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Everything posted by Teabags

  1. blast it out all available orafices squire! and Griswold, the best Id recommend: Wolfpack - All Day Hell(got this one on CD for 4 Euros in luxemburg) Wolfpack - Lycanthro Punks(thats the one you heard) and then they changed thier name and released a few, the best being Wolfbrigade - In Darkness you Feel No Regrets<<< fucking DEADLY!
  2. fuck that photo is DISTURBING! good to see STeve and Donny in the background though. I remember that gig. Ninth Plague, right? Fucking MENTAL!
  3. fuck off, I never whiteyd. I knwo what its like to Whitey, and that was just..........really fuckign stoned. walking through dark alleys listening to pig Destroyer, and shitting myself in the process fairly brightened me up though.
  4. Botch - The Opera Song (its actually O' Fortuna) Yacopsae - Boy's Don't Cry Apoacalyptica - The Hall of the Mountain King Pig Destroyer - Fuck You Up And Get You High
  5. Id be up for playing some guitar for that. I could even fashion myself a devilock.
  6. Gonna be a killer gig with some Czech and Finnish Grind/Crust mayhem plus the ULTIMAtE in Aberdeen Death Metal Bonesaw. Lets gove Scottie a good send off with some head banging and m,oshing, and while we're at it, give some good vibes to our Czech and Finnish visitors. If yuo really wanna see Filthpact, the 29th at Drakes with Easpa Measa (the ULTIMATE in Irish Crust) and locals Evacuating Heaven. Kicks off our euro tour and we should have the split with Afterbirth available by then. but fuck that, roll on Thursday, its gonna be brutal!!!
  7. "Cuz its a LONG WAY to the shop if ye wan' a Sausage Roll!!!"
  8. and there was Wolfpack and Send More Paramedics!!!! and you made a Wolfpack fan out of Griswold apparently! YASSSS!
  9. Id be getting moist as well if it wasn't for the fact that the Glasgow date is the same date as Magrudergrind and Filthpact in Dundee. FUCK PISS ARSE CUNT SHIT FUCK TIT BALLS BOOB SHIT FUCK!
  10. Slaxxxmal - Wind of Change (Cover of the Scorpions apparently) Zombie Sneak Attack - Fuck Metallica
  11. been meaning to check them out, but aint got around to it yet.
  12. Also, Keilan, do you realise that on all the ID2 tags on the mp3s you have named the band "Eradciate" rather than Eradicate?? you fucking numpty!!
  13. yeah, but have you seen the video of them playing live in leven?? Cos I have. and Jacko still has it
  14. emmm, the only two bands I mentioned were Send More Paramedics and Cannibal Corpse. The things I said each band equal were songs by each band.? re-instating the fact that you are.....THICK AS SHIT!
  15. have to pouint out that its Dropdead. unless there is another band with the same name.
  16. Cannibal Corpse = Hammer Smashed Face, Stripped Raped and Strangled, blah blah blah, blood and gore etc. Send More Paramedics = Zombie Sweetheart, Zombie Crew, Bokor, Desert of skulls etc etc etc zombies, eating brains, evil dead etc etc. So on one hand you have a metal band doing blast beats with some guy incoherently gutteraly growling, and in the other you have a thrashy punk band with some guy shouting/singing coherently about eating brains, being undead and hanging out at rock gigs with his zombie friends. And you say they are alike?? Christ.......you're thick as shit!
  17. melodic punk piss. their shirts were cool cos the back said "Everything Except DIY Punk is SHit", but the band were shit as well, so....
  18. I could start being anal and seperate all abdns into sub genres liek powerviolence, grindcore, mathcore, screamo and crustgrind, bbut I wont. Assuck, Yacopsae, Nasum, Quattro Stagioni, The Suicide Handbook, Catheter, Carcass, Napalm Death, Spazz, The Process, Anal Cunt, Brutal truth, Dying Fetus, Necrophagist, Shank, Mexican Bandit Moustache(yes, Tom fucking owns!), 324, Today is the Day, The Confusion of a Raped Animal, Gigantic Brain, Mike Hunt, Fastard, Fuck...I'm Dead, Rotten Sound, Abbadon Incarnate, Cephalic Carnage, Captain Cleanoff, the Locust and many others. and most of all Pig Destroyer and Agoraphobic Nosebleed oooh, Filthpact are playing with Daughters in Munich next month. Lets hope they aint pretentious wankers.
  19. The Hallowed anbd The heathen is one of my fav albums by a British band just now. They are indeed fuckign ace. espeically Bokor and Zombie Crew. unfortunately the members other band "One Car Pile-Up" who played Drakes a while ago are shite.
  20. I'm picky. if Mastodon had come out with what I've heard first, I dont think I would have payed as much attention to them. Sure, while they still have some immense riffs, and of course, Brann Dailor is one fucking hell of a drummer, and no one can fault him, there is just something about the songs that dont seem to have the same impact, or any impact at all.
  21. had a listen to the album last night and I am THOROUGHLY disappointed. basically, it sound slike nu-metal to me. it was a one listen through, and after 2 or 3 songs, I started pickign random tracks just tocv check, and I really didn't hear ANYTHING that compared even the standard of the Lifesblood EP, let alone Remission.
  22. Black metal = kvlt and tr00 Should The Moorings maybe change their name to "The M00r-l-ngz" then?
  23. Scatha Sedition Oi Polloi The Exploited Fastard Svartskit The Fighting Cougars Los Destructos Karloff(punk??) EatYerGreens In Decades Decline Afterbirth Social Insecurity? Swellbellys and powerviolence Shank The Process Ruptured Spleen woo-hooo, Filthpact got a mention!
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