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Everything posted by Jaaakkkeee

  1. You'll be cracking oot Party Hard again.
  2. Another new one (or 2, 3 if you count the break as an interlude) https://dukesupband.bandcamp.com/album/gross-empathy-birthday
  3. Aye but there's no singing. It's just instruments, isn't it? Because half way through untitled 3 i realised the bass wasn't recording with the line in, but with the laptop mic. so you heard the click, all the other instruments and me coughing and shit through the track. I hope I didn't do that without realising in time.
  4. Oh, spoiler alert. But I mean, it finished a while ago. No one to blame but yourself.
  5. https://dukesupband.bandcamp.com/album/breaking-sad
  6. First post in a while. I did make a list of everything I got for my birthday but I couldn't be bothered posting it. Over the past week I've been recording some demos. Written over the past few years, I finally got round to doing this. Recorded with only my guitar, an overdrive pedal, a 10W practice amp, a borrowed bass, a 20 year old hifi set with 10 year old speakers along with my laptop. Any money from downloads is going towards christmas presents for my family, or Fallout 4. https://dukesupband.bandcamp.com/
  7. If only real life had MODs... Oh wait...
  8. Aye but theres too much humour thats better suited for reddit or 4chan. Don't need a million threads asking where everyone's from clogging up the newsfeed.
  9. Apparently when I was a kid I'd hide behind the curtain to shit in my nappy.
  10. Trying to clear up space and trying to sell my comics. Great job lot for someone wanting to get in to comics. Prices will vary on how many you want to take off me.
  11. When someone says something genuine and gets the piss taken out of them: "i was trolling"
  12. we used to snap stink bombs and pour them through letterboxes.
  13. The versatility of the Honda CRV is ace-ic.
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