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craig deadenstereo

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Posts posted by craig deadenstereo

  1. Originally posted by redmeat:

    :moody: :moody: :moody: :moody: :laughing::sleeping:X( X-(

    Buying an amp which you know is too powerfull for your needs and then spending more cash to make it useable is crazy. No attenuator is transparent and you still need a reasonable amount of volume from the speaker to get a good sound. The marketing-speak of cranked stack sound at conversation volume is bullshit.

    I've heard a cranked DSL201 through a 4X12 and it sounds massive.

    Yeah I used to play a DSL 201 too, and I did like it. However, I play a 50W JMP now and it sounds far better. But to get that sound at a decent volume you need an attenuator.

    201s use el84s. They do sound different to El34s, which i think sound better, and bigger somehow. Depends how much you care really.

  2. To be honest, they weren't that great.

    I can see similar things happening to Franz Ferdinand and a bunch of other bands signed for their images.

    You have to be a truly unique or exceptional to stay on one of the big labels.

    Hell is for Heroes had a couple of good tracks, but they weren't jaw droppingly brilliant were they?

    But, that's my view on the band, not the label situation in general.


  3. If it's a decent amp (if it's a valve amp that means yes), then the combo speakers have a jack on the end and then plug into the amp. so you just buy a new speaker (not instrument) cable and plug it between amp and attenuator and then the speakers plug into output of attenuator.

    To crank an lower wattage valve amp at gigs in vnues like drakes or that means 20W or less. that means el84s or 6v6s which don't sound the same as el34s and 6l6s. Plus, the smaller amps don't always have the features of the bigger ones.


  4. well, we have lots of stuff for download.

    I'd just prefer it if people had something in their hand. I love mp3 and a broadband connection, but we've got a lot of stuff up there, and I'd like to do something different with these tracks.

  5. Cool.

    I used to hate Death Metal. But I've been listenig to Celtic Frost whoare supposely detah metal. Not what I thought it was. But maybe that's cos they are old, Swiss, and are meant to have invented it.

    But I may be wrong, as I haven't doen extensive research into death metal history/cronology

  6. Originally posted by withoutaspine:

    rap? rap is crap. what you need to understand, in my craptastic opinion, is that there's a fine line between gangstaaaah and true hip hop.

    how could sage francis, mr lif, atmosphere, blackalicious be classified as crap?

    they use their 'gift of gab' to bring forward politcal, racial and any other issues. don't believe me? listen to mr.lif, emergency rations, before you judge all hiphop by the gangstar 'nigguh' tupac, biggy and all the dead people.

    fuck it.you want an arguement? think about what you write.i'm ready with the comebacks.weeerrrd

    eh, i don't get it.

    you write that all rap is crap, then I say that there are a few good rap bands. Then you say "you're wrong" but you also say:

    "they use their 'gift of gab' to bring forward politcal, racial and any other issues. don't believe me? listen to mr.lif, emergency rations, before you judge all hiphop by the gangstar 'nigguh' tupac, biggy and all the dead people."

    That's kind of what I was saying in my post. Public Enemy are pretty political if you ask me, that's what I like about them. I don't really like rappers how talk about shooting people and stuff, but I do like the other bands i mentioned.

    Maybe you're getting confused over musical genre semantics. I think of Cypress Hill, PE and Outkast as rap music. That may be "wrong" but that's just how I think of it.

    You say " there is a fine line between gangstaaaah and true hip hop."

    it's all rap music to me. some of it I like, some I don't.

    The "bling it" bit in my original post was meant to be sarcastic.

    Plus, maybe you should settle down a bit...

    fuck it.you want an arguement? think about what you write.i'm ready with the comebacks.weeerrrd

    Statements like that aren't really necessary.

    But, in conclusion, i think we are at cross purposes


  7. i don't really like those californian punk bands, and some of the newer emo type bands are starting to sound a little cliched. At The Drive In were good, but some of the stuff on MTV2 is a bit naff.

    I also don't like bands that have a pretentious image. I'd say Franz Ferdinand were guilty of that.

    I find it hard to take a band too seriously who are in a certain "genre" - who play up to it and don't try to innovate.

    However, from the above posts, I'd say that I think Sabbath, G'n'R, and Aerosmith are good


  8. Whatever are you talking about? (yes, this is chris, and yes i may have just been on an 'editing' spree!)

    They're proper pressed Cds, allegedly.

    And no, I still haven't gotten round to listening to your track in the feedback forum. Myself and my computer suck :(

  9. Originally posted by RomanChoke:

    Let me steer the ship for a bit.

    Re-emphasising what Bob said earlier, what were the reasons for Orwell splitting up? I'm just curious.

    Second of all I'd have to disagree with the Route 2 positive review....all of it. I'm very much not a fan of bands like Balck Atom, but fuck a duck! Route 2 have shown me that music can be played to an all time low. Introducing another cheap metallica sounding band but playing the music quietly whilst pathetically giving the impression they were good from their stage moves, was, quite frankly, one of the worst displays of live music I have ever seen.....Actually, yeah, definitely the worst.

    I just hope they find they're own sound and give us something new, or maybe just play something they've really created.

    Aye, Route Two sucked the big one. Shit sound, and an incredibly lacklustre vocal performance. That boy is no Hetfield.

    Also, their bassist player was the biggest buffoon I've met in a long time, and was pissing me off from the second I walked in. There is nothing I hate more than people talking to me when I'm setting my equipment up. That bass playing fool may just have to stick his lead in the amp and set a V EQ (he did that on the bass amp...), but I've got a shitload of things to wire and set up. Then find out how someone else's amp works, and then try and hear myself over the typical drummer "I'm gonna bash things non stop, even though they will sound like that in 5 minutes time"

    Drummers remind me of the raver guy who lives next door to me. He's got an incredibly loud car and sits and revs it for 5 minutes before going anywhere, even at 7.30 AM. I can only assume he is making sure it still works...

    Hmm, seem to have gone off one.

    In conclusion - Route 2 sucked, their bass player was a prick, and I'm a cranky bastard.

  10. I think the track is too long. Maybe cut down on the repetitions of some segments.

    I started the song, read all the comments here and still hadn't heard the solo.....

    But, all the others are valid - guitar tone is a bit ho-hum and vocals need to be much more prominent.


  11. He is the Hunterbird.

    I wrote a poem about him....

    Hunterbird was born to love,

    but often he has sought, like Icarus, to fly too high,

    and far more lonely than he ought.

    to kiss the suns of east and west,

    to hold the world at his behest,

    to have the terrible power,

    with which only gods are blessed, but me?

    I am just a man.

    He plays bass guitar

  12. Ahhh, a more accurate description....

    As for the guitar, it's not made from bits of guitars. It's a Charvel Model 7 (Same people as make Jackson) tele copy. Got a deal on it in the guitar shop where I work.

    As for the ebow, it was meant to land beside the monitor but decided to run off stage, and my hints to audience members to pass it back up were somewhat misconstrued. Who knows what they thought I was trying to say to them.

    It's not even my e-bow either...

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