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The definition of discrimination?


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How would you describe discrimination?

An example....

I despise homophobia, racism, discrimination of any kind towards others.

However.... I have no time for Jehovah Witness'

They come to my door and I give them shit. As far as Im concerned, by not allowing a person medical treatment by blood transfusion it is IMHO the same as GBH/murder. Especially if it is a childs life which is in effect in the hands of the parent.

When these people come to my door, I tell them this. Im sure they are told this every day anyway. It is IMHO like a serious mental illness, disallowing a person a blood transfusion all in the name of their religion.

I have respect for the vast majority of other relgions even although some have beliefs that I question however I feel that Jehovah's witnesses are laughable.

So, is this discrimination?

BTW one thing to point out is that if I would never discriminate against a Jehovah's Witness in a work environment or personally attack the person verbally. I question the religion and find it stupid but that is all.

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BTW one thing to point out is that if I would never discriminate against a Jehovah's Witness in a work environment or personally attack the person verbally. I question the religion and find it stupid but that is all.

I think you answered the question there. You would not have anything against someone from their beliefs and would not single them out because of their beliefs.

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How would you describe discrimination?

An example....

I despise homophobia, racism, discrimination of any kind towards others.

However.... I have no time for Jehovah Witness'

They come to my door and I give them shit. As far as Im concerned, by not allowing a person medical treatment by blood transfusion it is IMHO the same as GBH/murder. Especially if it is a childs life which is in effect in the hands of the parent.

When these people come to my door, I tell them this. Im sure they are told this every day anyway. It is IMHO like a serious mental illness, disallowing a person a blood transfusion all in the name of their religion.

I have respect for the vast majority of other relgions even although some have beliefs that I question however I feel that Jehovah's witnesses are laughable.

So, is this discrimination?

BTW one thing to point out is that if I would never discriminate against a Jehovah's Witness in a work environment or personally attack the person verbally. I question the religion and find it stupid but that is all.

You're not being discriminatory Scott - personally, I think all religions are open to question.

IMHO too many people on the planet hide behind religion as an excuse to do as they please (e.g. withhold on blood transfusions) or avoid compliance with local laws or acceptance of local traditions (the school Xmas tree fiasco was a fucking disgrace).

These cunts are a nuisance - just do what I do - tell them you're Roman Catholic and watch them disappear faster than a speeding thing studying velocity at the University of Rapidity.

Years ago, when I stayed near Ellon, I was having "fun" with a girlfriend, when another bunch of fanatics - Baptists or something - pounded on my door until I was compelled to answer - thinking it was the Bobbies (or maybe the girl's husband :O ).

Still being in a state on "excitement" I stuck my head round the door...

"Jesus loves you brother!

"I know", I replied, stepping out from the door and gesturing at my nether regions, "for he hath blessed my with this bountiful member"

Cue rapid footsteps, car doors slamming and and trail of tyre smoke into the distance....

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You're not being discriminatory Scott - personally, I think all religions are open to question.

IMHO too many people on the planet hide behind religion as an excuse to do as they please (e.g. withhold on blood transfusions) or avoid compliance with local laws or acceptance of local traditions (the school Xmas tree fiasco was a fucking disgrace).

While i don't know exactly why jehovah witnesses oppose blood transfusion, I'm quite sure there is an actual moral or religious justification they would give for doing so. I'm not saying it will be a good justification or anything (as if there actually is one), but i don't think they use religion as an excuse to "do as they please". It's not like they're all in fact freaks who get a kick out of denying blood transfusions and thought, "Eureeka! If we become Jehovahs Witnesses then we can use that as our excuse for doing this!"

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We had Donny Osmand's son doing his Jahova's Witness rounds in Elgin for a couple of months. That was front page news in the local rag for weeks!

He was the spitting image of his dad. Poor bugger...

I thought the Osmonds were the world's most famous Mormons??? (Bachman Turner Overdrive being 2nd most famous :laughing: ).

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While i don't know exactly why jehovah witnesses oppose blood transfusion, I'm quite sure there is an actual moral or religious justification they would give for doing so. I'm not saying it will be a good justification or anything (as if there actually is one), but i don't think they use religion as an excuse to "do as they please". It's not like they're all in fact freaks who get a kick out of denying blood transfusions and thought, "Eureeka! If we become Jehovahs Witnesses then we can use that as our excuse for doing this!"

