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Everything posted by DJ Jo-D

  1. Agreed - it's just tacking it on the end for no reason what so ever
  2. yeah much better what a relief phew.....
  3. I get this as well, erm I have read your page and you seem like an interesting person....does it say anywhere on my fricken page that I am into girls...NO fuck off then!! some more -people who use last of the loo roll in the bog at work and don't change it - ok once but there is one culprit that I will find!! -people on forums who are just on to be smart arses/pedantic/abusive -rangers/celtic supporters who refuse to use anything green/blue because it's the oppositions colours - get a grip how old are you? (2 50+ people I have worked with do this - no green pens/folders/paperclips) -Slow walkers -poeple who insist on complaining on how busy they are at work, like they are the only person in the world who are busy......get over it...it's a job...don't like it get a new one -people who add 's' on the end of things like 'mine'.....where the feck does mines come from - is it an aberdonian thing? Thats mines....huh!? -
  4. Can't catch up on 12 pages, but have to say people who eat with their mouths open irritates me, it's disgusting all slappy chops making ding noises gadders!!!! people who blatently lie to get out of going somewhere....just say you canna be arsed we all have off days!!
  5. Picnics are pretty high up my list! also loving Haribo Tangfastics
  6. I was just thinking the same thing...I think it's the eyebrows....men should not wax/pluck eyebrows FACT unless of course they become a little unruley and start sprouting all over the shop (of course!) think I'll stick to not being straight edge, had never heard of it tho......take it most monks/nuns must be straight edge then?
  7. Watched recently The Colour Purple - right wee weepy! haven't seen in about 15yrs, hasn't aged for a 80's movie unlike Big Trouble... etc and such a good flick, hav eto say tears were indeed welling!! CJ7- Japanese I think kids movie dubbed with english bout an alien toy/animal thingy - for a kids movie there is some brutualness about it, nothing spectacular like but watched it anyhoo James Bond - oooooh errrr Daniel has to be my no2 Bond (Connery no1 of course). jam packed with action and sexiness these last two have definitley rekindled my bond appeal Mamma Mia - Had to watch it to see what like, am I being blonde when I say the way they have slotted in the music with the film is really cleverly done....or am I missing something? fun light hearted girly movie, passed with the exception that i was ill and needed some cheering up!
  8. and create's a whole load of new ones..... eating is tough today, never mind work.....think I might try a nice cool pint after work see if that helps!!
  9. My pal knows Si, so I'll be popping along with her to lend some support......feel v.ropey tho....facing booze will make or break me!!
  10. mmmm coleslaw!! Went ot howff few years back for xmas dinner, was pretty tastey! LOL I watched that Come Dine With Me, he seemed ok, it was the nob-end old mannie I couldn't stand....wankoid!
  11. GH all the way - but only cuase not played rockband! Does anyone know if you can buy just the Drums for the Wii?? Not sure a whole band is what I need considering I live on my tod, drums are ace fun tho!
  12. Is that the howff or Queen vic?
  13. Well know you know where to go if you do decide We're practically neighbours!
  14. Whoops - think I got turfed the only time been in....vague recollections ha ha Portals, you can get a game down the back and a proper ballroom typedance with the old mannies in the bar...with out fail!
  15. LOL I think I have been to Liquid once too.......never again!!!!
  16. Should be my local pretty much right across from my flat! Dont' go tho, neighbours do! Hmmm when i do make it to the pub, probably Wild Boar, Siberia, Globe (sometimes), Office Don't really have a fave tho
  17. There's a couple fo female DJ's int town but don't suppose you'd know unless you were into Dance and frequent the clubs
  18. Used to be resident at Snafu (Girls on Top) and then Tunnels (Unite), but not got a night running just now (loving the lack of running around just now ) maybe put another one on in the new year, but considering a pub....Drummonds would be nice Just too much people puting DJ nights on which no one supports, and a serious lack of venues with decent sound systems!
  19. it's name that guys with the blonde hair that was on xfactor too..? hmmmm stovies and tv it might well be
  20. (bored today) Our plans got cancelled about a month ago leaving not much time to really sort anything out (well that and the idea of not spending at NY and having a wkend break to the Dam instead in jan....) anyway What is on in Abdn for New Year??
  21. Oggy oggy oggy, shame did he get paid off in the end, not good I'm pals with his sister Arlene (also on here)
  22. ha ha yeah you should DO IT!! ha ha Your not such a Neepheid afterall!! My pornstar name would be Treacle High.....Wanna get Hiiiiiiigh Most people think theirs is uninteresting, but I think it's all quite interesting having not known anyone
  23. Hey quite new to this site (well couple of months coming back regularly) but everyone's got mad name (well most anyway) Mine is from DJ'in (obviously), but where did you get yours from??
  24. I can't say I have been effected on the negative side of things, Have my own mortgage (to which i could afford) which was fixed term...up in Jan just in time to probably get one of the lowest rates to do me on another fixed term for a while, so looking like my payments will be dropping. My credit card bill is not much and I have savings...so cant say i am feeling it
  25. ahhh makes sense, it's all the type of music Virgin used to play!! but seems better for some reason...maybe it's the no repeating song rule!!
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