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Music Downloading questionnaire


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Hey guys wondering if you can do me a huge favour and help with my dissertation by completing the below questionnaire. You can either copy and paste into a word document and email it to me at cottdotton@hotmail.com, PM me, or copy and paste and answer in this thread. Any discussion on the topic would also be welcome. Thanks

Music Downloading Questionnaire

Instructions for completing- please highlight or underline your answers or fill in the text box.

Personal Info

Sex- male female

Age group- 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 over 40

Employment status- full time part time Student Unemployed Other(please specify)

Section A- Music Consumption

1. What is your main way of obtaining music?

Buying CD’s

Borrowing CD’s from friends


Streaming from websites such as Myspace

Other (please specify)

2. If you download music do you pay for the music you download?

Yes No Sometimes

If you answered yes to the above section please complete section B. If you answered no please goes to Section C.

If you answered sometimes please explain what factors make you pay for music sometimes but not every time.

Section B- Legal Downloads

1. How much do you spend on music per month?

Less than 5 5-10 11-20 21-30 over 30

2. Do you download single tracks, whole albums or both?

Single tracks Albums Both

3. How many songs or albums do you download per month?

(insert number here) albums

(insert number here) songs

4. Where do you download music from?

iTunes MSN Music HMV digital Other(Please specify)

5. Have you ever used a subscription service where you pay a monthly fee for unlimited music?

Yes No

Please go to Section D.

Section C-Illegal Downloads

1. Do you download single tracks, whole albums or both?

Single tracks Albums Both

2. How many songs or albums do you download per month?

(insert number here) albums

(insert number here) songs

3. Where do you download music from?

Limewire Torrent sites Other(Please specify)

4. How did you find out about these websites?

Through a friend or family member

Searching online

Other(please specify)

5. Why do you not pay for music?

6. Do you ever worry about getting caught for illegally downloading music?

Yes No

7. If you answered yes why do you still do it?

8. If you answered no why don’t you worry about it?

9. Have you ever uploaded music onto a file sharing website?

Yes No

10. One of the ways record companies are trying to tackle the problem of illegal downloads is by introducing subscription services where you pay a monthly fee for unlimited music. Is this something you would consider using?

Yes No

11. What would be an acceptable price for this service?

5 10 15 other(please specify)

Section D

1. Do you feel you consume more music since you started downloading than you did in the past?

Yes No About the same

2. Do you still purchase CD’s and if you do where do you purchase them from?

Yes from a record store

Yes from a supermarket

Yes I buy them online

No I don’t buy CD’s

End of Questionnaire, Thanks for completing!

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The title is how digital media has affected the way we consume music and the aim is to show how digital media has affected the way we consume music and whether this is damaging the music industry. I'm looking at it from the perspective of consumers who now have a much wider choice in how they access music, as well as the negative effects of downoading on record companies and record stores i.e Fopp.

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The title is how digital media has affected the way we consume music and the aim is to show how digital media has affected the way we consume music and whether this is damaging the music industry. I'm looking at it from the perspective of consumers who now have a much wider choice in how they access music, as well as the negative effects of downoading on record companies and record stores i.e Fopp.

there was more to fopps troubles than just downloading music.

i'll try and fill out your questionnaire later when i'm not at work.

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there was more to fopps troubles than just downloading music.

i'll try and fill out your questionnaire later when i'm not at work.

I know that. The point of the research is to look at the potential impact of downloading both legal and illegal on record stores i.e are people still buying CD's.

Thanks that would be great if you can:up:

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