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Everything posted by Teabags

  1. surprise nobody has spoken about them yet. read the review of the new album and the interview with them in the new Terrorizer so I got copies of the two White albums. and fuck, what can I say!!! This is REAL doom. the sheer intensity of the extrmely low bass frequencies actually makes your body feel physically wrong. It avtually made my nose run, my sinuses hurt and I think I may have drooled at one point. Its fucking amazing. Only ever to be played loud. As said by the two members of SUNN0))) "maximum volume = maximum results". your neighbours may hate you though.
  2. Well, 38 Counts of Battery and Painter of Dead Girls(the songs off all the splits) are pretty fuckign far from metalcore. Its alot more powerviolence/grindcore. Prowler in the Yard may be a bit closer to Metalcore, but its a far cry different from the likes of Norma Jean/From Autumn to Ashes. I'm listening to SUNN0))) and I think im going to puke.
  3. listened to first song. dont really like the intro, or the beatdown middle part. I can tell that the end part, faster, with soemd rums may work out a bit better though. Second song is more along the lines of what I though Evacuating Heaven may be like. I want a drum amchine or a drummer to start working on some of stuff. 2 piece grindcore. mwahahaha.
  4. woahhhhh anyway, bumped into Tronn last week in Berlin (they're fucking ace by the way, and I think they're planning to play the UK in August or something). I told them I was from Aberdeen and they proceeded to tell me that they were on tour with Starfall and then, at the eve of their UK dates, they couldn't get into the UK. They then told me that they got it sorted shortly after, yet Mr Bradley did not want them to do the rest of the UK dates (it was 20 UK dates apparently, so they lost alot of money cos they had to sit about in Europe doing fuck all for that entire period.) I aint saying one way or another, Im just saying what I heard from Tronn. But its pretty shitty seeing a band play, and then at the end of their set they say "please please by our merchandise, cos we really really need the money").
  5. few I forgot Gay for Johnny Depp Please Inform The Captain, This is a Hijack The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza Orchid [R]Evolution of a Sun Today is the Day Sutcliffe Jugend
  6. Send More Paramedics Agoraphobic Nosebleed Fuck...I'm Dead Impaled Nazarene Mike Hunt Circle Takes the Square Threefoundonewounded
  7. 3 Czech dates confirmed, but until we've sorted the rest of the tour we're not gonna post anything, cos well, things may change. should hopefully be playing in England, Germany, DEFINETELY Czech and I think maybe France.
  8. can you get me copies of both releases?
  9. im on one of the tracks yet I aint heard it yet. Still stuck in germany. But if its at all like what you showed of Sutcliffe Jugend, then I'm sure it. Loud and unnatural, almost queazy. Will listen as soon as Im back and see you Saturday my shango child.
  10. Teabags

    Free Cd!

    the guy from mass Genocide Process is setting up some Filthpact gig for us in Czech. They're fuckign amaying. hope they play some of the gigs.
  11. you forgot to mention Narcosis, Kaddish, Broken Oath, In Decades Decline, Standstill, Burning Skies as well as others.
  12. I'll have to get back up to speed for this when I return from Germany. The gigs going to be mental!
  13. I did it again and got: Wow. You're DOOM. You are a fucking legendary crust punk band from the UK. You must like alcohol, loud guitars, fast drums, and deep growls. Life can be tough, but you have the nerves to make it through. this describes me a little bit better.
  14. fav crust/d-beat is skitsystem, wolfpack/wolfbrigade (although it just aint the same with Jonsson on vox), dystopia, catheter(more grindy), doom, scatha, sedition and a bunch of other shit. but thats my favs really.
  15. so the only two crusties that took the test both got BESK?? I wanted to be fucking Skitsystem, Doom or fucking Wolfpack!
  16. well, I've met Todd from His Hero is Gone/Severed Head of State/Tragedy a couplem of times. and I am pretty sure he don't really care much for soap.
  17. I'm actually in Filthpact,. but the test said I was BESK. You are BESK. You come from Sweden, the mecca of crust, and home to some pretty heavy bands. YOU ARE CRUST AS FUCK. You are loud, heavy, and hate war.
  18. people with usernames that have something to do with metallica are gay. officially. cos I am the LAW (in Norwegian)
  19. soak a cheese grater in vinegar and get to work with it upon your scrotum. do that for 5 minutes and there'll be emotions runnning riot.
  20. Pictures available on www.vomitus.tk now. thanks to Mordred for the photos.
  21. No Pints were good. Kikrs vocals a bit low. Midasuno were good. thought they might of went a bit over the top with the stage show at some points,. but oh well. Karloff were good, but Ive seen them do much better. The lack of a pit, apart form me and Ant at the end was annoying. The Lemon tree with The Dangerfields should eb quality though. Never stayed for Monkey boy.
  22. wve are black metal. wve are kvlt and tr00 and n3kr0. it was unholy. we return to the Aberdeen Shores, July 30th, with Knifed and Boxed-In, at Dr Drakes.
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