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Everything posted by Rach_69

  1. i dont see anything wrong with it. i dont wear band tshirts anymore, or baggy tshirts in general, they all sit in my wardrobe not doing very much hehe
  2. haha that would be awesome! a light saber one, for october the 2nd then ill have 2 for my birthday as a friend has decided that it would be the perfect present haha!
  3. thats so ace they should release that, im sure it'd do much better than the original!
  4. oh my god! i see it i see it!! but len doesnt have a bum chin does he? other than that (and the makeup) its creepy!
  5. teehee well you never know, we still have time! and if we cant find them then, erm, DIY ones?!? haha a trip to toymaster, trip to ann summers (as i wouldnt own such a horrible "toy" personally ) and some duct tape = VOILA!
  6. AWESOME!!!!! METALLLLL!!!! this gig will still kick ass afterall
  7. my only complaint, tall people should keep themselves further back! haha due to there not being a stage it was hard for ickle people like me to see very well. I had a perfect position to take pics of WSBB but then two tall girls pushed right in front of me so i have their heads in much of the pics as good fun though
  8. yeah man, i went to have a looky yesterday to see if anythings been changed and i was like "huh?" oh shit there's a wasp in my room silly bastards trying to fly out the glass part of the window im not helping, last time i helped a wasp outside i got stung. But then again its right above my bed and i don't want any surprises when i go to sleep tonight, argh!
  9. even Haigyman got some Rach_69 scene! i attacked him in the bassment and i dont think anyone has ever been so surprised to see me! ever! haha and i htink he made his first breast comment to me in person and i DO NOT look like Kate whats-her-face!
  10. some liverpool fans walked past me and my friends while at a cash machine tonight and one guy offered us 10 each to go back to his flat with him..... im thinking no
  11. Hog, i saw joo! just as you were going into the bassment, i was right behind you! Did you sing anything? i dunno what mine would be, the YMCA or something hehe havent done kareoke since i was about 6
  12. such a good gig! a great response from the crowd etc and very relaxed atmosphere, loved it! only problem was the heat in that place, bloody hell! was like a sauna! teehee all good though The first band, At long last is it? were ok, the guitar was really good and i was loving the double bass but not too keen on the vocals to be honest WSBB fucking ROCKED!!! i got quite a few pics but some really tall people pushed in front of me so alot of them include the tops of poeples heads... NOT MY FAULT IM SHORT! Stayover - not my thing at all but the crowd seemed to enjoy them as always WTW - loving the new songs, apart from a kinda slowish one in the middle, played come out and play which is ALWAYS a good thing :thumbsup: overall i say it was WELL worth the 3!
  13. and whoever gave me a negative scene point for that can go fuck themselves
  14. im always up for supporting the Atom lads!
  15. OI! that's quite enough of the "big" and "fat" thank you!!! no no, it only has 4 letters in it
  16. i think varied since then you get a wider audience and people can check out new genres of music e.g - someone may go to imagine to see Stayover, and get really into WSBB and realise that its a whole different kind of music that they've never really had the chance to experence before
  17. oh man, that is so cool! i bet they feel so proud
  18. aw man thats so sucky! hope you find a way down because if not i wont get a smile next time im in makro
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