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Everything posted by Metarie

  1. http://www.empireonline.co.uk/site/news/NewsStory.asp?news_id=16379 Remaking Evil Dead. it's an outrage. Not impressed at all. Grrrr. really don't see how they can even consider it
  2. it's really the mini one I'm after, it's much sexier plus i could get a purple one. And purple makes everything groovy Dixon's only have the big one and although it's the same price, it's just too big, I'd never use all teh memory. plus it's not, y'know. Purple. Ahem. Yes.
  3. Were can I get one of these babies in aberdeen? whooo, pretty I would prefer to buy one where i can hold it in my hand and not have to wait for delivery over the internet and worry about it getting lost in the post. Any clues? I've tried John Lewis's website and no joy there.
  4. I think most underagers go from 10.30 - 3am Didn't know Underage against the Machine was still going? thought it bombed on the first week?
  5. wait wait wait! There's going to be another Band Aid (why?) and they're going to re-record the same song as the previous one/s. WHY?! Don't try and tell me this is about starving orphans in Africa.
  6. i do believe you can buy a washing powder or something which is made especially for goths. Or not. For dark clothes in fact. Think it was from persil but i'm not sure. but yeah. I could put something in here about goths and blackness and general gloomy angst keeping everything black. But nyah.
  7. i'm in favor of the 'if you look under 21 please be able to prove you're over 18' thing. I know i'm being slightly hypocritical, i got into various places when I was 17, but some places are taking the piss. I've seen my flat mates 14 year old sister in the bassment, getting served. by all means ID people, but please ask the bouncers to ID guys *and* girls.
  8. it starts. how much longer do i have to put up with my boyfriend going all sparkily eyed whenever it's mentioned? How long until it's all over, just another big, fat, money grabbing disapointment?
  9. There's no way Brown would be as easy going as Blair. He at least realises that Labour and The Republicans are on opposite sides and he doesn't have to agree with everything they say. But really, is there *ever* going to be an American president who is good enough? In retrospect was there ever a golden age of US politics? It's just too much power for one man (yes, or woman) to have.
  10. unfortunatly not many places accept citizen cards as ID, apparently they're too easy to fake. Do you guys accept Aberdeen Uni student cards? they don' have the age on them but say in red writing if the person is under 18 and when their 18th birthday is. Have you guys had a scare? Seems all of a sudden there's a big deal being made about ID at the bassment/moshulu
  11. it's cool, i went throught the paypal thing and the new card has been registered no problem without putting in my PIN. so yeah, amyone who gets an email like that through 'paypal', double check it, not that you wouldn't anyways
  12. This is along the same lines as the Ebay post a wee while back, but I got an email from paypal telling me my credit card is going to expire soon (true) and to remove it and add a new one. I went to the website and started registering a new card when it asked me for my ATM pin number. I don't remember doing this before and I'm not too keen on doing it now. Was just wondering if anyone can tell me if they had to do this when they opened an account or changed cards? Cheers
  13. Something my dad pointed out (and I'm not sure if it's 100% accurate, so i apologise if I'm speaking shit) is that if a bar is a private club, say, the students union, then the council has no say on what goes on there. If this is the case, then surely every bar in town could become members only and therefore charge as little as they want. All they'd have to do is charge people 1 to become a member and that'd be it.
  14. Yup, even if you love the place now, give it a month or so and soon you won't want to go near the place because it'll remind you of work. nearly 2 years on and i still can't go to Millie's Cookies because of all the bad memories but so far the lemon tree is going ok
  15. I beg to differ! Papa Smurf is a Communist
  16. i've been reading them since I was about 9 or 10. i know them so well I can't even tell the different books apart anymore. Have to say 'So long and thanks for all the fish' was a bit disappointing, but liked the idea of Arthur and Fenchurch flying above london. Who was everyone's favourite character though? I always liked Ford
  17. hmm, you *could* try to look in other places. I mean, those places probably have waiting lists or something.
  18. got soaked walking home at 8pm but there wasn't any thunder and lightening till i was safely curled upin the flat, all alone watching a shit horror film. Which became a lot less shit with the added special effects
  19. i think the fact that kerry didn't leap on it and make a fuss shows it's probably true. I do actually have a reason for it, but i can't express myself properly I was wondering though what the consquences might be? It's obviously not allowed, but would they just stage another debate or would there be serious repercusions? If it was any other guy then his integrity might be questioned, but as it is...
  20. click click Pretty interesting and the excuse is pitiful. The leader of the 'free' world wearing a suit that is *that* badly made..? What do you guys reckon? Is he really that stupid to go on tv and have his people whispering answers to questions in a live debate?
  21. poor kid. scary that someone her age can get their hands on the stuff. But I suppose there's always someone at school who has the connections. Heh, a guy I work at was trying to tell me that snorting coke is 'respectable' which amused me.
  22. Yup, exactly! How many times has Chris gone out claiming he'll only spend a tenner and wakes up the next morning well into his over draft?! I agree with the majority here, it's not going to make any difference really. OK so you won't get 1 pints/alcopops/whatever, but if you think about it, most of those deals are only on for about 2 hours a night, or 20 minutes at a time in Mosulu on Wednesdays. And 1.75 isn't going to break the bank. I know a lot of us are students, but come on! >sounds like an old lady< You can't get much for that price these days!
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