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Posts posted by lepeep

  1. maybe he still felt the need to have some item of patriotic clothing on him (they look tartan I think). I wonder if at the time of that photo there was a mob of kids outside the window behind him and an alarm going off?

    hey dude, that's like, totally Plaid, from Scotchland isn't it?

    I think it's the clan McBorrowitz ?

  2. No. 2 would be the Death Church LP with the original foldy-outy poster. Had the reissue for years but it doesn't have the massive creepy poster. Staring at it for long periods of time could possibly change you irrepairably. Think it ended up around a tenner. Again, seen it sell for quite alot more a few times before I scored it.

    was that rudimentary peni?

    I had that LP...and in my "hard student days" was forced to sell it to one up for a pound...

    ah, hard times. I lost a lot of records to rent.

  3. 4156335630a6622380449l.jpg

    Enforced homosexuality after 300 days on a pirate ship has never looked so appealing.

    it's the photos of babies on the wall...and a stroller behind her...

    I guess "babie's at grannies tonight me-hearty"....let's mak anithir ain min.

    do you think those trophies are for cock juggling by any chance?

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