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Everything posted by framheim

  1. aw man, that fucking sucks. shipping news are one of my favourite ever bands. i knew he was ill but didn't realise it was that serious.
  2. framheim


    Chris' stagger. mwahahahaha. maybe i'll post pictures on here...
  3. this was also ace-ic when they came out as evangelical christians a while back: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/oct/09/insane-clown-posse-christians-god
  4. framheim

    The Olympics

    best thing posted in days.
  5. Ian black called into the Scotland squad. total joke.
  6. reynolds was an unused sub. you mean naysmith.
  7. Well that was... Ok. Good crowd and some positives but no idea what formation we were playing in the first half. We certainly seemed unbalanced with no one attacking on the left. Ryan jack, Anderson and Osbourne were stand outs for me though Magennis and Fraser did well when they came on. Vernon struggled with the hold up role and this seemed the main problem with our attack. Fair okay to county though, they'll be hard to beat thisseason.
  8. soundcloud.com/david-officer/you-fucking-cockaroach This is a track inspired by opening a door and having a load of earwigs fall on me
  9. framheim

    The Olympics

    is she a pole vaulter? *must...resist...urge...for...terrible...ladz...jokes*
  10. framheim

    The Olympics

    *googles leryn franco* suddenly very interested in the javelin
  11. framheim

    The Olympics

    The Czech beach volleyball team. I rest my case:
  12. framheim

    The Olympics

    we're all ignoring one of the golden rules of the internets here. pics or gtfo.
  13. framheim

    The Olympics

    she's no czech beach volleyball team.
  14. framheim

    The Olympics

    bullshit, i watched a women get smacked in the face with a hockey stick crushing her jaw. she walked off the pitch hard as nails.
  15. framheim

    The Olympics

    i was thinking about this recently and wondered if Aberdeen should try and sign some of the really good women footballers. we're priced out of top male ones but maybe we could play some great women footballers and really shake things up.
  16. framheim

    The Olympics

    Heather Stanning is from Lossiemouth, although born in yeovil. i think Daniel Purvis is scottish as well, in the GB mens gymnastics. edit: just checked wikipedia, dunno why i thought daniel purvis was scottish. sure i heard it on radio scotland the other morning.
  17. framheim

    The Olympics

    any top gun high fives?
  18. framheim

    The Olympics

    i watched handball after hearing everyone say how awesome it was. it was dull. throw ball up court, shoot, score. quickly through ball up other end of court, shoot, score. i don't trust games where it's so easy to score. give me a 0-0 draw with a tactical stalemate any day over that pish. I flicked over to the womens hockey instead and within minutes someone had taken a STICK TO THE FACE. that's a proper sport. there also appeared to be genuine formation and tactics.
  19. framheim

    The Olympics

    currently enjoying the volleyball, no idea what the score is but team gb are definitely winning the hot athlete game:
  20. there seems to be a lack of kids flying about on skateboards these days. a lot of the kids in stoney are running about on fucking micro scooters. i hope their parents are ashamed of them.
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