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Gig wanted (humour us by reading)


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Aberdonians (and beyond),

Hi. My name is Dan Thomas, and I'm writing on behalf of my band Corinthians & another band, called The Beat Poet - who are planning a tour for the end of July & beginning of August this year. I was going to sign up to your site straight after the People's Court debacle, but I thought it would be kinda churlish. Anyway, so far, we've had thousands of vain promises and half-hearted attempts to secure gigs in various locales, but hardly anything has materialised - they either are perfect venues, but they have no PA. They are on the planned route - but booked that night. Any other reasons - Brighton, 270 miles from our home, demanded we bring an audience. Not happening. All our friends have bands and lives of their own, thanks. We know how important a music collective can be in things like this - all our members being part of Wigan Music Collective.

So, we're looking upon Aberdeen, or the surrounding area, as a port of call in the week commencing 1st August - we have the Friday lined up in Kirkcaldy - this being the only date, apart from our hometown send-off. Bands we've played with include: Oxes, Death Sentence: PANDA!, The Telescopes (ex-Creation), Bilge Pump and various other signed acts. Style wise, we're both guitar/bass/drums trios with sporadic keys - intense, messy, energetic, chaotic & passionate - never unlistenable or deliberately obfuscating melody or rhythm with wanton noise attacks. We like fun. And dancing. And playing. People like us. We're not likely to get on TOTP, but we're original (to as much an extent as possible).

Anyway, such wordiness aside, we're trying our damndest to make out week off work fun. All we're looking for is a place to play, and IF POSSIBLE, petrol money to keep our thirsty lemon of a van ticking over. If you can do this, reply, or email the address below.





The Beat Poet






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does anybody get replies on this board?

Oooh, check her! Meeeoow!

Seriously guys, how many promoters did you think (never mind how many do you think there are in this big fishing village) were going to leap on the chance of booking a band they've never heard of at, in general terms, fairly short notice. (We may beill-educated sheep fuckers but we do book bands more than a few weeks in advance)

That was 5 hours and 40 mins before you lost patience, tsk tsk.

Reality is the first door on the left, I believe you'll find an in-flight manual on manners there too.

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Sadly most people round here stop reading after two sentences. Try this -

Aberdonians (and beyond),

Hi. My name is Dan Thomas, and I'm writing on behalf of my band Corinthians & another band, called The Beat Poet - who are planning a tour for the end of July & beginning of August this year. So, we're looking upon Aberdeen, or the surrounding area, as a port of call in the week commencing 1st August. We like fun. And dancing. And playing. People like us.

If you can do this, reply, or email the address below.



The Beat Poet






But my brusque colleague does have a point - you have possibly left it a bit late. Good luck though.

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Hi chaps,

Forgive the patience-loss of Ben, but we're both getting stressed out with this tour booking malarkey and are shooting in the dark now, being great indie optimists we are, hoped some people might take to our plight. Also, we're pretty much having to look North now, as we managed to score something mid-week in Glasgow, and can't afford to trek up and down our sceptered isle. Thanks for the compression advice, but I'll stick to my way, and if no-one can help, or know no-one who can help, then I guess I'll wish good day to you chaps. Don't think Ben was being ill-mannered, and as pointed out - we are aware of the policies of booking bands in advance, hence the filler about being let down, plans going wrong etc - from our large coal-mining centre to your fishing port, we's all the same brotha-man.

Hang loose, don't get sued on TV again, it nearly happened to me too.


ps. Goddamn yes Death Sentence: PANDA! are uber fun. Nicest musicians I have ever met.

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i was mearly observing the lack of responses anyone had recieved on this board. seems i sparked quite a few responses. So success.

Although i do get annoyed when people are patronising. We are well aware of how late the hour is. I myself book gigs in Wigan our hometown. The venue i book for is now booked through till October. However last minute gigs do happen and this is us on a limb. Cheers for being a cunt about it though. Always a big help.

However please LISTEN to the music. It is good. We have no reputation. We would have at least played one gig in Aberdeen had Dr Drakes not closed. We were booked to play there in Februrary. I do believe there is some kind of scene in Aberdeen for the music we play. Otherwise we would have not been asked to play by Sharon.

p.s Sorry Dan. I could not be the bigger man. Sarcy twats annoy me when they think they are praying on an easy target. Not cool.

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Well, I guess this was a fairly fruitless task. Thanks for the insight into selling ourselves and the booking practices of venues. How this helps us get a gig, I'm not quite seeing the immediate benefits, but I daresay everyone's wisdom will come in useful one day.

I think no-one reads these posts anyway. You need to look into this, I think. I did originally post it on the main forum, but it was effectively relegated down here. I don't particularly see the point, chaps, of having this if no-one is offering gigs. We realise the cons: out of town, never heard of them, asking for a small contribution to petrol - but dudes, what's the point of a collective if people are only patronising and negative? Did anyone actually listen to the music before Ben implored you to out of frustration? We are part of a collective based in a smaller town, and bands post on our forum (http://www.wiganmusic.com) and can get gigs at short notice usually, and can get gigs without demos or EPs - and usually recieve a contribution to petrol.

I don't want to seem petulant and aggrieved - I'm not, I know everything will work out for us and you'll do your thing and we'll be unaffected - but I think the welcoming committee needs a reshuffle.

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Well' date=' I guess this was a fairly fruitless task. Thanks for the insight into selling ourselves and the booking practices of venues. How this helps us get a gig, I'm not quite seeing the immediate benefits, but I daresay everyone's wisdom will come in useful one day.

I think no-one reads these posts anyway. You need to look into this, I think. I did originally post it on the main forum, but it was effectively relegated down here. I don't particularly see the point, chaps, of having this if no-one is offering gigs. We realise the cons: out of town, never heard of them, asking for a small contribution to petrol - but dudes, what's the point of a collective if people are only patronising and negative? Did anyone actually listen to the music before Ben implored you to out of frustration? We are part of a collective based in a smaller town, and bands post on our forum ([url']http://www.wiganmusic.com) and can get gigs at short notice usually, and can get gigs without demos or EPs - and usually recieve a contribution to petrol.

I don't want to seem petulant and aggrieved - I'm not, I know everything will work out for us and you'll do your thing and we'll be unaffected - but I think the welcoming committee needs a reshuffle.

Welcome to the music scene of Aberdeen :down:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cant think of anything funny!

Well, there goes 15 minutes of my life i will never get back....why do you people have to reply with such completely unhelpful advise.

Good luck with your tour guys, just be glad you didnt get a gig in Aberdeen, the chances of any one being interested in music you can listen to without necking E's in this place is extremely remote......... :stupid:

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