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Everything posted by Penny

  1. yesh.. hurrah!!! well done *i still like the idea of piggy-backs tho*.. or, indiana jones style, cut the end of the bridge (hoping its a wooden one), grab hold of the end, and swing to the other side, and all climb up it like a vertical ladder or, get the helicopter right behind.. or, plan out your time of leaving the house more appropriately.. or, just be late.
  2. James and Cliff = 2 mins James walks half way across the bridge and shines the light for Kirk to see = 1/2 min James and Kirk = 5 mins James walks half way across the bridge and shines the light for Lars to see = 1/2 min James and Lars = 10 mins 18 mins.. so they're a little late, im sure the gig will still be fine or... James give them all piggy-backs and then they get there super fast!
  3. so we should start taping up all bird's bums so they cant poop on us too? and maybe we should kill all rabbits, so they can't poop in our gardens? and cats? i mean.. they poop too.. the world is never going to be perfect, but at least the government has started to take proper actions.. they can't just enforce new laws everytime someone complains about something, let them do things properly!!
  4. woohoooo.. just finished it, yeay!! i like how they all cheer in sync at the end hehehe
  5. i'm a smoker, but i still don't like smoking when there's not another smoker in the group.. i don't feel its right that i should be contributing to someone elses bad health.. i do love my smoking at the mo, but hopefully it'll provoke me into actually giving up.
  6. saskia should be booted out, purely on the basis that she is a munter.
  7. in a word.. yes.. i should really start getting paid for going there and always dragging along new/different people.. i am promotional penny.
  8. ach weel.. hopefully next time i'll be able to log it into my memory
  9. hahaahahaha!! even in my drunken haze of blurred eyes and random farting when i laughed? how classy *really wish i could remember* i do apologise for anything that i uttered. verbal diahorrea does seem to take over at times.
  10. oh my good gracious, now that is pushing it.. i was fuckered on sunday! no recollection of quite a lot of things that night..
  11. i'm guessing its a homeless guy, coz they live under blankets on the street.
  12. awwwww.. report it? hope your nuts heal up soon x
  13. elton john (he's coming in handy today) - can you feel the love tonight
  14. oh my goodness.. when did this happen? and why can't i remember?
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