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Everything posted by Jaaakkkeee

  1. episodes 3 and 4 picked things up a bit. I read up a bit on it, and I see what ca_gere was saying now. Feel more invested. I saw there was a film that acted as both a prologue and epilogue. So, aye, it did get better. my mrs isn't impressed though and went to do housework. if she doesn't watch them it'll mean watching the rest of them at odd times.
  2. I see what you're saying. But I don't see it in Twin Peaks. Yet. I'm going to plough on, I'm hoping some of the boring stuff all comes together a la signs or something. I've only watched 2 episodes. One was the Pilot. I try to never judge a series by it's pilot. Even Community's pilot was shit compared to the episodes that followed it. But even with 2 episodes, that's been 2 and a quarter hours I've watched. Even US office got good by this point. I did laugh at the wifey with her blinds, but there's just other bits that bug me. Everything with the cops is fantastic. Her with the voice is one of my favourite characters. There just seems to be too much spotlight on people that seem to be very bad at acting. I feel like I'm the guy in a modern art gallery going "it's just some fucking shapes" and everyone else is seeing something I'm not. The first two episodes definitely have moments that make me go "ah, that's why everyone loves this so much" but the majority of it so far has made me scroll through my phone until I hear "...Diane" and I know to look back up. Also, I know i'm young, but christ, I remember times before binging and box sets. I remember watching 3 episodes of series 2 of Bottom on VHS and the Simpsons Too Hot For TV tape. And I'm not looking for some cop drama like NCIS or something. I don't want the bad guy caught at the end and everything to wrap up nice. But this show so far, seems to have too little cop, and too much drama. Is it irony that's going over my head or something. Like I said, I'm only 2 episodes in, and I will continue watching, I guess I just want someone to make me a "it gets better" video. 'cause at 45 minutes per episode, I could watch two episodes of Always Sunny and still have time for a wank and know i'll enjoy it.
  3. Twin Peak is a tough one. I like the wacky cooky stuff with the agent. But the rest is boring. Got Soap Opera levels of shit going on, some wifey moaning about not having silent runners, then a dream where the subtitles were in fucking spanish online. Is it cause it's David Lynch? Is that why everyone bums this program? 'cause at 45 mins a pop, i'd say only about 20 were decent. rest is pure unadulterated crap. over-acting is almost unbearable. I'll watch episode 3. But I think fans of this program might have a case of the kubricks.
  4. Apparently they treated the animators like shit. Like, sweatshop animation. Fargo - Watched it 'cause I feel like I needed to catch up on my 90s stuff 'cause I like MBV and emo-revival and I wanted to feel like a true hipster. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Was a little slow paced to begin with then everything happens it's some great black comedy capers. Was walking around going "oh yaaaah" for a good couple of hours after it though. Made me want to watch The Big Lebowski 'cause i read a theory that they're about the same thing but different view points. Like opposites that make the same point so to speak. One thing the theory pointed out is that Steve Buscemi won't shut up in Fargo, and constantly gets told to shut up in TBL. the internet is a wonderful place.
  5. Started Twin Peaks. First episode was hoorin lang tho. An hour and a half? Plus it's not on netflix anymore and it's hard to find decent versions of it in dvd shops. Should I stick with it? Everyone bangs on about it. Seemed alright. Just hoorin lang. Was looking at my phone most of the way through and couldn't be arsed watching the second episode last night.
  6. The TV license website is so vague and shit, it basically scares you in to getting one just in case. Okay, fair enough. So if you have freeview or sky, or bt tv, you need one. This bit makes it look like you need one if you have TV. at all. or a dvd player. or a fucking vhs player. oh and games consoles. You don't need it for that. But the license some how "covers" you if you do have any of these. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't get live BBC on NowTV. But because you can watch live tv on it, (not bbc) you still have to pay a license. So you can have a set up that means you don't get live BBC broadcasts, you can go your whole life not watching BBC. But if you get any other live tv that pays for its content with adverts, you still have to pay the BBC. It's so shit it's unbelievable. The good thing is, that you dont get back-dated bills. As long as you don't lie. If a TV License man comes to your door and you say "aye i have sky, where do I sign up?" you just pay from then. If he comes to your door and you tell him you don't get live tv, but he finds out you do, that's where the fines come in to place.
