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craig deadenstereo

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Posts posted by craig deadenstereo

  1. check out ebay for the whammy pedal. they're around 180-200 new, but hold value well - maybe 120 on ebay? pure speculation like. The boss one would be pretty good - and you could easy get second hand for cheaps.

    Go see if you can try a couple out. I was looking at that Danelectro mini, but when I tried it out in the shop it just sounded like a cheap plastic piece of shit.

    Out of those danelectro minis I've found three good pedals - the trem, EQ, and phaser. But you do have limited control over them.....

    You should maybe think about getting an intelligent harmoniser or even splashing a few hundred on a decent rack fx - tc electronics G-Major or something. You can use it with your guitar rig, or as a processer for your home studio. probably 300-500 is what you'd need to spend. stay away from Zoom cheapy ones. Zoom is where good sounds go to die. plus they hiss like a rattlesnake down a strippers thong.

    Behringer would be a good company to look at as well.


  2. I can reccomend that you don't get the danelectro mini one. It blows donkey cock.

    You're better off spending a bit more money and getting some kind of harmoniser unit - you need to spend about 100 or so to get one with good note tracking.

    The ebst of the bunch is probably the Whammy. I know Rage and Muse use it for crazy sounds, but it does work as a simple harmonsing pedal as well.


  3. http://www.ramsay-street.co.uk/

    If you go to the episode indexes, you can see what has been happening on the Australian one, which is about a month ahead.

    Connor + Michelle back together

    Gus tries to kill Max and paralyses him.

    Toadie + Sindi get it on while Sindi is also shagging Rocco.

    Lou goes off to the bush to die.

    I love neighbours. best is watching both episodes - adds so much more to it cos you pick up on stuff you missed before.


  4. Originally posted by craig deadenstereo:

    Deadenstereo - Live Video

    Here's a wee video of us playing live - just so yo know what to expect on Thursday.

    It's a .mov so you need quicktime, and it's only 21kb.Some of the backgrounds on our site are 80kb. I got a new video compressor baby!

    I know it looks a little blocky, but that's not the compression. The source was a crappy digi camera thing.


    Ok, i totally fucked up.

    Here's the actual video. It's 4 MB or so.

    Trust me to work on the net after drinking two bottles of cider...

    Trust The Tale (Live)

  5. Well, thanks for the nice comments. We had only practised three times with Iain, so we should be better next time. A little tighter, so to speak...

    Technically, the band after us are our mates, But I don't rate them much likesay.

    We're playing L'Attache (Under the Rutland Hotel at foor of Lothina Rd) next Saturday.

    There may be a couple of videos of that gig up soon, once I figure out how to load .AVIs into Premiere, and get fucking Kazza Lite to work on my pc... argh!


  6. Blue Oyster Cult. They had some other great songs, apart from Don't Fear The Reaper. Try and get "Then Came the Last Days of May", "Burning For You", or "Cities on Flame With Rock 'n' Roll"

    Early REM. The old "best of" is amazing.

    Mad Season - Layne Staley and members of Pearl Jam. Ask Tav.

    Kyuss - Genius.


  7. splitsinglelarge.jpg

    deadenstereo and Stigma have teamed together to release a split single.

    1. Nothing Left - Stigma

    2. A Perfect Second - deadenstereo


    Stigma's music is going from strength to strength these days. I've heard a copy of the EP they're putting out soon, and it's damn good, a lot better than their first one.

    For people who don't know them, they're a three piece grunge/heavy rock/metal band from Glasgow.


    A couple of people in the 'deen have already heard this track, and the general consesus is that it's the best thing we've ever done. Spooky chords, a haunting lyric, and the big rock ending, courtesy of myself \m/.

    For people who don't know us, we're a rock band from Edinburgh. Here's how Alternative 101 described us:

    '...Edinburgh noise makers fill your ears with heavy ruckus guitar melodies taking fiercly from all the really nasty bits of music and conjuring up a wonderful majestic and mostly mad concoction that will tear your soul out - indie song smithey at its finest.'

    The cd can be bought on our site with credit cards, switch cards or paypal, for three of your finest pounds sterling



  8. After a certain point, yes.

    What determines the loudness of an amp is the speakers really. i.e. number of them, their sensitivity etc.

    What the wattage of an amp means is that if an amp is 100W it will stay clean up to a high volume. This is called headroom. Whereas a 20W amp will distort quicker.

    You could wire up the 20W amp to a 4x12 and if you crank it up full it would be just about as loud as 100W amp. I suppose if you get something that's 150W like a triple rectifier it would be louder than a 20W, but not much. You could get a significantly louder clean sound though.

    a 5W amp won't go as loud as a 150W amp, so there is a certain factor of wattage equalling volume.

    This is all based on valve amps. Dunno exactly the way this works with SS amps, but volume does have a higher correlation with wattage there.

  9. Yeah, my bad. It was something Stuart said in a PM months ago, and I never thought to check up on it.

    However we will have copies of our new single 'A Perfect Second' with us that we'll be punting. I'll do a proper post about that nearer the gig. Although a couple of people who've heard it say it's the best thing we've ever done.

    Plus, since it's a split single, you get to hear some of the new Stigma stuff, specifically their track 'Nothing Left'. Stigma are a fucking amazing Glasgow based heavy grunge/sleaze rock band, and their new recordings are the best stuff I've heard from them as well. They only been up in Aberdeen once when they came with us to play Drakes. Ask the guys from Jedi about them, or Manuel Braur. Their bassist is a true monster of rock.


  10. Originally posted by phoenix_down:

    i think the Q+A solo was probably written like that. i mean im sure he is a better geetarist then that. but dosent mean he always has to play amazingly fast stuff. i like that solo anyways. its quirky.

    I didn't mean I thought he was technically a better guitarist. The solo sucks, not because it isn't really hard to play, but because it sounds horrible, doesn't fit and makes me cringe.

    it can be quite hard to write a solo, much harder than writing a riff for a song, or even writing a part to fit a song during the verses or something. It has to have a good melody or good sound or something.

    one man's quirky is another's piece of shit. But that this beauty of life's rich pageant huh?


  11. Originally posted by Alex DeLarge:

    Solos are soo old! Its what they did 40 years ago for christ sake!

    Nothing wrong with solos if they aren't there just for the sake of it. Plus a solo shouldn't be all about musical masturbation and fret wank, but should add something to the song - another melody or something like that?

    There's a fair few solos on deadenstereo recordings and I like to think they are there for a reason and add something to our tunes.

    Plus I like solos cos it means I get to stand right up the front and be idolised by hundreds of impressionable young ladies who are questioning my sexuality as I rock out with a pink telecaster, possibly played behind my head.

    As for the other things mentioned in this post:

    1) Yes, the solo for Q&A by Biffy is fucking abysmal. I honestly thought he was a better guitarist than that.

    2) The solo for Freebird is good and should not have been mentioned in this thread, unless it was to say how much fun it is driving around with the 'windows down and the system up' (M style) when it's sunny liistening to those two guitarists soloing off with each other.


    [note the In Skynyrd We Trust T-Shirt]

    Shite solo - You Got to Fight For Your Right to Party - Beastie Boys. I'm sure it's by some famous shred guitarist and it fucking blows donkey dick.


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