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Everything posted by PrincessHolly

  1. what time are you getting the bus then? Cos I'm staying over with LynDsey and I'll be coming back the next day. I'm such a twat for leaving this to the last minute.
  2. Well if other people are taking the megabus I'll easily go with them I just don't wanna travel on my own. Ben gave me a lift last time but I'm pretty sure his car will be full by now.
  3. Did you not read the part where I REALLY despise public transport? I mean REALLY.
  4. Oooh this is very cheeky and I've no idea where to post this but is there ANYONE who can provide me with a lift to TBS on Monday 24th, even if it's just the one way??? I'd be so enternally grateful, I really despise public transport. Please help me!!! Holly xx
  5. I think it's more to do with the fact that everyone loves me.
  6. Oooh yay another "look how great I am because I like this band" thread. Fire in my belly: YYY's - Y Control Bruise in my heart: The Early November - Ever So Sweet
  7. It's been that way for ages, far from being emo, I'm pissed off because I have a great pic to post on the Party Monster community. Grrrr.
  8. I am so fucking lucky that I do whatever I want with my hair at work and they wouldn't even dare tell me offf about it. You're idea is great Crocker but I don't think it's gonna get you anywhere because John Lewis is a huge company and it's not up to your store manager to change the rules. HOWEVER, if you are working with food you should be wearing a hat anyway which they should provide you which should resolve the problem. Good luck!!
  9. It's several people googling all day. And it'll be the death of pub quizzes. We contantly cheat now.
  10. It sure is. February 14th!! As is the LCD Soundsystem album. February is usually great every year. I think it's because January is so utterly shit, nobody can afford anything so everyone waits until Feb to release their albums. I've been waiting for the Bloc Party album for over a year though so I'm pretty excited.
  11. Not to mention Death From Above, Fightstar AND Miss Kittin. I'm very impressed with February.
  12. oh. my. god. i missed this thread the first time round because I was living on the streets (a lie) and sold my laptop for candy (a lie) but I've thankfully just seen it now, very hungover, and laughed so much I've thrown up on my bed. Thank you very much fuckers. Honestly, best spew ever.
  13. there's a photo of me, drunk as a lord, trying to be a robot, although underneath it's a topshop top so that maybe makes it not count...or something...or nothing...
  14. yes but if you pretend you don't know what we're talking about then my previous comment makes me look like far less of a tit.
  15. About 1% of people I know are aware of who DFA are so shut your fucking face or you're totally in Scoop tonight.
  16. N.I.D. is a Ned In Disguise, just ignore Jimr, he's a huge twat.
  17. I think Air Hostess is maybe one of my favourite songs from last year, seriously, it's up there with the songs that make me have to jump up and dance straight away. I'll miss Busted, I liked them on Popworld.
  18. Ahh the one with James from Hollyoaks.
  19. I don't really fuck the publisher, he's not really anything to do with the records either, just the print. Bloc Party just signed to Vice Records though which is GREAT for everyone involved!!
  20. It's a magazine. You can look at their website here You can pick up their magazine for free in One-Up, Granite Reef, Borderline and such places. You can buy their records and fuck the publisher...oh no wait that's just me.
  21. You might be my new favourite person. A Vice fan who's into Party Monster. I hope you're not ugly.
  22. honestly Paul, it's utter genius. I can't find it on viceland though so I'll just have to show you when you stop being a loser who studies and start coming over to hang out with me again.
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