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Everything posted by Penny

  1. hehehe, it was ever so dull.. swelling of lips tongue and throat.. yum yum.
  2. i might just fart in your face, and you never know when a follow-through could occur.
  3. i don't think im being whiney, im just stating an opinion that im sure a lot of rape vitcims would agree with. you try being raped, i dont think you would find those kind of jokes funny. or maybe you would. fuck knows these days.
  4. false. it makes my tummy hurt TPBM has eaten a banana with the skin on before.
  5. jesus christ!! literally.. thats really cool, but a bitty scary.
  6. i have an anaphylactic shock with fish, seafood, prawn crisps, seaweed.. anything water-dwelling.. im also allergic to chocolate, milk and avacados. the tests u get done for allergies are shocking, i was actually made to eat raw fish (which ive been allergic to from birth) and then i had a shock, and they had to pump 3 different chemicals thru the needle thing in my hand.. adrenalin didnt work it's a really funny feeling having cold fluids run through your veins up your arm, its quite a sickening feeling
  7. true. TPBM owns a string-vest.
  8. thanks, thats lovely. why do people think saying things like that is funny? it's not.
  9. at stared at that for too long without blinking, and one of my contacts fell out. oops.
  10. true. nasty swimming accident which involved me going way too fast and forgetting there was a wall to crash into. all friggin broken fingers. TPBM has spilt a drink on someone purposefully before
  11. oi!!! thats my future husband you're talking about. grrrrrrr.
  12. false. i don't like sweet things anymore TPBM sleeps with their favourite toy
  13. false. i've never been a woman. TPBM read a book this week
  14. agreed. *and sorry for getting off of the subject matter*
  15. it does look stunningly fabulous..
  16. 'skimming-landing thing'.. the duckie is flying through the air, and he/she spots a rather luxury stretch of water to park their bums, so they soar down to the water, lean back on their feet, and skim (using their feet against the water as breaks) to land. comprende?
  17. so that they can invite their friends round to play, and to get into the bath they need to do that skimming-landing thing, obviously.
  18. careless whisper - george michael. score. he's a dude.
  19. True. ashamed. TPBM is still in bed
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