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craig deadenstereo

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Posts posted by craig deadenstereo

  1. Fudge packing muthafuckers, I have a question for you relating to equipment for Thursday 8th?

    We shall bring a guitar amplifier. If you could muster one up between the rest of the bands, that'd be spiffing.

    Later cock smokers


    p.s. let me know next tiem you're doing a rock test, I'll come sort you homs out.

  2. I hate it when, because of transport problems, i have to use someone else's piece of shit amp at gigs. That pisses me off no end. Especially since I have a certain way of using amps with differnt levels of distortion via the volume knob - a process that I have honed with my guitar, pedals and amp set up but that is difficult to set up with new equipment in a 5 minute noisy soundcheck, with equipment that doesn't sound good that way...


  3. Metallica - Orion - What I think to be a "mesa" tone.

    Blue Oyster Cult - Last Days of May - Buck Dharma's playing and sound just works somehow.

    FNM - Digging the Grave - Bunch of session musicians huh? Nice classic/bit more modern Marshall sound

    Posion - CC Deville's Lead sound on the Flesh and Blood album is nice and thick, big boosted marshall sound.

    Van Halen - EVH's sound on the first album (The brown sound). When "You Really Got Me" and "Ain't Talkin' Bout Love" kick in, it's just immense - especially the first one.

    Kyuss - Demon Cleaner, a slightly fuzzy sound but nice.

    Stones - Beast of Burden has a nice single coil tone, and a nice feel to the playing (we all know tone is in the fingers, girls....)

    Slays me to say it, but the guitar sound on Stigma's new Ep (especially a song called "You're a sinner now") is pretty immense.

    ME - with my JMP and a good pedal....

  4. Never been keen on fenders - not rock enough for me. I'd take one like, but not as my main guitar.

    Gibson's are weird to me. they always feel funny - like the neck is too thick or something, but I get used to them quite quickly.

    I've been playing a Charvel telecaster recently, and quite like the guitar even though it only cost 200. Quite a light guitar and with a fast neck. Once I put a humbucker in the bridge it sounds how I like it. However, I like the pickup selectors to be in the les paul position - you can change them faster - mid stroke.

    I'd quite like to try out a Jackson Randy Rhoads V or a Peavey Wolfgang....

    The difference between Les Paul standards and Studios isn't about them being handmade or factory made. The standard has a maple cap on the body, and binding round it. They new ones also have new pickups - the Burstbucker pickups as opposed to the 490T and 498T or whatever it was they had before, whihc the studios still use.


  5. Cherrykicks were once again amazing' date=' disappointed with Radio Lucifer [i think I was expecting too much though and it is only their 2nd gig'] I prefer the Tijuana Switchblades stuff but they don't have such a piratey bassist, Deadenstereo were good and Neil Leyton was good but didn't think the bill really suited that style of music. After the out and out rock of the Kicks and Lucifer it seemed a bit strange to hear more chilled out stuff. Plus Rich Jones was in Amen so you expect a certain level of punk ;)

    Yeah? I thought it ws quite nice to have the difference between the two styles of music - keeps things varied. Though I didn't expect the Cherrykicks to rock so hard!

    I was very impressed with Neil Leyton - wasn't expecting him to sing like that!

    What's this beach thing? Am I gonna hve to get sand in my amp? ;)


  6. nah, if only one tube has blown you can just replace that with a similar make - should be alright.

    I used a 30th anniversary head in the studio on sunday. Absolutely "the shit". It's a toss up between that, a TSL 100, a Dual Rectumfrier and an ENGL Powerball for my next amp. Basically, looks like I'm going into debt.

  7. Track 8 from Around the Fur by the Deftones. Dai the Flu maybe? In the bridge section you can hear some extreme tremelo.

    It basically alters the volume in a sine wave pattern, with a selectable frequency (not pitch) and depth.


  8. We MAY have some cd-r copies of a new track we recorded at Chambers studio yesterday which sounds amazing. Called "The Ideas We Have of God".

    Believe it or not, some of it was recorded through a 20 marshall micro stack, and our keyboard player flew up from Birmingham to record his parts and add a lovely baritone to the huge finale.

