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Everything posted by Alkaline

  1. I've been in your old flat (around 12 years ago), I may or may not have had sex in it.
  2. I'll take a stab in the dark that it's Jayne, heard lots of good things about her singing lessons.http://www.musicisourforte.co.uk
  3. Sounds like the sort of thing that might get someone into trouble at work.
  4. That all looks pretty decent, factor replacing the stylus into your costs if it's been well used.
  5. Amps: Denon, Marantz, Sony Speakers: Mission, Tannoy, JBL Turntable: Project, Sony, Rega You will definitely have to look around but there's always folks shifting things on for cheap.
  6. Wimpy at Codonas? Seriously though, what sort of vibe are you looking for? Could you hire Cellar 35 and put on a band or two? Function room at Portals? Depends what you're after really I guess.
  7. Hog was the photographer at my brothers wedding, his stuff was pretty good. Paul Mackie from Pallas did both my wedding and my best mates and his photos were very good.
  8. Cheers, thought it might be something to do with that. The only person I'd been aware of using one was the guitarist in Staind.
  9. I'm not sure I understand the concept of a baritone guitar, looks good though!
  10. I'm pretty sure my Big Muff Pi is a late 90s/ early 2000s NYC. Haven't used it much and would probably sell it if you wanted to go for the same thing.
  11. I lost my National Insurance card in 2002. Managed fine without it though, there will be something somewhere with it on at all times.
  12. It'll be on your payslip from the tandoori, oh, wait...
  13. Vegetarian then, six of one, half a dozen of the other.
  14. It could be, the mind boggles. You seem taller than 5'10" though.
  15. I'm neither so I assumed that was the boundary to me not finding it funny.
  16. It must be some sort of crusty vegan humour that I just don't get because I'm a cunt.
  17. It's not just direct that do it though, re-sellers like John Lewis do stuff too. Anyway, $40 to send in the itunes store is better than not getting $40 to spend in the itunes store.
  18. They usually have a Black Friday sale, nothing outside that.
  19. Yeah, this should be incorporated into some sort of "life skills" class that everyone has to do.
  20. But there's still an agenda. It doesn't matter how big or if it's a conflict, it's still an agenda. It's like saying someone is a little bit racist, they're still racist.
  21. If some of the money is not ending up in your hands for whatever reason, it's a cut in my opinion. Regardless of semantics, both are driven by agendas.
  22. But both take a cut and both have agendas.
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