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Gavlar last won the day on October 17 2008

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About Gavlar

  • Birthday 01/04/1973

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  1. Baldur's Gate 2, even after all these years it's never been bettered.
  2. Squat Metal tribute band foming now, PM Skuzzlebutt.
  3. Genius Hopefully all this publicity will open a few doors for him.
  4. I tend to watch the auditions so I can shout at the ludicrous nature of television, especially the parts where the camera crew go their school/office/asylum as friends/colleagues/people who don't even know them 'wait anxiously' to hear the news. Yes that's right, we've gathered everyone together so you can witness Mufty the singing dustbin come in and tell you they didn't get through, then broadcast their disgrace on national television. Right. Actually it would be much better if they did that. Also '5 million people turned up to this year's auditions', yes, but 95% of those were the contestants families, dolled up with their best slap from superdrug hoping to get on telly. Where do they all come from? I doubt that many folk would appear for my funeral. :swearing::swearing::swearing::swearing: /rant off
  5. Get a travel one, I think they call them Babysitars (sorry, Ill go away now )
  6. No more one night stands for him methinks. That said, probably never had any in the first place.
  7. When I was about 4 or 5 there was a stop motion kids programme on every halloween about a pumpkin on a stick that came to life and terrorised the neighbourhood. Scared the crap out of me every year for no real reason, but I still watched it. Sadly nowadays theres way too many rational things to be scared about to bother with the irrational ones.
  8. scared the living beejesus out of me when I was 12 (until the last 100 pages which were rubbish and ruin it).
  9. All that and not one Jailbird joke? Journalists nowadays, not lazy enough!
  10. If its happening on both guitars, wouldn't that suggest that the amp is the culprit? Have you tried it through a different amp to check:?
  11. Definitely my all time favourite, though season three was a bit weak and five had an unbelievable plot point or three. Season one though, about as good as television has gotten so far.
  12. I hate to be the party pooper, but IN MY OPINION it wasn't as good as the previous film. Ledger was great but underused, and plotwise it failed to deliver on several levels whilst in the vein of many recent superhero movies trying to do too much in its alloted time. Enjoyable but messy and lacking suspense.
  13. USA Precision into whatever's handy. Plenty of bad notes, but never bad tone.
  14. Xnews used to be okay, haven't used it in a while though.
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