  7. BBC are a shitshow that are now charging you to watch their stuff online. Bollocks to that. They lost The Simpsons, they lost Malcolm in the Middle, they lost fresh prince. I haven't really watched BBC much since those brilliant thursday night at 6 line ups. I hate Jeremy Clarkson but they couldn't even keep a hold of his tosser pals. And now they've lost Bake Off, but aye, we're so great we'll charge you for watching our stuff online, even though, online, you can watch our stuff for free at loads of other great dvd shops.
  8. Anyone watching Atlanta? The new show on FX from Childish Gambino Donald Glover. Really enjoying it. Pretty good dark humour. Properly lol'd a few times. Waiting for the Danny Pudi cameo tho. New South Park is great.
  9. Loved Narcos. Apparently Escobar's son isn't too happy about the portrayal of his mum or his grandma though. Recently caught up with Fear The Walking Dead. I anticipated it being a slow-burner. Tried it once before but didn't think too much of the first episode. TWD had the handy plot device of Rick being in a coma, so when the show starts, there's already zombies. FTWD starts at the start of the endemic. So there isn't loads and loads of zombie hoards. It's... alright. But christ, Chris and Madison are so shite and annoying, it's strange they don't get on better.
  10. Cheers. Looks like I was at last-resort. No way to really do all this stuff. The tracks are home-recorded by the artist and he's too far away for me to go and double check all these variables.
  11. I've always been in the mindset of "you get a card if you're getting money in it, or fuck all else". If you get a gift, the gift tag will say "happy birthday from jake" on it anyway, and the gift tag will end up in the bin along with all the cards but it wasn't a fucking hassle finding one and it won't take up room while you debate how soon is too soon to get rid of all the cards.
  12. I saw a thing for medi-pens saying it'll help with the normal ailments CBD is used for, but won't get you high.
  13. Yeah I see what you're getting at. But it's just about making tiny tweaks and finding what's right really aint it? And if it's making the vocals worse, then don't do it. Got to have the compressor turning on just when the ess sound is super harsh, without compressing it so much it becomes a sh or th. Sounds exciting.
  14. I think it really depends. All I put on the master is a time-graph of the peak volume. Then that gets taken off when I export the tracks for mastering. So, while mixing, nothing at all. Mastering I tend to apply a compressor and limiter. I've recently learned the wonderful art of de-essing. multiband compressor, hit the eq button, set it at about 5KHz, and it should only come one when the harsh ssss and ttttttt noises happen. So handy. The things you can learn on youtube eh.
  15. Apparently 2k17 will have less mini-games. As in only wrestlers that would do grappling IRL will force you to do grapple mini-games in the new game. Anyone seen Mafia 3 videos? Looks very cool. The collectors edition comes with 2 180g records, and artwork, and season pass, and other goodies, but it's 129.99. I want, but also, I don't?
  16. I never played it. Seems to have a loyal following but would get boring quickly. Borderlands is a fun shooter that's two player. Bit of a grind-fest tho.
  17. Lots of great tools too. Used it for background noise reduction recently. Almost completely got rid of the fan noise from an interview, still had to do some EQing but was great for a one click starting point.
  18. Was going for a platinum on Canis Canem Edit, but I couldn't hold back anymore. Over the last year I've played through Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and just before Canis Canem Edit, I played through Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. So I gave up on my platinum (only about 4 trophies left to get to) and dove in to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain last night. It's just as beautiful as I remember it being. Keeping an eye out and I've filled 2 note books with notes from the previous games, this game will take a note book to itself. I've spent too much time on Never Be Game Over. I've got my notebook and my tin foil hat and I'm ready to pet D-Dog and stare at Quiet's gratuitous nudity.
  19. GTA V for current gen is a lot better than it was for last-gen. Arkham series is getting a remaster soon, so keep an eye out for that. Fallout 4? The Witcher 3? Xbone got the newest Tomb Raider as an exclusive. 2 player, I'd say Rocket League, or one of the Lego games (Star Wars/Jurassic World etc). split-screen games are hard to come by now. Everything's about online multiplayer. Been considering getting a second ps4 at some point so me and the gf can play more games together. Black Ops 3 has online splitscreen.
  20. Got through both seasons of Narcos within a week. That was some quality viewing. how come they managed to match Pablo Escobar's clothing to the news they showed but Murphy didn't wear glasses for the entire run?
  21. go for it. worst case ontario you get caught, you'll just be AGFW.
  22. Incredibly relevant. I would love to work with this woman. You make my words, she's going places.
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