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Everything posted by Gumpy

  1. say rico...i lost my wallet too.....and erm great show last night!
  2. still funny after all these years.... aparently he dosnt have a daughter
  3. union terrace gardens was fun until i got mugged by a junkie as he tried to get me with his needle....
  4. it was quite shit....i expected more sex...certinly not as good as the mighty brookside night episodes
  5. i promise i will stay awake
  6. so um....will aberdeen-music still get your 2 a month?
  7. oh well...someone cancelled the fun before it began
  8. its quite alright!!! working is enough to make anyone feel that way
  9. i thought it was fucking ace yoda wiping out two gaurd with a flick of his hand just made me laugh, it was great xx
  10. van halen-running with the devil
  12. phht...i hate the way you look........no im sorry i cant say it love you too much!
  13. well ive heard mixed reviews but yet to listen to it really...the comment that stuck in my head was that it is all one tempo throughout a song....agree?
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