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Everything posted by Ithaca

  1. A few months ago I can distincly remember having a random 'Moorings-fuelled' conversation (the kind of chat that is bought on by six pints and half a dozen jaeger-bombs) with my much better-half (my girl-friend that is; I promise I'm not schizophrenic!) about whether our set of personal morals or fears could be bent or broken by a cash figure incentive, and if so what that cash figure would be. At what price does someone with a distinct fear of spiders, hold a tarantula (can fears be overcome with something as 'simple' as a cash incentive?; are we that money-driven?). Obviously people have very different moral standards (for 50,000 a work colleague of mine stated without pause that he would fuck a dog), with some people finding certain things far less shocking than others. That same work collaegue went on to say for 1,000,000 he would fuck his sister (is that the going rate for incest these days?). All that was left for me to think about was whether or not this man had very little 'moral fibre', whether he just far more honest than most of us, or whether or not he was just full of shit and trying to provoke a reaction. Do we all really have a price?
  2. Clowns always scared the shit out of me when I was a kid (mother soon found out little Ithaca and the circus were a bad combination!), and in all honesty they still put a wee chill down my spine. This thread got me thinking about fears and phobias. Anyway, looked on trusty google to find out that the fear of clowns is known as Coulrophobia. Thought I'd share a wee A-Z of other 'recognised' phobias with you lovely people... Arachibutyphobia - Fear of peanut butter on the roof of the mouth. Bogyphobia - Fear of bogies or the bogeyman. Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women. Dutchphobia - any guesses people?! Eurotophobia - Fear of female genitalia. Geniophobia - Fear of chins. This should not be confused with... ...Genophobia - Fear of sex. Hypengyophobia - Fear of responsability. Ithyphallophobia - Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis. Judeophobia - Fear of Jews. Kathisophobia - Fear of sitting down. Levophobia - Fear of things on the left side of the body. Melophobia - Fear of hatred of music. Novercaphobia - Fear of your step-mother. Ouranophobia - Fear of heaven. Panophobia - Fear of everything (there's ALWAYS one!) Ranidaphobia - Fear of frogs. Spheksophobia - Fear of wasps. Trishaidekaphobia - Fear of the number 13. Urophobia - Fear of urine or urinating. Vitricophobia - Fear of step-father. Wiccaphobia - Fear of witches. Xanthophobia - Fear of the colour yellow. Zeusophobia - Fear of God or Gods. Couldn't find any beginning in F, Q, or Y (any suggestions?).
  3. I think you might have missed my point. This is perhaps due to the fact my sixth cup of coffee hadn't hit the mark at the time of me posting. I'm fed and watered now so let me clarify. Hang on, first I'd better 'consider....the entire world cannot be divided...' (are you fucking cunted?!). Of course everyone has a choice (I never said they didn't). Perhaps my x-factor comment was on the obtuse side and for that I apologise. All I was trying to convey was my disbelief at how some people find a door charge of 3 for three bands too expensive (no matter what type of bands they are)! Folk were literally acting like someone had pissed on their mum when they found out they had to pay to get in. News flash people, live music costs money (or shall we stop paying bands now!?).
  4. Perhaps due to the high level of intellect and integrity of it's users? Seriously, if people agreed on everything then threads about any subject would be fairly uninteresting (let's face it everyone likes a wee bit of banter). Likewise, freedom of speech and all that bollocks is a wonderful thing that some take for granted (and others just use to cause reaction from others!). Seems some are taking this whole thing and blowing it way out of proportion. Am I wrong in thinking that forums are supposed to be there to provide a media for public OPINION and heaven forbids some entertainment along the way (I'm not saying serious issues should be left out here!)? This whole he said / she said seems fairly traivial. At the end of the day let's not lose sight of the fact that we're only talking about postings on a web based forum here. For me it's just a shame a lot of people don't get so animated or passionate when it comes to (what I would consider) more pressing issues!
  5. Honest opinon upsets wind-up merchant! WTF!? All sounds a bit I can give it out, but not take it to me. If you can't take the heat then get the fuck out of the kitchen! I love a good cliche!
  6. Anyway, back to the question in hand ('what cd's have you...'). My missus, recently bought the new Weezer album (fuck knows what it's called). Have to say I'm not a fan. Apparently Weezer albulms 'grow on you' (like fungus?). Quite liked the likes of Make Believe and Pinkerton (though as band they've never really been my cup of tea!), but this new one just felt like one of those albums that been put together to fulfill contract obligations. Am I missing something with this one, 'cause the girlfriend loves this album!
  7. Sorry dude, not normally one for nit-picking. A full in-tray and a hangover don't go well together on a Monday morning!
  8. You sure the edit reason wasn't because of your bloddy spelling?
  9. 10,000 days - Tool (for the fourth time - it has now become the album most stolen from my person!) Sunna - One Minute Science Isis - Celestial Aerogramme - My Heart Has a Wish That You Would Not Go
  10. Was in The Moorings (just for a change) this weekend and once again witnessed a throng of people complaining about having to pay to get in on Saturday night. I can honestly say that I have no idea where the fuck these poeple are coming from. The outlay of 3 quid to see a handful of live bands on a Saturday night is to me, good value for money. It amazed me that people were pissed off they couldn't get into 'thier' local for free If you feel agreived about having to pay this token amount of money, stay in and watch fucking X-factor (as well as your precious pennies), discussing how life would be so much better if you ruled the world! Wankers!
  11. I always thought Miss Scarlet was kind of hot. Mind you, the only competition was old fat, Mrs. White and it was at a time when I found the twins from Fun House attractive (Melanie and Martina?). Speaking of Fun House, why was it that they always picked the obese kid with asthma to do all the running about?
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