I concede, it was a pish example. I just wimped out of the more obvious and inflammatory one about British motorcycle helmet, versus traditional cultural headdresses...and the other "headdress" issue that I daren't mention coz we're all PC'd to fuck these days :down:

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How would you describe discrimination?

discrimination is a bit like harassment (in a work situation anyway) in that it is down to the person who is being discriminated against's perception of the attack/comment.

e.g. if i said "hog is bald" hog might go "shit, so i am, fair doo's" or he could go "im sorry but you have deeply offended me, i now feel very hurt", doesnt matter if i said in in jest or screamed it to his face, its how he takes it in.

ok so the example is harassment rather than discrimination but it works something like that!

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discrimination is a bit like harassment (in a work situation anyway) in that it is down to the person who is being discriminated against's perception of the attack/comment.

e.g. if i said "hog is bald" hog might go "shit, so i am, fair doo's" or he could go "im sorry but you have deeply offended me, i now feel very hurt", doesnt matter if i said in in jest or screamed it to his face, its how he takes it in.

ok so the example is harassment rather than discrimination but it works something like that!

Well Doobie, its like this.

If you jested about my baldness (a lot of people do) I wouldn't be offended at all wether you were being serious or having a laugh. I actually like being bald, it part of being me.

However, there is a big difference between offending Jehovah's witness or discriminating.

I simply dont agree with their religion. Im not going to actually hit the person or treat them like shit in fact the person would be treated with respect unless the subject of transfusions came up. Although.... if I was Doctor, I would go against a Jehovah's witness couples wishes to not give their child a blood transfusion even if it was illegal and I would lose my job.

My best pal is a Doctor and he said that he didn't study for years just to watch a person needlessly die.

Some religions are pretty full on but Jehovah's...well... the no blood transfusion belief is IMHO more like a cult belief.

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Many Jehovah's Witnesses sincerely believe that it is a gross sin to accept a blood transfusion, since the Bible states that we must "abstain from blood." (Acts 15:29) It is quite understandable that many are confused by the position taken by the Watchtower Society (WTS) with respect to the various blood components or blood products like albumin, (Erythropoietins), vaccines, immunoglobulins, and hemophiliac treatments. It does not seem possible to explain why it is a violation of God's law to accept plasma, platelets, red and white cells when all of the fractions of these are permitted by the WTS. These contradictions have caused a number of elders and Hospital Liaison Committee Members to quietly resign.

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Many Jehovah's Witnesses sincerely believe that it is a gross sin to accept a blood transfusion, since the Bible states that we must "abstain from blood." (Acts 15:29) It is quite understandable that many are confused by the position taken by the Watchtower Society (WTS) with respect to the various blood components or blood products like albumin, (Erythropoietins), vaccines, immunoglobulins, and hemophiliac treatments. It does not seem possible to explain why it is a violation of God's law to accept plasma, platelets, red and white cells when all of the fractions of these are permitted by the WTS. These contradictions have caused a number of elders and Hospital Liaison Committee Members to quietly resign.

That basically says to me "it's all bollocks".

Religion should have no part in deciding who lives and who dies.

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if I was Doctor, I would go against a Jehovah's witness couples wishes to not give their child a blood transfusion even if it was illegal and I would lose my job.

if you did that then you would be disregarding there beliefs which would probably be construed as discrimination. you'd be screwed by the system for saving someone's life,

what a great world we live in!!

did you hear about the muslin check out workers who refused to touch/scan/bag any pork products?

p.s. i wouldnt really make fun of anyone's baldness! :D

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Guest Jake Wifebeater
Many Jehovah's Witnesses sincerely believe that it is a gross sin to accept a blood transfusion, since the Bible states that we must "abstain from blood." (Acts 15:29) It is quite understandable that many are confused by the position taken by the Watchtower Society (WTS) with respect to the various blood components or blood products like albumin, (Erythropoietins), vaccines, immunoglobulins, and hemophiliac treatments. It does not seem possible to explain why it is a violation of God's law to accept plasma, platelets, red and white cells when all of the fractions of these are permitted by the WTS. These contradictions have caused a number of elders and Hospital Liaison Committee Members to quietly resign.

Baldy, admit it, you googled that. There's no way that was your own, it's mostly spelled right for a start!

But you spelled "albumen" wrong............

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Baldy, admit it, you googled that. There's no way that was your own, it's mostly spelled right for a start!

But you spelled "albumen" wrong............

Of course it was googled!

I can't spell for shit but never fuck with my photography skills:up:

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