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Photos from Eric Euan + The Hostiles + Bloodnut + Ketamine Deco


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looking good flash

i take these are taken with the d300?

Yup. The biggest difference is that the flashgun is compatible with the camera. The flashgun I (tried to) use with the D200 came with from the F100, and didn't realise this at the time, but it was incompatible. Just thought it was awfully complicated and I was too dense to suss it out:)

Got a new flash with this camera and the TTL is working like a treat. Have the flash turned set to standard more and turned down a little for these shots.

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Yup. The biggest difference is that the flashgun is compatible with the camera. The flashgun I (tried to) use with the D200 came with from the F100, and didn't realise this at the time, but it was incompatible. Just thought it was awfully complicated and I was too dense to suss it out:)

Got a new flash with this camera and the TTL is working like a treat. Have the flash turned set to standard more and turned down a little for these shots.

d300 does indeed look fabulously good. i wants one badly but there's really nothing wrong with my d80 so i'll stick with that and save up for some good glass instead.

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ahh nice one, i've got the sb800

the d3 is the body that i want but sadly its 3 times the price of the d300:down:

Yeah it's the SB800 I'm using now.

As for the D3... being full frame you get the a related (but opposite) problem with lenses as when we moved from full frame film to digital.

The main advantage with the D3 (I think is) even higher ISO? And also because it's full frame but still 12.5 megapixel, the pixels are larger and therefore faster to react, meaning better performance in low light conditions.

With the SB800 it's possible to shoot in the bar without going up to 3200 ISO, so not sure that that level of performance is altogether necessary except at the darkest of venues. Anyway there's always B&W.

Do seem to have a colour temp problem in some shots though, the D200 used to work best on auto (though according to the manual it couldn't detect anything that cool), but am going to try the D300 on incandescent mode cos it seems to be struggling with the LED lights in particular. Not even sure that LED is technically incandescent lighting???

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shoot in raw, fix the white balance later in capture nx or lightroom/adobe camera raw. though you should be able to custom set the white balance on the d300 surely, be strange if you couldn't.

the handy thing about fixing it in lightroom is you can save your settings as a preset and just apply them to every picture you ever take in the bar as you load them up. of course you might even have a certain number of presets that you can save in camera as well but i've not played around with the d300 that much to confirm such a thing.

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What you need to do is get the Direct Link Code, which appears in the information panel under the Filmstrip in the Gallery. Just wrap an %7Boption%7D around it and it should work out fine.

It appears that the text "_thumb" is now being automatically added to links in the gallery. Sorted now thanks.

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