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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. i have a cold so - hooray - i can
  2. youZ spelt with a z. you're too cool for me :'( nah, i wasn't directing the post at you (or having a go at you, i think you're one of the cooler members on the boards, so don't think i hate you or anything!) whether you like razorlight or not is a personal thing and i respect that (y)
  3. was that near the end of the set? i left about about 15 mins before the end to get a good space for franz ferdinand. i suppose, sometimes, when bands are complete arse holes about things, you can't help but dislike them, but at the end of the day, it's music. they're there to entertain and do their job. hell, if i was concerned about personalities then i'd end up hating the libertines. not having a go at you, AT all, just saying that i missed that bit and that i did used to go off bands if they were twats but now.. i'm not so sure. heh
  4. yeah, wtf was all that about? when they announced it on the sunday i was all "ahhh... hummmm.. i should get them quickly..." but after thinking about it, it's pointless, because it only sold out this year because of the AMAZING lineup, and i really don't think they could have topped that lineup (only radiohead and idlewild would have made it perfect) so i think i'll just wait til next year to get mine
  5. razorlight were great though!! we were going to kidnap the lead singer and take him back to our tent but decided not to. damn,
  6. DON'T. MENTION. MUSE. TO. ME *cries* :'( (in short, i was in the crush and got dragged out and had to watch the whole thing from a distance with ONE shoe. it was shit)
  7. i missed kesabian! i was so annoyed with that! also, we underestimated how far in we were in the franz ferdinand crowd, so couldn't see the killers. booo i was one of the twats who was involved in the crush during muse and got dragged out. best band was definitely the libertines though. even without pete, they were absoloutely fantastic and blew me away (..) the thrills were also surprisingly good, even though i didn't like their album much. the pixies were GREAT apart from the twat with the horn who was standing directly behind me. the strokes were also superb. i was bouncing away like a maniac. didn't see all of ash's set and i was a bit put off by the fact that i was pretty much at the back of the tent for one of my favourite bands. mull historical society are SO underrated and they're so sweet. aww. i'm still on a high
  8. ahhh. i was sure that i'd heard the gig being spoken about on here - i shall look out for the sign during franz ferdinand's set
  9. colour of fire.. that sounds familiar.. have they done gigs recently?
  10. looks like i'll be seeing the following.. SATURDAY: 12.30 13.00 Kasabian (NME stage) 13.25 13.55 Dogs Die In Hot Cars (NME stage) 14.20 14.50 The Glitterati (King Tut's) 15.15 15.45 The Ordinary Boys (King Tut's) 16.20 17.05 Funeral For A Friend (NME stage.. i'm reluctantly being dragged along to this by the people i'm going with, ARGH) 17.35 18.20 Keane (NME srage) 18.20 19.20 Ash (King Tut's) 19.15 19.45 Ben Kweller (X tent) 19.55 20.55 The Libertines (NME stage) 21.30 22.45 Muse (NME stage) SUNDAY: 13.25 13.55 Razorlight (NME stage) 14.20 14.50 Stellastarr* (NME stage) 14.40 15.25 Franz Ferdinand (main stage - then go to see a bit of the killers) 16.15 17.00 The Rapture (NME stage) 17.35 18.20 Mull Historical Society (NME stage, although it's very close between that and thirteen senses..) 18.20 19.00 22-20s (X tent) 19.50 21.00 Pixies (main stage) 21.30 22.45 The Strokes (main stage) yup.. my weekend is planned 8)
  11. hope they will. they played kef last year so t'will be nice to see them in a bigger venue
  12. ooops, yeah i meant to say wednesday the 14th heh. 5pm.. HOPEFULLY i'll have finished work by then, but i work just next to HMV so i should be ok
  13. Mull Historical Society are playing an in-store gig at HMV on Wednesday and will be signing copies of their new single. Dunno if it's of any interest to anyone but just thought I'd pos it
  14. They are still playing.. i think/hope :S
  15. i think i'm still pretty much into the same music as i was before. i didn't really get properly into music until i was 14. one of my first albums was radiohead's ok computer, and it still remains to be my favourite. i am partial to ska and the occasional punk band which is certainly a good thing, but otherwise i still would desribe my musical taste as indie rock/emo (GOOD emo - weezer, get up kids, saves the day, none of this shoutey malarkey) heh
  16. meeeeeee. leaving here late morning (about 11ish)
  17. FOOK. I don't think i can go this is shit.. problem is, i won't know til the end of august if i can go and tickets will obviously have sold out by that time. LAME
  18. muse are still playing.. as are the libs (just without pete). shame about bowie though >
  19. never saw it; gutted. but some of it's repeated tonight which is good
  20. i know it's past. was it any good? i was going to go but my feet were aching like a bitch after working from 10 ayy-emm x_x
  21. aaaaaeooooo biffy! i hope this doesn't clash with bloc party at the lemon tree..
  22. well i like them, which means you probably won't
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