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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. A chance to shag... I mean see, the 5 most shaggable females in Aberdeen, as voted for in the Fudge Music Awards 2005. I was probably the luckiest guy in Aberdeen on the car journey home! And yes Mr Lucifer... they ARE legal.
  2. Its advertised on the top of the homepage that Rachel McLennan is doing this gig... I hope you guys realise you haven't asked her to play yet.
  3. Convincing Kiss to ditch all her school friends and come to Drakes with me straight after her prom, still in full prom dress outfit kinda takes it for me. A gig with Lost and a French hardcore band playing was ace. Ryans car died for the second time and they were all desperately trying to find some jump leads, but ended up having to leave the car with a polite little note to the traffic wardens, begging to not get a ticket. Then the French guys told me that I should come and live with them in France and that we can tour the world, or something to that effect in broken english. Surprisingly, didn't take them up on that offer. Those were the days...
  4. Good old Dan Stayover, any day. And for the girls of this fair city I'd say Cat from Starfall. And probably Dee from 5FD.
  5. They didn't really appear to be that interested. Well, what do you expect, they were on a weak friday night entertainment show. And about 30 meters from the audience. I quite liked Charlies voice, but they do just appear to be Charlie from Busted + Backing band. Hmmm. Shame. They video to that song (stupid title) is very cool.
  6. Thank you for ordering those tickets. Oh, it's going to be the best night ever. EVER. Maybe better than Morrissey...? Well, you wouldn't think so!
  7. I remember Higher English being the worst subject ever. But Advanced Higher English is so good. Odd how things like that work out. In general (from my experience) Advanced Highers are much more enjoyable, relaxing subjects than highers. But yes, decide what to do with your life then choose subjects which fit this. I just ended up with a weird mesh of highers and don't really know what to do with them. Oh well. Living off parents forever looks like my main option just now. Oh, and is it Jane who comes from college to teach you psychology, whoever said that?
  8. Today, Something Bigger, Something Brighter - Pretty Girls Make Graves. Tomorrow... Something different.
  9. The New Romance - Pretty Girls Make Graves Blackened Sky - Biffy (although Infinity Land is probably taking over now)
  10. 2004 was overall the worst year of my life. Although it's had some of the best moments in my life so far, it's also had by far the worst. The worst weighs out the best. Hopefully 2005 will be better. It can't be worse than 2004 so it has to be better. I think I may still be under the influence.
  11. I got (from parental unit): Creative Zen Mp3 player, although it wasn't really for christmas cos I got it a few weeks ago. Calvin Klein stuff. A few books, cd's, dvd. 3 T-Shirts. Loads of Chocolate. They promised to buy my car in Summer, but comically got me a piggy bank saying "Im saving up for a new car!" on the front. I was not amused. I'm very hard to buy for so my parents could think of nothing else to get me so they gave me 200 in an envelope with "spend it wisely" inscribed on the front. Half of it is gone... The other present I got, I was actually told about on my birthday, but all the papers came through just before Christmas. I do have to wait til I'm 38 to get it though. And the rest of the family people just gave me money. Oh, and my Taking Back Sunday ticket. Which hasn't arrived yet. All in all, not a bad days work.
  12. Best gigs I've been to this year: Thursday Morrissey The Distillers Green Day Lostprophets Placebo Taking Back Sunday Thrice Coheed and Cambria.
  13. Crimes - The Blood Brothers
  14. Avoid stalkers. Make my band awesome, play every venue in Aberdeen and play out of town. Continue to bleed my parents for every penny they are worth. Not do a hard day's work for an entire year. Get a car. A good car. Calm down on the new found sluttyness. Get a mature, mentally stable long-term girlfriend. The one I want right now actually. Move out, preferably to another city. Keep all the friends I have at the moment. See Afi for the first time, and my favourite bands again. Get at least 7 more peircings. Never borrow money from anyone. Erm... thats about it. I might think of more, but for now, thats it. Not too much to aim for. Certainly nothing unattainable.
  15. The drummer in my band, Ailsa (also in Norman's Fetish) is an excellent drummer. Queen of the fills. Lucy from Broken Sunshine can hold a rhythm, and is actually very good when she has something difficult to do. Dee from 5FD is just ace. So in Aberdeen, i wouldn't say we have a problem with female drummers.
  16. Love at first sight... nah. I think the few cases of "love at first sight" were just plain luck that they ended up in love with that person. But it doesnt take as long as you'd think to fall in love.
  17. My parents and I disowned each other a while ago, so I'm happy enough with them.
  18. For the past couple of days I've listening to nothing but AFI. So good. Usually it's The Distillers, Lost Prophets, The Blood Brothers, Placebo, Pretty Girls Make Graves, The Smiths, Morissey, alexisonfire and the odd bit of Blink 182. Thats about it.
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