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A conversation about race

Guest Bob

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I have found that whenever people go on about 'PC gone Mad', they are really compaining that they can't randomly abuse people about their ethnicity/gender/orientation/religion in public anymore, and they want to continue, because they are bad people.

Also, no such thing as race*, what this person is discussing is ethnicity, common mistake.

*other than Human race, of course.

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I have found that whenever people go on about 'PC gone Mad', they are really compaining that they can't randomly abuse people about their ethnicity/gender/orientation/religion in public anymore, and they want to continue, because they are bad people.

Well that's another argument.

Craig Bodeker clearly sets out his intentions at the beginning of the piece. He is looking for inconsistencies in the ways we apply the term 'racist' to one group of people as apposed to other groups of people.

He then lets his interview subjects do the talking, using the Socratic method of simply asking them questions to draw out the inconsistencies in their thinking and arguments.

What I find fascinating about the film is that in many instances when the subjects are confronted by their own illogical thinking they just shut down. You can almost hear the crunching as a spanner is thrown into the machinery of their dogma... they come spitting and spluttering to a stop as the cogs come flying off; they try to change the playing field or fall into denial.

More amazingly, some participants willingly continue to contradict themselves, either unaware or uncaring of their double standards.

I do not prescribe to every conclusion that Craig Bodeker has arrived at, nor is race an issue which I particularly interest myself in, but I do find this to be an entertaining and thought provoking piece of film-making about the state of American public opinion.

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What I find fascinating about the film is that in many instances when the subjects are confronted by their own illogical thinking they just shut down. You can almost hear the crunching as a spanner is thrown into the machinery of their dogma... they come spitting and spluttering to a stop as the cogs come flying off; they try to change the playing field or fall into denial.

More amazingly, some participants willingly continue to contradict themselves, either unaware or uncaring of their double standards.

that is usually the way i have found with people with extreme views, they usually can only give answers they have been spoon fed and try and answer most questions by leading back to these answers. I remember when i was arguing with the two morons about lizard people and the wonders of david icke, i could almost answer the questions i had asked them because it was always the same. Infact i remember watching one of the videos and they actually said at the start "now when you tell people about this they will say you are wrong, these are the reasons you are right" so without having said anything they had already made it out that it was written in stone and 100% right. I dont know how this really ties in with that film....well you could say lizard people would be an ethnic minority, there you go!!

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What we understand as Racism is a power relationship, without relative socio-cultural power/status, there cannot be racism, eg a slave calling his/her owner a racial slur, is not racist, due to the massive power imbalance. There can be abuse, although, I would prefer to call it ethno something ism, as race is a misnomer.

I didn't watch that dudes video, as I could tell he was a mad one, from his trousers.

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Interesting film and it's true. You can't say shit in America if you're white. In fact, you have absolutely no clue what to refer to people as, even. Though, as I found HEY WHITEBOY is apparently quite acceptable.

It still beats 'scotty' or 'jocko' actually.

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Of course, and the equal right to live with the responsibilities and consequences of what you say. People can say anything they wish, equally, other people can react in many differing ways. Someone may decide to drop the N bomb, they then have to live with the consequences of that*. I'm all in favour of a maximum of freedoms, but I realise that what ever I say may have consequences that I have created, rights are balanced by responsibilities, ALWAYS.

Can we get back to saying shit now please, SHITTTT.

*Frequently there are real life penalties for being a gratuitously offensive idiot.

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Well, from the film, the ability of the black Americans to talk freely and hold quite strong views on immigration is evident, whereas the white Americans don't seem to feel they're able to express themselves unless they're broadly supportive of immigration. This is because the white group have been conditioned to think that holding negative views on immigration is racist whereas the black group have not been.

You should probably watch the film 'cos racial epithets are really not the focus.

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The last thing I want to see is some dude saying how the sector of society that encounters least prejudice eg white men, saying he is encountering prejudice, dull dull dull, there are so many people that get masses of shit all the time, and we are meant to feel sorry for this fucktard coz he is encountering problems in saying 'they' should get out of his country, or something.

If I wanted to encounter a strange whining sound, I need only step outside on to the streets of Glasgow.

If its about immigration, then that isn't really relevant to most of the Black population of the States, as they were whisked (whipped) off by sugar growing scumbags. No, I'm not going to watch it, not me, a)its an hour of my life I won't get back, b) I'd have to watch it at work, as the Video rip thing I use isn't lifting it. If I'm going to skive at work for an hour it'll be on something much funnier than this dude, such as...

