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Hardcore Mel

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Everything posted by Hardcore Mel

  1. In ToGo kebab shop last night buying chips, cheese and beans.
  2. versailles in winter is beautiful. a couple years ago we went and the fountains were totally frozen over. la defense is at the end of metro 1, defense. it's the very last stop.
  3. i'd go with the broons, which i also got. i get broons and oor wully every year, even though they stopped making me laugh when i was about 11. my best presents this year were a food processor, my wrist piercing, nigella lawson's 'feast', a kickass skirt, a kickass bag and some jewellry.
  4. i agree with holly and bluesxman here. the problem was that peter jackson didn't seem to ever want to end a scene. i got really bored during the bug bit because it dragged on. yeah, you got just how much danger they were in, you didn't need it hammered home for half an hour. likewise, it took way too long for them to just kill kong. i know that peter jackson wanted to show kong's nigh-on invincibility but it dragged out for so long that by the end of it i was just wanting kong to hurry up and fall off the empire state building so i could leave. the cgi dinosaur chase had about as realistic effects as a harry potter quiddich game. even when i watch jurassic park now i'm still impressed by the dinosaur effects, a lot more so than i was with the ones in kong. especially since they were done by weta, who were practically flawless in the rings trilogy. i didn't mind the cheesiness of it all, i just feel like it would have been overall better if they'd cut it down by an hour.
  5. From the Fading Ways mailout: We are very excited to have received a call from Cargo, our UK supplier/distributor, this morning, announcing that Ginger's new album will be ready for shipping next week. You can now place your orders at www.fwmusicstore.co.uk for only 8.99.
  6. "Worzel Gummidge Down Under" (1986) TV Series (special effects) kept that one a secret, didn't he. have to get me a copy of this!
  7. director is the word you're looking for. although he's involved as a producer as well these days (as are most directors). he's also one of the founders of WETA the special effects company who did all the CGI on Rings and King Kong and who kick ILM's (George Lucas' effects company's) ass in the computer generated department. never read lovely bones. what's it about?
  8. ryan's the one that's told everyone it was 5am close. think binky spoke to the bouncers about it though and they said that they have the option to stay open till 4 if it's busy and they clear it with the police.
  9. poor jonny lucifer is gonna be really upset that he pretty much missed this thread.
  10. yeah busy learning elven dances and helping santa finish the toys for this year's well behaved boys and girls.
  11. i'm stuck too. i can't figure out how to get the little green ball thing with the eye away without it attacking the guy on top of the gazebo thing.
  12. my friend felt a pair of fake boobs at the weekend because one of her friends had just had them done. she compared the feeling to 'you know when you have a pudding in a plastic tub and you poke the tube and it's kind of hard but also kind of pushes in.'
  13. you can still be up for best live act. there's a seperate category for best fudge performance.
  14. i feel the same way as tv tanned does about this issue and also because of their issue with piercings and tattoos. it only takes about 3 months for an std or hepatitis to develop (so said the woman at family planning last time i got screened) so a year long/lifetime ban seems ridiculous. especially as all blood is screened prior to donation. surely it would make more sense to ask if a person had participated in 'risky behaviour/unprotected sex' within the last 3 months and if they hadn't, then allow them to donate, regardless of sexual orientation.
  15. yeah i really shoulda known but i was desperate. thing is, my dad keeps insisting that it's what he does every time he feels a sore throat coming on.
  16. it wasn't so much a cure as total agony and a way to make my throat worse. i was on the verge of losing my voice a couple years ago and my dad insisted that the best thing i could do was to chew a clove of garlic, whole. he claimed that's what he always did and it was the best thing for me. none of my medicine was working so i gave it a go. it tasted horrible, made my throat worse and i reeked of garlic for days afterwards. binky lucifer showed me the wonders of beecham's flu plus in hot berry flavour a couple weeks ago. that stuff is the shit. soothes your throat, clears your nose and tastes like heaven. if your throat's still sore on friday, get some throateze or these eucalyptus cough pastilles that you can get from mickie's the chemist (i think you can still get them anyway). they come in a green pack that reads 'for singers and public speakers'. they work a treat even though they taste disgusting.
  17. i'm still friends with a guy who i grew up with. we've been friends continuously since i was about 4. i also starting hanging out occasionally with a girl called kat in the summer of 2004 who i'd been friends with when i was little and she came to the first obedience school i did and after that we started hanging out all the time and she's now one of my dancers and best friends.
  18. the pogues/kirsty macoll-fairytale of new york louis armstrong-is that you santy claus? nightmare before christmas-what's this? destiny's child-bell carol the darkness-xmas time (don't let the bells end)
  19. yes! we had that yesterday! the bus was half an hour late from tillydrone and the guy still took a ten minute paper break in mannofield. considering this was a sunday when the buses are every half an hour (supposedly) as well. ended up making chris and i 45 minutes late for where we were supposed to be.
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