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Everything posted by Rach_69

  1. well yesterday i left the shithole of Portlethen Academy for good (apart from exams) and oooooo it felt good! alot of the teachers told me i have to come back and say bye after exams, i get on with quite alot of them that ive had over the past year
  2. i found out about this yesterday and ill definatly be there even though Craig WTW isnt gonna let me in because i have an info systems exam the next day.... but ill revise in the morning before the exam and the day of the 25th and the 24th and shit loasds before that ;( LEMME COME!
  3. that is amazing! certainatly made my day!
  4. i liked it, wasnt too great but i laughed quite alot
  5. its all good, only monday and tuesday to live through and then i leave the shithole that is Portlethen ACademy FOREVER!!! :D :D can't wait!
  6. oh there was on time in 2nd year when the geography teacher (who was sooo annoying, had the most high pitched voice ever!) started crying because we were all throwing stuff around the class and she sent one girl out and accidently elbowed her in the face so when she came back into the class we all started shouting at her for it and she ran out of the class in tears. I felt quite bad hehe. I also screamed at the PE teacher (Miss Bryce, the bitch!) at the end of last year because i wasnt doing pe (Again, i did it about 5 times throughout standard grade) and she asked me why i didnt have my PE kit and i told her its because i didnt see the point in spending money on stuff that ill hardly ever use. She asked what my mother would think and i said she would probably agree with me that its a waste of money and then sshe turned around and said"Well im sorry, it appears that its your mother we should be getting up to the school for a few lessons on parenting because obviously she is not doing a very good job of being a mother!" i was gobsmacked. I love my mum to bits and she is a very good mother so i just went skits and stormed out. Told guidence but the bitch denied everything when they asked her about it.
  7. i love derren brown to bits, its fucking amazing! did anyone see the one where he had staring competitions with people? and some guy said it felt like his eyes were burning etc that was cool as hell the zombie game was awesome last night, such a shame on the poor guy though!
  8. i was/am a good girl i dont really remember doing anything too crazy in primary school ,except talking far too much in 1st/2nd/3rd year i used to get into shit with punishments and detentions, again for talking and having a "bad attitude problem" and just generally giving cheek to teachers i didnt like. Then 4th year and this year ive been as good as gold teehee
  9. i was thinking that when i typed it but i thought that since this is neither the wasteland of the black atom forums my posts may be left with some dignity
  10. hahahaha!! yeah id forgoitten about that bukakke one! Got the link sent to me a while back and i was like ".................ooookkkkkk...... what the hell is this?!?" its ace though
  11. nah nah dave, im ok this time thanks thanks for clearing that up for me, looks like some people cant make it then, eep
  12. aaaahhhh yeah it says the 30th wasnt sure if it had been a misprint on the flyer or something
  13. It was said it would be the 5th June but i saw a flyer today saying that it was the 30th June can anyone clarify which of the two dates it is please?
  14. the one where ritchie is too scared to leave the flat or go near the window because he thought he was gonna die
  15. you know what i mean! picky
  16. when i first saw it i was thinking "ah shit, he missed out the thumbs, thats a total shame" but then i noticed and it made my day
  17. stop using the boards to try and get laid! oh man, i've wanted to say that for soooo long!
  18. that's a very strange thing to happen indeed will be watching out to see if my cereal is moving from now on
  19. hehehe i love the wasn't me one, so so true! tony blair is a tool.
  20. utter.genius. yeah i thought it would be able the irn bru advert too, soo cheesey p.s i cant cook for shit (wasnt calling you a shit there)
  21. Gareth's looking for a job get him to do your job for you haha i hopew you get it all sorted, if not just leave, its only makro! but they probably wouldnt sack you, they are pretty desperate for staff at the moment are they not?
  22. ok, the really annoying frog thing - just saw a new one on the tv today, nessie thing and then i saw the remix of the crazy frog, WHY?!?!?! the voting age being 18 - VOTE LIB DEMS! people whos hair is sooo straight and shiny - even with GHD's my hair is still course and frizzy exams being gay - dont want to do them
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