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Everything posted by Penny

  1. i have a little(ish) hamster.. his wee name is gomez, and he's a big fat bastard! im starting over at uni for the fourth year running, and no im not thick, but i just found the course i love, and realised i wanted to come home to do it.. but i couldnt get a transfer role on being a 50yr old fresher.. that day WILL (in my case) prevail.
  2. i say hi to strangers, at bus-stops, in a queue, waiting at the bar, and sometimes i forget to say 'thank you' and instead i say 'hi'.. its quite funny how i slip up sometimes
  3. its fucking brilliant, but only coz its so over the top!! i now want to call one of my children 'sugar'.. and if i did eventually marry a 'mr lane'; 'sugar lane' would be an awesome name!!
  4. ooooh another.. Penny Tration
  5. i have to hunt out a man with a decent surname.. my options are.. Penny Pasta Penny Chew/Choo Penny Farthing Penny Crayon Penny Change Penny Whistle Penny Money Penny Copper Penny Coin roll on marriage
  6. awww that was so sweet, thank you. you just cheered me up
  7. i need some happy thoughts right now, my mother just said she hates me sometimes its hard to please all of the people all of the time.. im crackin up.. so my happy thought for the day is.. 'knowing i can go to bed tonight and dream of a fictional land'
  8. oooh i have soo many jeans from that shop, the old classic 'lee' jeans, yum.. but the guy kept tryin to scare me away by always following me round the shop, with cheeky side-glances.. i once fell over in the changing rooms, and he got a good eye-ful of me avec jeans around my ankles. fun
  9. yeh.. he's workin till 10.30 tonight, poor little man! apparently we are headin out again tonight for some crazy antics!!
  10. The culprits :- Penny and Chris The setting :- exodus The date :- 12/06/2005 The motive :- to cheer ourselves up The experiment :- smelling people's armpits The results :- our tummies hurt from laughing so much Sooo.. me and chris randomly started smelling our own armpits last night to check that all was pong-free, and it was getting hysterically funny on the many ways that we could smell without being too noticeable by surrounding bodies (my fav was the saturday night fever pose).. it then got a bit boring smelling just my armpit, so i started asking people if i could smell theirs, and it was surprising how many people actually lifted their arm so that i could attack with my smell-detecting nose.. it was all very random, and extremely funny to those getting smelt, and to the smellers.. it turned out that the experiment was in fact a test of what deoderants work, and those that dont.. and i can tell you that i smelt some very yummy oxters last night!!!!! it appears that B.O is fast disappearing, and delicious aromas are appearing!!
  11. awww man, i bet you're not a piece of shit. a lot of 'closed-minds' in this world, you'll always come across them.. but i dont see why you're gettin that abuse, when this thread is expecting honesty and open-mindedness.. sorry you had to get those i have a criminal record as of today, and im not a bad person in the slightest, im just a normal kid who made a mistake. a name beside your name somewhere on a file does not mean your a bad person.. once a criminal, hopefully a lesson learnt and a mistake only to be made once x
  12. he would be about 23/24 now if he went to gordons, if im thinkin of the same one.. had 2 younger brothers, one called andrew? otherwise it could be euan who went to grammar, would be about 20 now, his family moved to new zealand, and he's now livin in paisley or ayr doin a music course?
  13. look after your penny's (pennies), and the pounds take care of themselves.. everyone better look after me, and you'll all get rich quick heheh
  14. mithen? yeh, joanna, she was in my form
  15. the funeral directors is on the corner, and the house is on the hill up evan street, the first single house on the right!! and connie, i left gordons 6th year in 2002.
  16. as you're walkin up the hill, its on the right.. just past the funeral directors on the corner, its a long bungalow painted white, so pretty, avec ugly new house next to it. grrrrr. nah, i went to 5-alive playgroup down by the beach, but that was the only education i got in stonehaven, apart from learning not to swim in the open-air pool if u have an ear infection hehe. i went to yukky gordons. i was meant to turn out as a snob, ha, what a laugh.
  17. oooooh spooky!!! u live in stonehaven, im quick, i used to live in the house on evan street, the white one up on the hill behind the tall fuck-off wall.. those bastards built a house in my old back garden, on the dead body of my beloved rabbit. fuckers.
  18. you should come into sainsburys and buy a bottle of every ale, and beer.. they have some real funky names, and the bottles would look ace all stacked up on a 2-bit mantel!!!!
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