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Everything posted by Camie

  1. Also when the police station is flooded and Hurley sees Charlie on his hand it says "they need your help". Also when Hurley went to Jacob's Hut or whatever he seen Jack's dad. Don't know what that means though. Bleh, I hate Lost theories, they're always wrong!
  2. You are forgetting the amazing pass he gave Langfield. Oh wait it wasn't amazing it was shocking. Langfield got the blame for that though as well. I thought he had a half decent game first half but he was shocking in the second and couldn't pick his players up. Our probably was that there wasn't any options and we were pushing forward enough, but that's been going on for a while now. In better news Wales beat Norway 3-0 comfortably.
  3. I was reading about the pay and the win bonuses the comeptitors were getting. pretty disgraceful tbh. Lesnar got $200,000 with a $200,000 win bonus. Mir got $40,000 with a $40,000 win bonus.
  4. All I can say is Seve get to fuck. He did nothing to pick our players up. It was definately not a 4-1 game though. If it wasn't for the Dundee Utd fans getting right up Clangers arse we could've went to extra time.
  5. Cannot wait for this. When he came last year it was probably one of my favourite gigs of last year.
  6. My lesson of today is to never trust Leeds on a coupon. JDV was appauling but so was the whole team. We just didn't look like we wanted to go forward. Foster had plenty of chances to make a run and never. I did think everyone was being harsh on Duff though, as he thought he did ok. Roll on Tuesday!
  7. Seen the first episode of season 4 yesterday. Have to say wasn't as much excitement as I thought but it was really sad with the moment with Hurley and Claire.
  8. I remember Mike and Angelo. The intro used to give me nightmares as a kid!
  9. Just found the first series online and just reminded me how amazing this show was! Why do they not make stuff like this for kids anymore? "The pupils are the voice of the headmaster!"
  10. I've managed to fry up some sausages and cut a potato and put the chips in the chip pan all whilst drunk. One of the most stupid things ever but was impressed by how much I could do whilst incoherant.
  11. Snow, snow and more snow apparently. Thought the replay had already been decided for Saturday? Surely they can't go back on the decision.
  12. Gutted:( Beadles About was TV gold IMO. Queue small hand jokes.
  13. Happened to my friends before and one of my neighbours has stopped someone trying our door. Best to have the door locked at all times. Complete pricks so they are. What time was this at? At night or day?
  14. Glad to see Hearts able to cope with a bit of rain.
  15. Better cookies, easier to load, design lay out is much more simple as well. I could never be bothered downloading it and then did it and found firefox much better.
  16. Haha can't believe they beat Hamilton. I reckon Dundee are gonna pip them for the title if Hamilton continue playing the way they play just now.
  17. Camie

    Royal Rumble

    Glittery? I wish.
  18. Fucks sake that was after Jimmy saying that on the deck apssing is how we should be playing. What a Duff-up. Ah well means we're due a win on Tuesday now:D
  19. Camie


    Brilliant! Although if i miss one i have a place to download rubbish quality versions of them Rebecca...hubba hubba?
  20. Burley got asked that question funnily enough and he seemed pretty confident which I thought was odd. Shall be good! What was happening with the Celtic Cup?
  21. Yeh I heard that but didn't you field a really strong reserves team? Saying that we were playing Aluko and Duff who are supposed to be fighting for first place so don't know what I'm saying!
  22. Same here. I hope I was first and gave a better offer;) I do have a megadrive at home but lost a lot of games and parts.
  23. Yeh I'm pissed off how people keep slating our penalties as to be fair that was a one off for Nicholson on Saturday as normally is pens are great. Not sure how Seve's pen but surely couldn't have been bad? Can see JC changing formation so Duff can get a game. Was Derek Young really the best player on the pitch?!
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