Aberdeen FC forum from footymad.net fucking hysterical, check it.

But I stand by my analysis of the 'PC gone Mad' phrase, which is my main point, if tangential to the topic.

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I stand by my analysis of the 'PC gone Mad' phrase, which is my main point, if tangential to the topic.

To varying degrees I can agree with both points you make here.

It makes sense that a bigoted person would be against PC language but I don't think everyone who occaisionally finds PC language ridiculous is automatically a bad person or a bigot. I am sorry to hear of your bad experiences with randomly abusive PC-hating peoples.

The second point you make is bang on. Your posts have little to do with the film you didn't watch before forming an opinion on.

Choosing to ignore the evidence, admitting that you ignored the evidence and then giving your opinion on the evidence is probably the most negative and damming definition of ignorance I can possibly think of.

In brief, here is a statistical representation of how much I agree with your previous points.

Your Point #1 - "PC-haters are racists": I agree 0.001%

Your Point #2 - "The point I'm making is completely pointless": I agree 100%

Fine, well I don't know how you can possibly comment on it then.

Or what he said.

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About 2 years ago we took my daughter to tobermory in mull (its where balamory is filmed) and we stayed in josie jumps room and everything...My daughter loved it....Well a few months later a girl who looked identical to josie jump got on the number2 into toon...My daughter jumped up and started shouting her name but obviously it wasnt her....

A few days later i was telling this girl at my work this this story...Half way throught the story more females joined us and i continued with my story...I used the world coloured to discribe the josie jump lookylikey and all hell broke lose.....I am not racist one bit and believe every human has the right to live on earth....I was dragged into the managers office (he didnt make a big deal of it) he simply said that using the phrase "coloured" just isnt acceptable these days and from now on if describing i have to say black.....Well borked me side ways my ignorance holds no limit....Up untill that point i honestly didnt realise that using the word "coloured" was such a big NONO....Ive learnt my lesson now and have been educated that little bit more regarding whats right and wrong....

Anywho im not alone in my ignorance thats for sure....Its not racist/racism to be badly educated regarding other races.....

Ive asked this question before but here goes

Is calling a chinese person a chinky racism/derogatory???

Is calling a pakistan a paki racism/derogatory?????

Is calling a scottish person a scot/scotch racism/derogatory????

Of course i know the answer lol it depends on how you say it aparently but tbh that makes no sense to me...

Other than that i tend to stay out of any debates regarding peoples religion/creed/whatever

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I admit that I dived in thinking that I don't need to watch some video to have a conversation on race, then it turned out it was more some kind of homework project that asked of me more than I was willing to give, such as an hour of my time. What I do know is that the US mediasphere is full of people being deliberately 'provocative' and 'edgy' about ethnicity in a way I think is repugnant eg Rush 'Scat Muncher' Limbaugh to name the most prominent. This guy may or may not fit into that category, but my initial impressions were that he would mine a similar seam(y), and as such I'm not interested. Now I'll read a transcript, or rough synopsis, but an hour watching some low-budget whinge, nae me min.

As to the questions above



No /depends on intent, but in terms of power relationships, No* (Scotch is an odd one, only for Pies, Whisky and mist I always thought)

The aversion to the term coloured stems I think from the days when the only ethnic categories were White, and the rest lumped in as Coloured, meaning inferior. Unsurprisingly this offended.

* But it might outwith Scotland, in theory.

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Ive asked this question before but here goes

Is calling a chinese person a chinky racism/derogatory???

Is calling a pakistan a paki racism/derogatory?????

Is calling a scottish person a scot/scotch racism/derogatory????

Chinky and Paki are loaded terms though, they come with a whole other meaning rather than just where a person comes from . Words change meaning over time, and when those terms have been used in a derogatory manner for 50+ years in the U.K (which you must surely be aware of) it becomes completely synonymous with being inferior to whites.

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I don't get the 'coloured people' vs 'people of colour' thing either. I also wonder how that translates into other languages as they seem almost equivalent phrases... anyway, the typical reaction to it is way over the top and it's usually white people who are the most offended!

I don't think it's a case of political correctness gone mad. It's more that political correctness is entirely mad.

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