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The Subtle Arts

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Everything posted by The Subtle Arts

  1. It's not relevant but you backed such a weak statement in the first place... did you change anything?
  2. Is it a chore if you enjoy the bands? What exactly are you reading into all of this about an 'industry'. What I was saying is bands now actually have to make an effort in image due to many bands over the years being nothing but image and playing shite. Regardless whether you like the music or not whats the problem with the way bands look? Frosty Jacks 'contribution' is weak. I can understand what he is saying but then why does know one say anything. Lets put it to test and see what the outcome is because all that has been said and done as an example; YF funnily enough are still going despite the critiscm. Would you tell them to their faces or would you sit behind your keyboard and do it?
  3. For the record I don't know any of the guys in YF, they come to our shows, we go to theirs; to show support. Attack is probably the wrong word but your usually the first to instigate band bashing of the ilk in a tongue n' cheek kind of way. Unfortunately it is an industry...
  4. Coming from a member of staff it's quite arrogant. Would you like to eleborate on why you think it is the best post ever?
  5. A monkey could analyze your posts in particular, with attacks that pretty much come out of thin air. I'm glad it makes you laugh.
  6. So your saying when the trend dies the music will too? Sure music has trends, some fade and some live on. Unfortuneatly in this day and age the music industry is 50% image, their "trend" is typical of their musical style if your going to stereotype. Have punk trends died off from 30 odd years ago? I doubt certain bands will change their style because of fashion.
  7. If the scene is going to grow WE have to do some pruning. I could say your band is shite and that's my opinion and you can read this sentence over and over again for as much as you want to if thats helping you to "just fuck off and let someone else have a go". It makes no sense for people to slag off anyone, people need to help each other with constructive critiscm. Unfortuneatly it's very obvious from all the hating going on its down to musical taste not because YF is rubbish because my opinion is that they aren't and they are doing well for themselves by themselves. It's blatant jealousy and hate.
  8. Upload it to a site that will have it. Most inboxes won't accept incoming files that size.
  9. I think after all the insulting others have made he has every right to. This is a good thread to use as evidence as to why some particular music scenes in Aberdeen are in and out of existance. I would easilly bring up all the other threads with this kind of bashing of Your Fears and co. again from the usual suspects here, but what would be the point in that. Some people need to change their attitiude and stop ripping the piss. Regardless if anyone here likes a certain band or not they don't have to express it throughout the entire forum. Is this not a place for musicians, a community brought together for the sole purpose of helping Aberdeens scene grow?
  10. Aye Retract weren't bad at all, good to see some fresh stuff. THis new found crowd of all things heavy as speculated from the weekend show and this one are exactly as you say - new found. If we knew there was going to be such a scene in the first place then we could atleast justify getting in some out of town bands of the same ilk. As May-hem was an experiment I plan on trying to set up some more to test the water abit. If some more established promoters with the contacts want to help out then that would be even better and hopefully we might see this kind of scene flourish.
  11. Big Thanks to all the bands and those that came. I don't think we expected even that many people to turn up on a Tuesday night but it was nice to see a fair crowd. Will defo be putting on more of these with varied line ups.
  12. I didn't even realise, Think ill be signing into the Rockstar Social Club more often.
  13. Remember you can catch Cranial and Pryon tonight! With Montrose newcomers RTA and Element 106! http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/gigs-event-announcements/49195-%5Bgig%5D-may-hem-element-106-pryon-cranial-retract-accolade-%40-tunnels.html
  14. Glad to hear it. I think we have established then all the doubters need to play this for 15mins atleast lol, not 5 or 10 as mentioned in the thread previously.
  15. Nah second time through, can't believe I was thwarted by 7 seconds...
  16. Is it abit sad that I'm ranked 4th for completing the game in the fastest time ever?
  17. This game generated 500million dollars on the opening week. The closest thing that held the record previous was POTC: Dead mans Chest at 196million dollars. I bet Rockstar are partying hard and Take Two thinking theres no need for an EA take over now...
  18. Fair enough. I agree it's been over hyped, every big title is nowadays
  19. 10 minutes? lol That's pretty much the basis of all GTA games, you never played them? You start off small time and what you describe is pretty much what you do, if anything the story line should atleast keep you going. That's the kinda thing you want to do online with friends in a free roam. If you guys can't even progress very far into the game yet based on how it plays then I'd hate to think how many FPS games you have missed out on. Edit - As you progress you'l find yourself doing loads more. The variety and comedy city should atleast give you a twitch in your balls for this game.
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