll come round to your house and challenge you to a stone throwing contest...remember, I'll kick yer airse min.

    me, I got internet connected to my house last week (after 5 weeks of waiting)

    on the other hand...my enter Key has died on my laptop - like seriously stopped working. Any tips? (I'd taken the "key" off and gave it a clean, but nothing seems to work). It's a dell 9400 laptop. I am currently "cutting and pasting" RETURNS... fun fun fun!

  10. Art can certainly be considered a documenting process, but isn't limited in the way that scientific documentation (rightly) is. Basically, art is not generally considered to be a solid map of reality on which we can base assumptions about the real world, so I don't consider it to have been limited in that way. But I understand that I should have made myself more clear on that point.

    Again, your comments about science are all based on this implicit assumption that empirical scientific observation is the be-all and end-all of our ability to perceive and experience reality. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not advocating a rejection of science. It's given us an extraordinary amount of knowledge about the world we live in, and a great many ways to make the world a better place. My main problem is that most people's arguments against religion can seemingly be paraphrased as: "You can't prove it scientifically, therefore it can't be real". This, as we've just been discussing, is a fundamentally flawed argument.

    This approach to maintaining that "science doesn't account for everything" (to me) is the reason why people do "bank on the unknown", because science "refutes" a god (currently) - people are scared that, "that's it". - to account for "mystery", or REASONS why things are...it all boils down to the need for REASON, people are not happy with the (fact) that we are random, we are here "just because", not because some giant hand finely crafted us - and we are special etc.

    we are not special, we are not important and we die - and nothing happens after that. People obviously feel scared of that (facts?) - so we make up stories to comfort our complex psyches.

    Imagine knowing that we are not special, we are just a blip. It's that (apparent fact) that religious people can't get over - not that science doesn't accomodate a god.

  11. "I think we ought always to entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt. I shouldn't wish people dogmatically to believe any philosophy, not even mine. "

    "I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong. "

    "In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted. "

    "So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence. "

    "Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination. "

    - Bertrand Russel

  12. I remember Jim Gellatly from the late 80s / early 90s when he presented "The Headbanger Show" on Moray Firth Radio, Wednesday's at 9pm.

    Fair play to him for changing my musical tastes by playing Soundgarden, Mudhoney, Nirvana and the like.

    that backed up with a weeekly dose of "the power hour" - my first viewing of Janes addiction (been caught stealing) and sound garden (hands all over).

    I do believe a certain "nirvanna" was played on there too...

    I remember watching it on a saturday morning (taped it from 2 or 3am) and fastforwarding the "big hair pish"...

    ahh....those were the days indeed.

  13. Again I'm not claiming to believe in ghosts, I am just pointing out things that have happened that I can't explain.

    I too agree that there are "strange things" that happen, but I'd imagine that all are explained by "short circuits" in the brain, so "odd electrical activity" - as that's all our brains are, really.

    The idea I liked for explaining ghosts, were the specific minerals in rocks can "replay" energy trapped in them, if you think about it, like a giant tape (c90)...all that is, is a collection of iron parrticles, influenced by electro magnetic pulses, hey presto "music" can be played back...kind of makes me think that is the "best" explaination for most spooky situations...

    but no, ther emust be an afterlife, think of all the "souls" over time, we'd be chukka block with spoooks by now, no?


    one of the best stories I heard, from our drummer murray, was he and his mum could smell strawberry jam , eminating from under the stairs one summer (husband & brother couldn't smell it), they opened the cupboard, and the smell dissapeared.

    they were then told by a neighbour that the old lady who used to live there (and died in the house), used to mkae strawberry jam...under the stairs.

    Murray also use to say to his mum and dad "I am off to play with the lady in my room" when he was 6 or so...

    nice lady ghosts, awww. bless.

  14. hey Lucky...

    birds tap at windows if they see their own reflection (crow family)...that might explain "rapping at a 12ft high window"....or you could have had a basketball player freestying outside your window?

    bird feather ... "appearing" .... hmm....sounds like it might have....blown....in ? (no, that couldn't happen, it MUST be a ghost put it there).

