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Everything posted by Bigsby

  1. Cabin Fever was indeed crap. Quite enjoyed Hostel though. My votes for worst film ever would be Drew Barrymore starring all-girl Western Bad Girls, and AI.
  2. There's a great shop in Houston called Fuller's Vintage Guitars, just off the I-10, opposite the Astrodome. Fuller's Vintage Guitar - Welcome to Fullers Vintage Guitar There's also a Guitar Centre where I bought a Grestch for a great price, but the place is staffed by clowns and unless your mate really knows what he is doing I would urge caution. Fullers Vintage are straight up guys though. Bear in mind that if he is taking it back himself he MAY be able to get through Customs without paying duty, but he might get stung. Also, although I have been lucky when importing guitars and been allowed to take them on as hand luggage, they could just as easily have made me place them in the hold and there would have been a decent chance of them getting smashed up by baggage handlers.
  3. You know, if I was you (and I'm not), I would probably buy a nice used Historic from the States. Even with shipping and duty, with the exchange rates just now you will get a good deal. Check out Mark's Guitar Loft, at the moment they have a super sweet oxblood for 2450 and a 58 reissue for the same price. Mark's Guitar Loft ~ electrics They get new stock in all the time.
  4. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Mr Lee Miller. Seems to have an excellent knack for winning pens, just like Dadi back in the day.
  5. That said, a quick search on ebay shows that they sell all the time and the going rate seems to be about 30 quid. Streets of Rage 3 sega megadrive boxed complete on eBay, also Action Adventure, Sega Megadrive Genesis, Games, Video Games (end time 22-Jan-08 14:12:17 GMT)
  6. Something's only worth what someone will pay for it. So if they sell for 200 on ebay, that's what it's worth. If it was me, I'd just play it on an emulator, but there you go.
  7. Personally I think all this HD-DVD/Blu Ray stuff is a waste of time anyway, physical media is on the way out, even for HD. Downloads are definitley the way forward, whether legal or otherwise.
  8. True, but I get the feeling that the people who organised the petition are mainly the staff who used to work there. They are probably the ones who feel "stiched up" as per the Evening Express article above and will probably be hoping that the Aberdeen Performing Arts venture dies on its arse so they can turn round and say "You should have stuck with us." Probably.
  9. Not condoning it, just stating the facts. I would guess that the percentage of people who watch a movie via a download would be pretty miniscule.
  10. Well I didn't get it, probably my own fault for not subscribing. Now that everyone knows that the Lemon Tree went tits up, one of the first things the new regime should do is encourage people to register for the ebrochure.
  11. True. But as soon as it happened, nobody had any clue about what gigs were going on there. Maybe in this day and age they could set up an "ebrochure"? I wouldn't want emails announcing every gig, but something similar to the old brochure dropping into my inbox once a month would be great, and would cost pennies.
  12. At this time of year its more to do with "screener" copies being sent out to people who are eligible to vote at award shows like the Oscars/Golden Globes etc, hence just about every new Oscar nominated movie being available for download. And the ironic thing is the quality will be excellent, much better than, say, Sky.
  13. Senses Working Overtime is one of my favourite ever songs. But yes, a lot of their other stuff is quite crap.
  14. Yep, gotta love a happy ending. Not just saying this because he died, but Heath Ledger's performance in Brokeback Mountain was one of few that I've ever seen where I've "forgotten" that it was an actor and really gotten into the role. The only other instance I can think of is Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man.
  15. Well I've had to take my ten month old baby boy to G-Docs a few times at silly times through the night and we've always received an excellent service.
  16. Yo yo yo I've got two standing tickets for Rhianna's gig at the AECC on Monday 3rd March for sale. Looking for 60. They cost me 66.50 after booking fees etc. Happy to drop them off anywhere in Aberdeen. PM me if interested.
  17. Done, voted for Le Reno Amps and The Little Kicks as well.
  18. Yup, enjoyed that too. Nice to see a nomination for the great Hal Holbrook, co-star in one of my favourite films, Magnum Force.
  19. Why would Nic Cage being nominated be funny? He won best actor before.
  20. Correct, Duff is just as crap as Clark so he's an ideal replacement. Plus, he's a Dons fan, so he's bound to be a successful signing, just like Lee Mair.
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