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Everything posted by Bigsby

  1. I think it's a great track. People need to get over their anti-Cliff snobbery and recognise it as a good pop song. Full marks to Van as well for being brave enough to do something that was deeply uncool on two counts, ie religious and Cliff-related. (Somebody back me up here... Del maybe? ) Oh, and Cleaning Windows is a good track as well, that was the 80s wasn't it?
  2. What? A hardcore Bayern fan like you? o_O
  3. Can I have your ticket then?
  4. I'm happy to step in here. Yes, Money for Nothing says "See the little faggot with the earing and the makeup." Mark Knopfler wrote the song almost verbatim from real comments overheard from a guy working in a New York department shore, so it was obviously meant to be an ironic take on a working class guy's views on MTV superstars, but unfortunately some radio stations didn't get the joke, so Knopfler re-recorded the line for them. A similar thing happened with Randy Newman's Short People. I guess Randy Newman's Rednecks probably wouldn't be acceptable these days due to the fact that he's white, and says the "n" word, even though it's clearly ironic and taking the piss out of racists. PS Romeo and Juliet is clearly the wussiest Dire Straits song, what the hell are you thinking?
  5. Surely My Ding-a-ling is nothing more than a bit of double-entendre fun? It's the musical equivalent of a Carry On film. The only reason it would be unnaceptable would be the same reason it was unnaceptable in 1972 or whenever - because as a song it is, quite literally, ding.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?video_id=7uSlqI1AVUk&rel=1&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//i.ytimg.com/vi/7uSlqI1AVUk/default.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskIaVCfSoQZzajuczWmNUkzM&
  7. My mum died last month but thanks anyway. Joke!
  8. Were Munich playing? Good luck to United I say, Eddie Thompson deserves some success. Oh to have a chairman who would be willing to put his money where his mouth is.
  9. Sorry, which of your many teams are you referring to?
  10. Um, I think I am. (Clue: I'm a Gretsch toting, mandolin scaring Crake member)
  11. Ooh, tough call, but I had to go for Son Henry (sorry Alan, I voted for you on that other one. )
  12. That reviewer is a clown. I saw the Rhythm Kings supporting Led Zeppeelin in December, so I thought I would would give this a skip, but I'm regretting it now. What a line up. Geraint Watkins is a great player, he played on Mark Knopfler's 2001 tour, and most recently I saw him on telly playing with Nick Lowe. That reviewer is a clown, "Albert King" indeed. PS Graham, did you get the email I sent you?
  13. I'm not, don't worry, they'll balls it up as usual.
  14. "Hey, keep me out of this."
  15. For sale, LG 4120B DVD re-writer drive for PC. This will burn just about all formats, including dual layer stuff and DVD RAM. Review with full specs here: LG GSA-4120B Looking for 10, can drop it off in Aberdeen.
  16. No longer for sale, please close.
  17. Me too. It should be at least three quarters.
  18. And don't get me started on pricks who wear their bluetooth headsets when they're not driving. YouTube - Curb Your Enthusiasm - Larrys Cell Phone War
  19. Good point, I always loved the captions. Best one was on a picture of Ainsley Harriott, it went a little something like this: "There's a twat in ma kitchen, what am ah gonna do." I still can't help singing it every time he comes on the telly.
  20. Don't buy any anymore sadly, they're all pretty crap. Q magazine used to be brilliant up to about 1994 when they had the likes of Danny Kelly, Stuart Maconie, Andrew Collins, Tom Hibbert etc. Now it's just rubbish. Only magazine I still buy every month is Empire, and that's pretty much because I've been buying it since the first issue and I want a complete set. Oh, and Club International.
  21. Hmm, Brechin will probably appeal or something which will hold things up again.
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