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Everything posted by TelecasterSam

  1. nothing very OCD-ish...... but, I do always put on my left sock before I put on the right one.... oh, and just HAVE to have something to do/read while sat on the bog... either Sudoku puzzle/Broons Annual/current book I'm reading.....if there isn't anything in the bathroom already, I have to get something before I can start, and woe betide, if anyone disturbs me!! and I wont let anyone make me porridge...I always make my own (the right way !)
  2. I play Telecasters, my name is Sam....... simple ! My rockstar name would be ..... Skipper (Dalmation dog) Dudhope (Street in Glasgow) actually Skipper Dudhope, doesn't sound too bad !
  3. Sorry to any of their fans (I'm one)...... but this just had me in stitches.... check it oot !
  4. One of the reasons I rarely go to pubs these days !!
  5. YES....but its not nearly so deep, normally, as in the picture, is it!
  6. Terminator Salvation Watchable.......OK I suppose, some will like it.... it dissapointed me a little.... in the plot, the "Marcus" character didn't tie into the previous films imo !..... and I'm not that great a fan of Christian Bale...... *** 1/2 out of 5
  7. M: Glasgow MM: Glasgow MF: Glasgow MGM: ? MGF: ? F: Glasgow FM: Glasgow FF: Glasgow FGM: Inverness FGF: Dingwall FGGF Kirkwall
  8. LOL.....The snow is nearly over the Deer's heads !!.... hence it doesn't look like spring is nearly here, does it ???
  9. Spring will soon be here !!! Deer have been spotted frolicking in the fields ... Yep, won't be long.
  10. The weather...... I just knew it would fucking snow and freeze overnight...... when I'm driving 300 and odd miles later this morning..... Fucking trip is gonna take 7+ hours at BEST..... could be a L O N G... T I R E I N G day!! but, I HAVE to go!
  11. Yea... I think it will be brill when completed... just a long time to wait.... (I nearly missed the slip road for the M74, it was that busy the other day..... and I have to do it again on Sat..... grrrr)
  12. Ha Ha Ha!..... "You must spread etc....."
  13. 1. El Fuerte 2. Hattarawat 3. Dinner-time 4. Sean Morey (comedian) 5. Lahngau 6. Brahmaputra Valley 7. Maru-Aten 8. Igor Portnyagin 9. Jimmy Williams 10. Communaut de communes de Seine-cole French-Canadian New Age Folk Rock ?? (Fucking dreary, I'll wager!)
  14. Having to drive down to West Yorks for the SECOND time within 4 days.... (I was absolutely knackered after the first trip...and a very sad time atm, not much fun having your last parent passing away...as some of you may know!) oh..second pet hate : Bed settee's of the tubular frame kind, with micro thin mattresses, NO sleep makes for tired long journeys....... 3rd pet hate: The fucking roadworks leading into Glasgow on the A80....avoid the place like the plague at rush hour.....trust me!!!
  15. It strikes me that it must be someone you know, or, who knows you, or lives nearby, and has seen you carrying them in or out of your home?? Booze or drug addict most like!!...... thieving fucker!
  16. Bastards....lowest of the low Know how you feel, had it done to me too!
  17. It looked to me as if he wasn't getting the best out of the Vox, on purpose ! he seems subtly biased towards the Bugera imho !
  18. Saw Avatar 3D tonight with my son....Its a long one though, be prepared for a numb bum! I thought it was a great film, with some really stunning effects, made better by watching it in 3D....Recommended! I give it 9/10
  19. The Fender Super Champ XD or Blackstar HT-5, BOTH great choices (although I have no personal experience of the Blackstar other than hearing one) I actually have a (vintage?) Fender Champ 12 fitted with 6L6's.... great tone!
  20. good one.... how about "Bend My Wipers"
  21. bmw? ...... surely, it must mean "blow my weener"?
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