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Everything posted by framheim

  1. i had forgotten that existed, truly astonishingly amazing. thanks for the reminder!
  2. framheim


    food poisoning has been an unexpected addition to my weekend. (not the burritos I should add, donor and chips on friday night). feeling a little bit better today but couldn't get out of bed yesterday.
  3. framheim


    Dude on George street beside john Lewis, had a wee cart.
  4. framheim


    today - off into town for a burrito then camp in brewdog for late afternoon/early evening beers tomorrow - make some noise then head to sparrow and the workshop/min diesel sunday - chill oot. probably edit some photos and make a roast.
  5. cove rangers are a bit too close to glasgow rangers for my liking. play in same colours, similar badge, fuck that.
  6. TOMORRROW! It's going to be ace, both bands are awesome! fuck the city, get out to the country for some fun!
  7. I've moved this onto the main domain now and added a bit about ordering: www.davidofficerphotography.co.uk
  8. "We want to rebuild Rangers Football Club and in doing so return the institution to the standards it is known for" given that walter smith managed the club through much of the shady period then surely those standards will be pretty damned low.
  9. pet hate: mouth ulcers. particularly ones which emerge right where the gum meets the lip and so hurt your entire face. this is directly related to another pet hate which is being run down as fuck after a cold.
  10. Sparrow and the Workshop are a three-piece based in Glasgow consisting of Belfast-born, Chicago-raised Jill O’Sullivan (vocals, acoustic guitar), Welshman Nick Packer (guitar, bass, basstard) and Scotsman Gregor Donaldson (drums, vocals). The band's debut album Crystals Fall was released by Distiller Records in 2010 to critical acclaim, with the likes of Drowned in Sound and Clash Magazine awarding the album 9/10. The band is notable for their use of harmonies and bastardized instruments/FX pedals and they have been compared to bands as varied as Jefferson Airplane, Talking Heads and Black Sabbath. Support comes from Aberdeen's Min Diesel, purveyors of mindie rock. Sounding a bit like Joan of Arc, Dinosaur Jr and your favourite american alternative bands from the 80's but grounded in the north-east of Scotland. Expect intricate guitar and a big fuzzy chorus or two. £8, £6 conc. in advance +bf * £9, £7 conc. on the door +bf * http://www.woodendbarn.co.uk/event/woodend-barn/deliverance-sparrow-and-workshop
  11. thanks paime! james is a good guy and his gallery is ace, well worth supporting!
  12. cool, that's easy fixed. i'll try it in a different space and see how it looks. There's a lot more content that can go on to fill out the page too.
  13. cheers Adam, I'm sure I put it up as a download a while back. I can easy send you it if you let me know the resolution you need it in. Likewise, let me know the print size and i'll give you a price. Haven't put the ordering section up yet but it should be there later in the week.
  14. well it's time for my now seemingly annual redesign of the website. this time due to a hacking nightmare leading to me having to delete everything and start again. here's where i'm at, still being developed but interested in feedback at this stage: http://davidofficerphotography.co.uk/wordpress/
  15. being exhausted. busy week at work coupled with a wee cold has totally knocked me for six and i am completely wrecked. want to do lots of stuff today but don't have the energy to focus on anything. bah.
  16. I get to take pictures of a working beehive tomorrow. also going to record the sound. quite excited but a bit worried about getting stung.
  17. literally a pet hate.
  18. tics and their removal from dogs.
  19. yea i bought fortresscraft ages ago but never got into it. might have to give it another shot. i quite like having to work for stuff though, having to mine things makes the building more worthwhile.
  20. i've never played the pc version. it's good fun though, i tried to make a lava moat round my house but forgot that my house was made of wood and it all burned down. it's now made of big stones.
  21. I'm currently obsessed with building ridiculous castles in Minecraft on the xbox.
  22. was in the daily record yesterday that we tried to sign mcfadden again this week but were knocked back. at least we tried, always worth a punt!
  23. weirdly, we used it for roddy woomble the other night and it worked fine. maybe you are genuinely cursed? and, for what it's worth, you were still marvellous.
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