    But yes, we are all looking forward to coming up.

    Quick question - do they mic everything up in Mosholu? Or is it like Drakes?


  9. Originally posted by bryn:

    So, what exactly is the definition of stoner rock? why are stoner rock bands called that? theres nothign particularly stoner about kyuss

    You need to get stoned and go on the musical journey that is Welcome To Sky Valley.

    Things will make more sense then.


  10. Originally posted by chris h:

    Craig, judging by your harrowing linguistic exploits, I can only assume you've been taking this whole stoner rock thing a little seriously. :)

    I've been meaning to tell you to check out Acrimony for ages - go fetch!

    You heard any Clutch yet?

    Also, Fu Manchu are quite good, although I find they get a little repetitive. Same goes for Nebula, who are fantastic live.

    Anyone ever experienced Electric Wizard? I'd say you have to be fairly committed to losing touch with reality to get into them....

    D'oh - drunk again! I don't even remember going on the computer lasr night, but my keys were next to it......

    I got a live clutch track downloaded - Immortal. the singer is ridicously rock n roll.

    I have a bit of Fu Manchu - they are a little samey, but fuck me - the riffs are incredible. HELL ON WHEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. I have some Opeth downloaded and on my winamp playlist. Normally I skip it cos I don't like it, but the othe rnight I was so pissed I couldn't be arsed getting off the couch so I listend to it and liked it. Although it may have been In Flames, Dillenger Escape Plan or some of the other metal I downloaded. Off to find some metal in my playlist i like now.


  12. Originally posted by chris h:

    There was an immense Welsh stoner band a few years ago caled Acrimony, i think they just released one album and an EP, well worth checking out if you can find them.

    apart from that:

    Kyuss are one of my favourite bands ever.

    Monster Magnet's early stuff, before they went stadium rock, is brilliant. 'Dopes to infinity' might be my favourite.

    Clutch and Fatso Jetson are mighty.

    I'm not so keen on the whole slew of generic stoner rock bands that followed aftre Kyuss, and a lot of the British stoner stuff sounds too retro (Cathedral and those kind of bands). Sleep were an experience, but I can't say i rate high on fire, they're a little dull.

    chrid i thought you'tr girlfriend had sappped the lioving soul form you., this is about hte only reasin i love you...

  13. Bannermans in Edinburgh run a good scheme.

    You can get the place for the night for free - no money down. You choose the other bands to play with you, or the venue can get toher bands if you need them to.

    They take the first 30 quid through the door, and specify that door prices have to be 3 pounds or less. For this they provide a sound enigineer, a big pa and full backline, plus someone on the door.

    You get to keep the rest of the money.

    So if 50 people come in, thats 120 to split with 4 bands. plus, since it's on the cowgate, if you get a weekend slot you get a fair few walk-ins. You can easily make 100 for playing.

    It's changed a little now though, they ask the punters which band they are there to see and split the money that way. I'm not so keen on this, but I suppose it stops unscrupulous "headlining" bands ripping off the other bands.

    No promoters, you deal with the manager direct.


  14. yeah, i played it through a few other cabinets.

    And at bedroom levels, maybe a wee valve amp would sound better.

    The main use of an attenuator (in my opinion) is to get the power tube distortion at a gigging level.

    If I don't have mine, i barely get over 1.5 on the master volume at a gig. I normally have the attenuator set at around 6 or 7 - it doesn't colour the sound much at that level.

    I play thorugh a single vintage 30, so I can get a bit of speaker distortion too.

    If I wanted a decent bedroom sound I'd get a v-amp or pod or something like that.


  15. Originally posted by Mouse:

    I have the same amp as Leckie, Advanced Valvestate and it kicks ass. If valve amps do sound better (yes i know) then I'm ready to be amazed because I love the sound on my amp

    See this was the point of my thread. I want to find out who thinks they rule. Personally I think they are average and prefer bigger amps, but I remember the dasy when I would have been amazed by them...

    Actually, I'm starting to think my thread had little point.


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