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Everything posted by veldt666

  1. Wish you luck, but "Join the queue". Iv'e been constantly looking for a keys player for about 10 years.?(
  2. :swearing:Nae mair o that "Manchester" mad for it "Pish" Let it Die Chris
  3. veldt666

    delay wanted

    Wouldnae be the first time Remember the Swan bar?
  4. Nice One, I'm sold on it already. Where are all the Barry Andrews & Rust Egan Clones???????????? o_O
  5. A "Keeley" modded Rat, when they were available, cost 150.00. Pro co Rats are now Chinese made shit, & Keeley wont touch them, so 100 is a fair price I think, for a scarce pedal. Might consider a swap for your Poly chorus tho?
  6. Sorry Al, try it if you like?
  7. No "Car boot Shit" here, only quality equipment, bought on a whim, tried, & moved on, at a sensible discounted price, I may add. Pedals obtainable at around the " 30" mark, are usually fine as door stops, or paper weights. in my experience.
  8. MXR "Double Shot" Distortion. (Now discontinued). Two Differently voiced Dist pedals in one. Both with 3 band Eq, & voicing switches. Metal heads note, it does the "Heavy Scoop" thing really well. Can also do a "Mid heavy" sound, IE: Very versatile. c/w P.S.U. & boxed. Ex condition. 100.00 "Keeley" modded Rat pedal. 3 Mode voice switch + greatly Improved tone & signal to noise ratio. Ex condition. 100.00 P.M. If Interested.
  9. Dave, you are becoming the "Arthur Dailey" of this forum 8-)
  10. "BUMP"....Again, & again, & again
  11. 2 -3 - 4 , C'mon Dazz you should have been in there, I 've told ye before aboot "Dozing off"
  12. "Nail Polish Remover",....Thats a cure, not a band name!.
  13. Bazz, you know those Hornets, that used to attack Victor Mature? Well, I may be tempted to unleash some of them through a letterbox in Bonnymuir, in the wee sma hours, next time I'm passing!
  14. "Bump", Merlin,..............Help me?
  15. Dazz, You dont work anymore. Accounts for the ammount of time you spend on here.
  16. I know, so, "FIND ME A KEYBOARD PLAYER"
  17. "highjacking b*****ds"
  18. Ok, here we go again. Looking for a mature minded, (Age Irrelevant), "EXPERIENCED" guitarist / vocalist to join band currently gigging, (Pubs, Etc). Own Equipment & transport are essential. Actually, looking for a keyboard player/ vocalist, but it seems I'd have more chance finding "Unicorn shit" in this town.
  19. My interpretation of a "Guitar Collection", is a quantity of Instruments being cherished & adored, but rarely played. A working musician, & I class myself in the catagory, having spent 35 years both Pro & Semi pro, can easily amass what seems like a collection, but is actually a "Set of tools", used for various textures as and when required. As Bigsby said above, if you need P90's, got it, need a Semi acoustic, got it, Etc, Etc. I currently own, & use on a rotational basis if no "Specific", is required, 13 Instruments of varying styles & value's, yet, I'm playing less than ever, as most gigs now are at best "Average". A symptom of the North East publics attitude towards "Live bands". However, I do know of a LOT of guitar players, who play occaisonally, that buy & sell guitars, like I shop for food.
  20. Ah, an acoustic amp. Not sure of anyone local, but "Rattle & Hum" in Dundee have a good reputation, easily found on the www. Sorry could'nt be more help.
  21. Mmm, an Interesting mix. I assume you can play all this stuff, well?
  22. Can anyone confirm this date, time & whereabout's of Kevin's funeral???
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