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Everything posted by djb303

  1. you need a proper hobby one of these days..you are gonna find THE ONE
  2. all you need now is a back brace for the heaving of the black widow up and down stairs diagram answered question if it doesn't sell 07962 230175 good luck
  3. any chance of pics of the front and back control panels on the combo
  4. good luck i tried selling a 2011 sg last year still have it
  5. i P.M'd you but it seems there are problems ....................07962 230175 if you are still looking get in touch.............
  6. djb303

    Strat Wanted

    got a PRS SE EG 13 got rid of my fender strat for this it out quacks any strat i've played i linked in a youtube video but it hasn't come up on the post.....youtube search it
  7. any.. one out there : looking for some private tuition for a 15 year old who hasn't done to well on her prelims ( they were called estimates in my day )...... ..maths teacher is a waste of time at school..no one in her class came anywhere near passing.... someone with patience and a maths o level at the very least ..HELP cheers dave
  8. djb303

    for sAle

    BUMP.......have you seen the fees on ebay ??? XMAS SALE £550 for the boogie £650 each for the guitars wife wants a week in tenerife
  9. djb303

    PRS for sale

    how about my prs se eg 13 stratalike http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://musikhaus-prosound.at/dpshopgrafiken/04/PRS_SE_EG_big.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/showthread.php?t%3D1098389&h=340&w=260&sz=33&tbnid=EBATQiW23Y76aM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=60&zoom=1&usg=__s1XziQ7hVpbwzf1C7OIJX-XWmRw=&docid=_g00nod0rAbg4M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=nsiqUJqVKObP0QW_24H4Ag&ved=0CCQQ9QEwAQ&dur=3207
  10. djb303

    for sAle

    ebay here i come.............these items must go make a cash offer guys before they go to auction................
  11. djb303

    for sAle

    page 3 already ..how quickly you forget ..
  12. sorry just an old fart with a bad sense of humour ( my daughter is mad about the band )............
  13. in the late 60's early 70's there was a band in aberdeen called albert fish.................there was also a fish factory called albert fish W onder who they were called after
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