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Everything posted by PrincessHolly

  1. There just aren't any cartoons that I particularly love or watch religiously. Reading comics is far more fun because you can imagine the pictures moving all by yourself!!
  2. if i put that my favourite food is Blood i discover that Elton John wants t bang me 138 times. *shudders*
  3. woo i get Brad Pitt. Yummy.
  4. I'm so glad I didn't see that. People dressed as bears, gorillas, spongebob and such frighten the shit out of me. I was in that pagazzi shop at the beach just before xmas after a particularly drunken night and everyone was dressed as a sexy santa or an angel then all of a sudden this motherfucking gorilla appeared out of nowhere. I was sure I was having some sort of trip and promptly fell over. Which made him talk to me. Which made it worse!!
  5. I served you yesterday. Then somebody asked me why I wasn't speaking to Dave. Because they didn't know he was a twin. You should definately see Team America.
  6. those brian problems are a nightmare!! x
  7. I didn't know that!! He was awesome.
  8. At least you've been given medication for it. I have asthma which is mostly under control but sometimes chronic and a few years ago I had constant pain in my chest and my doctor told me to rest and drink orange juice. Incidently, my boyfriend at the time was a little bit ill and his doctor gave him antibiotics straight away. So a few nights later after coughing for several hours on end I ended up at hospital in the middle of the night, diagnosed with a severe chest infection, had to be nebulised and put on steroids for a fornight. It was three months before I was finally clear of that infection and all I have to do it sniff now and my doctor puts me back on the steroids straight away, I think he learnt his lesson there!! Sorry to hear you're not well, though at least it's not aids.
  9. Yeah I know the point you're trying to make. I'd be the same, I'd always employ someone clean over someone who looked like they needed a good scrub but that's a societal thing, you know that the smarter person would be more accepted with the public and therefore a far more suitable person for the job. I'm struggling to get my point across here in words that actually make sense. I was just saying that Crocker will have to change his hair because ultimately it's the customers who pay his wages.
  10. At the end of the day, it's more the customers fault that Crocker will have to change his hair. His managers probably know that his appearance will piss off a certain amount of his customers and they just want to do the best for their business. It's the same everywhere. Even though tattoos, piercings and "radical" haircuts are more "the norm" than ever, we still have to cover up and take visible piercings out just to please the customers who still think it was "better back in their day". What really annoys me though is the poster we use at the cinema to advertise vacancies says "DO YOU STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD?" Then you get a job and they give you a uniform and a hat to cover up your hair and you have to take all your jewellery off. And we're quite a relaxed company!
  11. I moved house just recently and when I was going through some stuff I found a ticket from a gig in Norwich that's signed by Jon Lee. I forgot all about it!
  12. Nah me neither, it's definately got a something about it.
  13. That is a really sad song, I used to listen to that album all the time when I first moved back here and hadn't listened to it for years until I gave it a listen last week, was in tears for the most part!
  14. It's only pricey for bottled water in the Astoria I think. It's a great venue, much bigger than Mean Fiddler and pretty easy to get to the front of the stage. Not very easy to get into the VIP bit but very easy to see everyone there if you like celeb spotting. Like I do. HAHA!!
  15. Yeah that katie melua song is the WORST. It's in an advert at the cinema so I hear it about fifty times a day.
  16. No thats what a bunch of touting wankers does these days.
  17. Really? I thought it was pretty obvious from the first couple of reads.
  18. I like your theory Paul but it's more likely he said "oh fuck" because it makes your mouth open whereas "oh fiddlesticks" is saidly mainly through teeth.
  19. good point detective! maybe the wife did it while he was asleep because he was snoring too loud!
  20. Yeah by the sounds of they're not picky!
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