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Everything posted by Woodsinho

  1. Wirelessly posted (SonyEricssonK810i/R6BC Browser/NetFront/3.3 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1) Lee Miller might not score many, but he is certainly not shit. With a good partner, he'll do a great job at Boro. The point is that we don't have a poacher to put with him so i don't get why we're doing it. Unless chris killen is poachier than i'm led to believe in which case that's ok.
  2. Wirelessly posted (SonyEricssonK810i/R6BC Browser/NetFront/3.3 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1) No. Argh. Fuck off. Lee miller? We've already got enough shit goalshy strikers to keep us going.
  3. The disparate worlds of football and music come together in interview form: Tom Los Campesinos! meets Football Weekly's James Richardson / In Depth // Drowned In Sound John Terry, captain of England; Shining example to us all.
  4. They were big fans of David Hirst and Chris Bart-Williams, that's what tipped the balance. Gary O'Neil was great at Portsmouth but it took him a long time to settle at 'boro and he didn't perform to the standard he'd set at Portsmouth in his first season here. Still, once he did settle he became one of our most consistent players and I was pleasantly surprised when he decided not to look for a move away in the summer. It'll be a shame to let him go but I suppose one of the ex-Celtic boys will fill in for him.
  5. I'd like to see all the actors who have ever portrayed John Conner from the Terminator series come together and do a cover of Take The Power Back under the name Rage Against The Machines.
  6. How are Portsmouth not in administration yet? They've run out of money to the point where their official club website was down for 3 hours yesterday because they couldn't pay for the web hosting. Players are going to go without pay for the 4th time this season, they're completely bypassing the manager when it comes to selling whatever players will bring in some money. It's surely only a matter of time before it all goes a bit Southampton. Despite all this it still looks like they're going to take Gary O'Neil on loan from us for the rest of the season. Bastards.
  7. Gary Caldwell scored. For Wigan, no less! United are bossing this now and as I type this they've scored again. So much for my earlier prediction.
  8. Word is that the loading times are less long this time while still being too long by normal standards. I am looking forward to getting Cromarty Shepherd back for more galactic adventures. 2 days to go.
  9. To any Stat Fans who use twitter: Y'all should follow optajoe, an official stat man, on there. It's reet good. I keep missing chunks of this game cos I've got a pot of chilli that needs stiring every few minutes. It had better be tasty.
  10. If Danny Welbeck hadn't gone to Preston I'd have thought about backing United to win but he has so I'm not. He's been their goalscoring cup specialist in the last couple of years.
  11. I went to Korova once, it was fine. I went to Moshulu once, it was fine. That's fine as in 'ok' rather than fine as in 'that's a damn fine piece of cake'. I've got foreign qualifications: University Physics - final year dropout. A Levels Physics - B Maths - C Chemistry - C GCSEs Double Science - A (physics, chemistry and biology put together to count for 2 GCSEs. My guess - Biology isn't a real science.) French - A Maths - A Latin - B Food Tech - B Geography - B English Language - C English Literature - C
  12. Man City want to win the Carling Cup, Man Utd aren't so fussed and would rather win at the weekend against Arsenal if they had to pick one out of two. I'm not expecting to see a full strength side but I reckon they'll still make a game of it. Score prediction 0-0 on the night. Outside of reality - this made me laugh. Back Of The Net Blog Archive City accused of using out-of-date computer game to scout players
  13. It's not that I don't rate Bale, he's a decent young prospect, and of course there were 10 other players on the pitch for most, if not all, of those games that didn't end in victory. It's more that I was surprised when I heard it as I thought he would have broken his duck by now thanks to the good half season spurs have had. What are the odds on 'boro having green and white hoops on the away shirt next season?
  14. Boys II Men didn't need any damn autotune. They were able to make autotune-esque warbling sounds with their natural voices.
  15. Gareth Bale finally won a league game at Spurs, only took 23 games. Boro won 4-1 at Donny, success. Next task is to win a home game, haven't done that for some time.
  16. He's been a full timer since October and done a decent job, sadly.
  17. Ross Turnbull's living the high life as Chelsea's number 3 keeper these days after leaving us in the summer. He couldn't even beat Brad Jones for the number 1 spot at 'boro last season and he's rubbish so I don't know what they were thinking about. I think he got to play in one of the Champions League matches after they'd already qualified for the next round so he probably made the right move for himself.
  18. Word is that Newcastle have signed Wayne Routledge from QPR, haven't bothered to check any official sources for myself, happy to take other people's word for it. He was one we were looking at, I guess as a potential replacement for Adam Johnson for when he gets picked to sit on some Premier League team's bench.
  19. He's going to be the 2010 version of Theo Walcott, I cannot wait to see him occupying the subs bench at the World Cup. Speaking of subs bench, ours is mostly going to comprised of members of the 'boro under 19s team thanks to a ridiculous number of injuries to first team players. Hope at least one of them makes the most of whatever chances they're given.
  20. Yep, looks like he's off to Burnley to spend some quality time with Gary Caldwell's brother.
  21. Gordon Strachan's an odd fella, we don't manage to get Caldwell so he goes for this instead: Celtic's Stephen McManus is set to join Middlesbrough on loan | Football | guardian.co.uk
  22. I started watching The Larry Sanders Show last year, it's tremendous. I've started to notice myself saying 'hey now' increasingly often. Pet hate - pets, all pets.
  23. I was rewatching The Day Today on youtube over the weekend, it holds up well thanks to the ever increasing sensationalism of actual news on TV. Other things I've been watching recently, through slightly more nefarious means, include Better Off Ted and Community. Sadly it looks like Better Off Ted won't be getting a third series, some of that probably lies in the rubbish name it's been given. Doesn't exactly shout out 'Watch Me!'. I'd reccomend this for folks that liked Arrested Development and/or Andy Richter Controls the Universe. One day it might get shown on TV over here but no doubt it'll be at a ludicrous time of day on some channel that no one gets. I'm glad to see How I Met Your Mother is on E4 nowadays, it feels like a more natural home than BBC2 was when it first came out a few years ago. I ended up getting into it when it was being shown on Trouble of all places. Don't hugely agree with the Friends comparisons that get made in the adverts for E4, if anything that would have put me off if I'd not seen it before, but I suppose that's going to appeal to some folks. To sum up - it's reet funny.
  24. 30 Rock is funny 'n' all that. Thankfully I started watching it when it was on channel five (aka 'five') so the incessant comedy central adverts weren't able to put me off. I don't know why they have to remind us all that Two and a Half Men is going to be on, it's on for at least 2 hours every day, do they think we've all got Alzheimers?
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