    Piano's playing is mentioned in the Derren brown book, apparently someone phoned in to a "psychic" phonein, on a london radio station "I hear my piano playing a key or two now and again", to which the "psychic" said, "this might just be the strings expanding / contracting making them play" to which the caller said "oh...taht's a bit dissapointing, are you sure it's nothing 'other worldly?'" - to which he replied, "ah, actually, I did hear once that piano's playing on their own are often started by fairies and the psychic resonance in the house" - "Ah!, that's what I thought it might be"....

    taking the piss, but completely unheard, as the person wanted to believe in the paranormal, not normal reason .... the need to be "special"...such a human need.

    • Upvote 1
  15. It's always a difficult thing, a large group show (at "that level" - of art).

    the idea is to take time, contemplate and think about the work...

    even my stroll on saturday (1 and a half hours) still didn't seem like enough...

    6 artists work to absorb in one go...difficult!

    I did it with the degree show, going back is always interesting, seeing things you didn't first time round, seeing things differently...all good.

    publicity and the MA....hmm....

    Gale (RGU press officer) is doing a great job trying to raise the profile, but I think some of the students could do more too - but, working so intensly for 3 month over the summer on a dissertation and show...doesn't leave much time for "self publicity" - but ... it's what any artist shuld do...

    but I guess it's a case of what the MA is for, for the experience, or "a show"...I myself used it as a focused learning process, I wasn't too fussed if my work wasn't seen, but when it was up, I wished more people did seee it (funny that I only got that once it was up! - steady!)

    I am still terrible at "selling myself", but seem to be doing a grand job for everyone else...I need to become more selfish!

  16. The MDes was the chinese girl's door handles, opening a box for each year of her life...again, more fine art than design! - I guess it's about process...

    I did see Mark's vids, but his fave one (he told me) wasn't working, "the dark drag one" (his words).

    I am going in tomorrow to re-look.

    I liked martin's execution, but he cornered me on saturday, and explained all the life out of the work (for me)...he wanted me to know ALL THE FACTS...(I'm not allowed to make up the answers myself, apparently)...a fault I often had before Steve Hollingsworth bashed it out of me... ho ho

    I did Like Kelly Connor's room (I like thommas hirschorn) - but was slightly dissapointed to see that she'd focused on using her BA work in the room... seemed like she'd spent a long time making a housing for old work, if there were "ghosts" of her old work (much like the inferred piles of ash in the "cooker") it might have made more sense to me, but, I remember her work because it was so strong last year.

    I did like the slates too, I have some strange affinity with slate (I've used it in my practice too) - quite "Anselm Kiefer meets Richard Long" in a way, I do enjoy the spectacle of "mass" - making something large from small component parts, it always strikes a chord with me...

  17. I've not followed this thread fully, but I'll wade in with:

    "and how many lp's have you moaners downloaded for free recently?"

    Is it not the case that bands are discovering that touring is a fairly easy way to make money, instead of relying on cd sales now...even if it is slim margins, no one can "virtually" attend a gig for free, now can they?

    I'd only go to a +20 gig if it was really special, and +100 for tom waits is fine by me!

    get thee to the tunnels or what have you to see some ace bands, put on by Interesting Music, Dizzy Storm etc for very reasonable prices....or are we only talking about "famous" bandzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  18. Hey!

    Rob Base & D J E-Z Rock ("It takes two") popped onto my iPod random the other day...and it reminded me of a double LP I used to own ('til I lent it to someone, who fucked it...bastard.)

    Anyway - I'd always rememberd the yellow cover, but never the name (other than "something with House in it"...I love the internet

    "1988 + house + compilation" - bingo

    "the Hits of House are here"


    DJ NAGEL (ALBUNS,CD-M & VINYL): Various - The Hits Of House Are Here

    you can download a torrent, if I am allowed to post that!

    original 12" mixes of S-Express, Bomb the Bass, the Cookie Crew...

    you must remember, I've not heard this in 20 years...and I am currently downloading now, so if it's shite - it's an experiment in nostalgia & memory loss....

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