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Everything posted by Mouse

  1. Should of taken a photo of them Joe!
  2. Mouse

    Thin Lizzy...

    your damn right! maybe you guys could get a few Lizzy covers on the go!
  3. Can't remember my clean settings or OD1 on my Marshall AVT-100. OD1 is on a lighter distortion for playing more classic rock stuff, or light distortion stuff. OD2 my gain is 8, treble 9 and bass at 6 roughly. I mainly use a light reverb.
  4. Fucking ace guitar for 300! Top notch performance tonight lads.....you appreciate the live gigs even more once you've heard the EP
  5. That's always your excuse!
  6. You Bastard! I was gonna go to that but I got hospital on the 1st, and technically I shouldn't be going to SECC as I should be resting, but fuck that
  7. My ticket arrived today and is now sitting in front of me! It's only #9 aswell!
  8. I'll be in the car with the family!
  9. Mouse


    How was the reaction?
  10. Mouse


    Yeh it would be a good idea. I think everyone needs to hear a band as good as this, and sure as hell know there will be people starving for metal with the current boring music scene.
  11. John Myung from Dream Theater has played them, that's all I know. They look kinda complicated.
  12. Cheers man. I saw you in HMV at the Metal section (naturally ) on Saturday!
  13. And I amen't ment to be doing a lot of activities after going to hospital on the first....but fuck that, I'll definately mangage Atom the night after Maiden! If it wasn't hospital I'd also be seeing them in Newcastle!
  14. after yet another excellent performance on Friday, when will the Atom rukkus be brought next?
  15. Hey would the rest of you guys be able to remind Rass to bring my Thin Lizzy ticket (signed or not) to the gig tomorrow, that would be mucho appreciated!
  16. Black Atom is better than sex! Or maybe Black Atom is sex with guitars?
  17. http://landofthebeast.proboards24.com/ - register and PM me if your desperate for a temporary forum people!
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