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Everything posted by Camie

  1. They cope well in Europe and Celtic reached the quarters last season. So yeh I think they would. Although on saying that, they did get humped 4-1 by Newcastle. Should never happen though.
  2. It's probably just the ASC that were fighting though.
  3. It's quarter past/twenty past the hour. Only runs on Fridays and Saturdays mind you.
  4. I get the 23 to take me home normally(as I live beside Stewart Park) but when it comes to late night buses the only one near you is the number 17. Which drops you off at great northern road.
  5. Touzani was fantastic. Hopefully this will urge Calderwood to give him more starts. Everyone had a good game and was very proud of them tonight. Losing those goals were crushing though. That fall for Diamond look painful, but got to admire his guts to get back into it. Here's hoping Atheltico and Panathanikos do the job next week.
  6. Has anyone caught the video filmed at lunchtime Absolutly hilarious! Reminds me of spaced where the guy creates a dance song in his head using traffic sounds.
  7. Well last time we had a big list of injuries we beat Dundee Utd 2-0 so lets hope he does do it:D
  8. Does anyone else find the constant fire alarm drills in Edward Wright Building at University of Aberdeen really annoying and stupid? They go off about 3 times a day, every day. What really gets me is that do they not realise that when there is a real fire and it goes off that no one will leave the building because they think it's a drill.
  9. Champions League anyone? A competition which you don't have to be a champion to enter...
  10. Don't let them in...I want to get a ticket on Friday!
  11. Apparently Ince seems favourites.
  12. I have 3 on video box set and it's really good. It's the season they take a big step forward in my opinion.
  13. Camie

    The X Files

    I do intend to! I was discussing this with my friend last night and tehy are amazingly cheap.
  14. First of all he is still of young age so you can say he's better than the rest when they were at that age. Second of all maybe he is modest enough to think that no one will add him because he is only a substiture for aberdeen...
  15. Although I agree with the mentality, it was the same attitude that I think got us beat against Georgia.
  16. He was at Hibs although I should've known that he was at Aberdeen too. Only recognised him from Champ Man 97/98
  17. Did he not used to play for Hibs or am I thinking of someone else? His pictures captions are hilarious.
  18. Camie

    The X Files

    OH definately I agree! Been trying to get into season 2 although it's quite annoying when you are a cheapskate who tries to watch them online.
  19. Just finished watching the feaure film. Really funny, and will make sci-fi geeks cream their pants.
  20. Ahh but it's only 500. As long as I don't get a bigger one(which I will never do) then i'll be fine.
  21. It's interest free, as it's a student account though so technically they aren't making any money. Even when I graduate I get a year to pay it back interest free.
  22. Don't get paid till Friday:( but will be trying my best to get some:D
  23. I mean the new season as in the one that is airing in America? They keep on using the peadophile joke, and try and make jokes out of Peter's laugh. Also why is Meg still there? They've exhausted every "Meg is ugly and unwanted" joke there is. I mean the last episode was that Peter found out he is really Mexican...WTF? The surprising thing is though, American Dad is still top class which is by the same writer. I thought the end of the last season of the Simpsons(before the film came out) was great and it's still got a few decent episodes. Of course no where near it used to be and never will but it's more refreshing than it used to be.
  24. I'd just like to make a point that Family Guy has pretty much turned into the most unfunny thing ever now. The new season is really dull and every joke seems forced. Even Simpsons is more enjoyable with some witty jokes(they rehired the old writers or something?).
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