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Posts posted by lepeep

  1. At no point have I said I've ever shouted or been aggressive or abusive towards a customer, I just refuse to be polite to a customer who's been a dick in the same way I would be to a customer who's been perfectly nice.

    well, "you put in what you get out" was the basic message I am feeling...perhaps the example was a little too strong, apologies for that...but as I say, a downward spiral if you're going play tit for tat with a grumpy customer. (nes pas?)

  2. To be honest it's not so much the noise as the utterly anti social nature of it. Like I say, when I did go up last I got a balding, toothless 30 year old guy right up in my face, coked off his nut telling me to fuck off because I couldn't make a complaint unless it was after 10pm at night.

    I went downstairs and had a proper freak out about it, not helped by them pounding on the door half hour later shouting apologies at me. I'm not easily intimidated by things but living alone doesn't make this an easy situation to deal with.

    if anything, stick to your guns, but film it (secretly if need be). At least you can prove that they are being the cooonts that you say they are.

    We had a psycho upstairs neighbour - well, to my then Girlfriend (Gabi) - he was nice as nice pence to me (pussy bastard). He used to come home drunk, jump up and down, loud music , washing machine on at 3 am - if we banged on the roof, he'd go ballistic. We got the police out several times, they give him the usual "be nice mister", and fuck off - then he'd just go even more bonkers.

    the last time he did (a Tuesday night 3am) - we just upped and left to stay at Gabi's mum n dads in Skene. We then looked for a house after that, and serendipitously found the perfect place the next day.

    I wish you luck - keep a log & video as much as you can - solid for prossicution, if it comes to it.

  3. My rant is that Bank of Scotland are a bunch of useless cunts.

    Started a new job this month and got "paid" last Thursday - only the money never made it to my account owing to a series of blunders between BoS and the payroll company - a Elgin based bunch of equally useless cunts.

    My hard-earned is now sitting is a "suspense account" and it will take 10 days for the money to be returned to my employers.

    This only came to light when my wife checked our accounts, which means that the bank knew of the error and never thought to contact us. Cunts.

    My business is going elsewhere.

    I hope they collapse and fucking disappear forever (after I've shifted my cash, of course).


    I was "invited" to set up a new account (a while back now) - better interest etc...blah blah.

    I said "I don't think so, you lot will fuck up my DD's"..."no, we can assure you that that won't happen - if it's all from a BoS account to another one - we'll transfer everythign for you, and you just have to close the other account"...."I don't believe you"..."It will be ok, rest assured"....I did set up the new account....and guess what. I still had a DD coming out of the old account.


  4. + 9,000

    agreed wholeheartedly, if you cannot even look me in the eye and say please, thank you and other such basic human functions then quite frankly, i don't think you deserve any sort of politeness from me.

    I agree too (the people should say please and thank you) - but it doesn't work like that.

    a customer has the "right" to be a fuck head - and it's your job to be as nice to them as possible (and then they might realise they are being a fuck head).

    If you go off on a teen strop because someone doesn't say "please or thank you" - GET OUT OF THE FUCKING JOB and deal with the Private sector. You are on a hiding to nowhere if you expect Joe Public to be as nice as they should be!

  5. Got in one min. I'll remember next time though. To be honest, until now, i'd have probably recognised your bairn before recognising you.

    she was in with me a few wednesdays ago...mike and I were swooshing her around on the ramps when no one was in...she loves sitting on the board (coffin styleeeeee)...then she did a bit of Parkour, and got kicked out. ("the ramps are not slides" I shouted to her - 'til she cried, mission acomplished, I thought.)

  6. Not sure what your problem is. As a member of staff at the Belmont I'm fairly offended by your comments...

    of course you would be, defence is always the first response to criticism.

    I found Sharon's comment to be a bit of a shame, - that you have to know, or be friends with the staff before they treat you like a "respectable customer"...(i.e. be friendly back.)...and as for saying "it's up the the customers to be friendly, to get friendly responses, surely that's not right? - It's up to the employee to be as friendly and welcoming to anyone - no matter how they are! (not nice, I know - but, it's onto a downward spiral if you are expecting your clients to be happy, before you are!)...

    After working in One UP ofr a long time (in the early 90's)...I'd happily plumped with the phrase: "The customer is always shite" - but you still had to smile, and be nice. (Otherwise they'd shop elsewhere)....but, I guess because the Belmont shows films that other Aberdeen cinemas don't, I guess you might think that gives you the right to treat your customers as you see fit - otherwise, they have got no where else to go?...

    My Advice? - get out of retail / public facing work if you don't like dealing with Joe Public.

  7. Have you complained to the management about this? Sounds to me like something they need to be made aware of so they can fix it. If people are really being put off by this guy then it seems a shame that what seems to be a great cinema is potentially being put at risk because of this, and because no-one actually told the people that can do something about it.

    People don't complain enough.

    absolutly right, there is a world of difference between moaning and making a complaint.

  8. edit - firfox doesn't display that properly, as I'd put the "sub menu" outside the "top level" <li> tag... here's the correct code :

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tests.css">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

    <body id="men1">
    <li id="m1">one
    <ul class="subMen">
    <li id="m2">two
    <ul class="subMen">
    <li id="m3">three
    <ul class="subMen">


  9. what a long winded title... I've put together a neat wee "expandable" sub menu technique for a CSS ul / li menu....(if it has been developed elsewhere, I've not seen it (honest!))...I thought I'd share it with any CSS developers here...(no Idea if anyone is!)...anyway...

    the HTML

    <body id="men2">
    <li id="m1">one</li>
    <ul class="subMen">

    <li id="m2">two</li>
    <ul class="subMen">

    <li id="m3">three</li>
    <ul class="subMen">


    the CSS (the very basics - so you can expand on it).

    #men1 #m1 ul, #men2 #m2 ul, #men3 #m3 ul{

    to "expand" the subs, simple change the BODY id to "men1" or "men2" or "men3" - presto! (you can obviously change the id names to suit, and add more. It's the combination of the BODY id + menu UL id that changes the subMen UL - hope it helps someone. Peep.

  10. What i said wasn't a diss at ambient music as a whole - i do love a lot of it. A lot of the earlier Kranky stuff like Labradford, SotL and Windy and Carl, and most of the Type recs roster who show the prettier side of things, are great. It just seems of late everyone and their cat are releasing a limited edition '4 hours horror drone recorded in an abandoned house accompanied by swells produced from standing on an empty Ribena carton ', on double tape by a weird German label with a run of 25.

    I gathered that you were "into" ambient stuff, to an extent, I too used to moan about "whale fart music" (the very stuff you wer aluding to). But, Mike Palace is (and always has been) an excellent producer of dark ambient soundscapes, in fact, his "beat stuff" is no where near as good as his use of field recordings and drones. And I think all the "everyone's and their dogs" are on that list of free tracks!....I've no idea where to start, for fear of downloading hours of the same "droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss". But I would reccomend a listen to at least one of the Horchata tracks (but I am bias, seeing as I've worked with Mike on Videos and "tunes" before) YouTube - horchata - cyst (a beat song...after all that!)

  11. one time, i farted on a snare drum and looped it for an hour.

    I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that I'd like to hear that

  12. I'll give this a try, but hmm. I'm always a bit skeptical of people that talk about 'field recordings'. Two note drone with someone opening a can reversed and put through 7 filters is pretty much the easiest way to 'make' music.

    it's not really "music" though really... think of it as truly 'ambient' - play it in a dark room and you are transported to the place... I do agree that a lot of "ambient music" does seem easy to make, but the good stuff should make you feel something other than an expectation to disect the thing you are hearing?

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