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Jim Stax

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Everything posted by Jim Stax

  1. Try going in from here Blerr De Blerr Blerr
  2. Thought I would post a link to a blog that has some very interesting, and factual reading, around the Union Terrace Gardens shennanigans. No doubt some will state that there are other threads and discussions but I urge you to read heartely for new the new info avaialble. Oh and I couldnt be assed searching for the other thread! Blerr De Blerr Blerr: Philanthropy and Philistines?
  3. They, or should I say she, was trying to be quiet but clearly steaming and enjoying herself and was just a little worse for wear rather than just being ignorant. I think we all felt that they would leave or be asked to shoooosht so it just provided a giggle. Castanets were great. Quickbeam were lovely and in some ways the highlight for me. The Thompson Twin cover by the first chap was ace! The venue felt odd but could be a cracking place if given over to that sort of gig and promoter more often. Nice night and I had just the right amount of red wine:up:
  4. Do you look at the mantle piece when poking the fire?
  5. That could be any part of Aberdeen
  6. Face it though... None of us would say no
  7. Oh how we knowingly laugh when those that point and scoff at effort notice egg on their face
  8. Maybe I should invest for my near future.
  9. Hmmmm In this case for 'curate' read posting elsewhere on Ab Music with an open request for bands to play the night... What would we do without tinternet?
  10. I'm thinking The Foyer hid the stand or stands prior to your arrival and were chuckling in the corridor.
  11. as above or 'the thing that goes trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...'
  12. You speak to God?! Next we'll be hearing your neighbours say "he was a quite unassuming chap that kept himself to himself"
  13. Its like the pay-off at the end of a Python sketch! Brilliant! This actually made me snort laugh!
  14. None other than your attitude and language directed at people making genuine, and non agressive, suggestions! Clearly your a bit of an ignoramus and I'm not a fan of them as a species. Its also good sport seeing how far you will go before your heads pops off in angst.
  15. No because a mic stand is an essential part of equipment that would be expected to be supplied by a business running a rehearsal studio. Not so a mic stand. Buy your own Buy Music Stand. at Argos.co.uk - Your Online Shop for .
  16. Lets us rejoice and danceth in the streets!
  17. How about writing them on another piece of paper 'then' sticking them to the mic stand! Its all want want want want these days! No need to be a needy cunt eh!
  18. Hmmm It appears that some colour blindness and a well dodgy HDMI cable was actually the problem and not the console! therefore on the reliability front PS3-3 XBOX-1
  19. Cheers min. Tell me about the luck thing. Appears I was a cunt in a former life
  20. Got one, actually on the third one as they are shit too
  21. Can anyone that may have a had problems with their PS3 advise if mine has died? Flashing screen with what looks like digital interference and a solid yellow light on console. Had no warnings at all that anything may be up. :swearing: Cheers
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