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Hardcore Mel

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Everything posted by Hardcore Mel

  1. because i was rooting for jake gylenhaal.
  2. why? i co-run fetish nights just now and i have a great time doing it. would love to continue doing it when i'm finished uni.
  3. i agree, although march of the penguins was really good!
  4. when i was really little it was a princess or a ballerina. then an actress then i went to space camp and decided i wanted to be an astronaut then i realised i didn't want to have to join the armed forces first so thought about being the first actress to ever make a movie in space then i discovered Taxi Driver and wanted to be a director then i went to film school and decided i wanted nothing to do with the film industry so now i want to have my own clothing store and run fetish nights on the side.
  5. stayed up and watched them with my mum as is tradition. disappointed that george clooney won supporting actor. pretty pleased with the rest of the results, except for best animated feature because i fail to see the appeal of wallace and gromit and thought miyazake deserved it because he's an animation genius. feels like the ceremony is losing it's magic more and more each year as they try and keep to time. jon stewart was a shit choice for host.
  6. man that was the good shit! i've seen pictures of binky asleep with cigarettes up his nose. shel and i fell over in the snow outside the kebab shop.
  7. what a great night! what i mess i was in by the end of it. i didn't know who or where i was. psycho brought sweet happy tears to my eyes.
  8. what? no one told me this! doh just checked all music discussion.
  9. maybe i'll spot bobby next wed when i go down for monster magnet. i hope i do!
  10. it's in a really nice area, and the pics seem fine. only thing that would worry me is whether i could check out any time i like but never leave. but that's just a bit of eagles humour. if you're staying in saint germaine and the weather is decent, you'll be able to walk to most of the major tourist sites. like val said, buy a carnet of metro tickets but only really use them to get to the out of the way places. last time i went i walked about 9 miles a day just around paris, and stumbled upon loads of little hidden treasures that you wouldn't normally see if you were just taking the metro everywhere. i love paris. wish i was there just now.
  11. spotted last night, on my sofa, steaming drunk, falling asleep mid-giggle. we were reading the new cookbook i acquired at captain tom's 'rock n roll recipes' and laughing at such amusing titles as 'fleetwood mac-aroni and cheese' and 'will you still love me tamale' when suddenly mid-burst of laughter there was silence. craigy had KOd and there was no waking him.
  12. what's uncool about tom petty? man, when i was twelve i had this red leather harley davidson jacket that had chains all over it. my dad had picked it up from the states for my birthday because i was going through my 'all things harley' phase (i used to pin up pictures of choppers on my bedroom walls while the rest of my classmates were pinning up take that posters) and it was the coolest damn jacket in the world. only my mother told me that i didn't want to be known around town as 'that girl with the red leather chains jacket' even though to this day i wouldn't mind being known as that. so she banished it to the confines of my wardrobe till we could return it the next time we were in the states for something 'less obnoxious'. my only enjoyment i got from that damn jacket was listening to 'into the great wide open' by tom petty and jingling my leather jacket chains along to the jingle sound after the line 'his leather jacket it had chains that would jingle.' ahhh those were the days.
  13. i have tomorrow day to make my dress. eek!
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