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Everything posted by Mouse

  1. Awesome. A metal party for all!
  2. and of course I'd much appreciate it, plus it can obviously be advertised as a normal gig!
  3. Any chance of you guys doing a birthday gig for me 18th, Friday 12th March? That would be 'kin awesome, of course it's up to you. Just an idea I thought I'd give you advance warning of
  4. I'm definately in favour of a charity gig!
  5. The majority of rhythm then I ain't tried that one yet
  6. With the exception of your one!
  7. It's actually a stolen idea, well sorta. When I played at the Lemon Tree last year there was a Tele that was black, and it had that black perloid scratchplate and it was gorgeous. The fact I can get a mexican tele and do that for cheap and still have a decent guitar is ace! Oh and nice guitar Pete, wanna buy me that instead?
  8. Smash is good fun to play with, though my hands can get sore being squashed into a constant power chord position!
  9. Back to exile studios then? Or we could save up for you guys to record at the Mill if you don't have the cash!
  10. Well it sounded decent enough through the Laney's and considering it's only a single coil. Hopefully I'll get it for March. Though I don't like the mexican strat, give me a pacifica anyday!
  11. But won't you guys defintely do them all proper for your first album for EMI Then "Like Disco Never Happened", "The Half Life EP" and "Out Of Exile" will be the equivalent of the soundhouse tapes!
  12. I've always wanted a Tele in the future & really like the purple mexican one in Toms, and it's worn to fuck! I played and American but it's too expenive, too heavy and too twangy compared to the Mexican. So I'm getting a black Mexican for only 270 new through my school them customise it slightly with Black/Grey pearloid scratchplate and Seymour Duncan Tele Hot Rail
  13. on guitar it has to be Killers by Iron Maiden. I can tackle or improvise most solos and do rhythm on practically all tracks, great albums for guitarists personally.
  14. Only ones I can play along to fully are Wildest Dreams and Montsegur!
  15. So many Yamahas for quality and style, Fenders for the sheer classicness and versatility. One bass that has caught my eye is the BC Rich Beast, it's fucking huge but beautiful.
  16. Lol, I just said that after your post but honestly never read what you typed...weird!
  17. A few songs introduced but not more than half, I like a bit of surprise! Personally it would be kool if you could re-record Blind & Down...not that the songs are bad on "Like Disco..." but the production doesn't do them justice Also how about live bonus tracks? (I'm a right chancer me! )
  18. My dad's photos sucked, only like 13 came out of 46.....I'll get the best ones up soon.
  19. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6031
  20. Well some of his bands are ok, around half . And Alistair, I happen to like Korn
  21. Pah, your favourite band sucks!
  22. Whoops, mispelled the title!
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