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Posts posted by KittyCat

  1. Get a little bottle of the Carex Hand Sanitiser stuff.. Works a treat and is well handy if you're somewhere without decent running water, etc.

    Either that or stop being such wimps! A few germs aren't going to do you too much harm :p Lol.

  2. Student Accommodation

    I've got a family friend that is starting at Gray's Art School in September. She's going to be staying in halls and wants to know which student halls are best.

    So past and current students, which halls are the best?

    Cheers folks!

  3. Was camping with my partner's family in Alford. Was not fun!

    Got woken up at 4am by the birds and was absolutely freezing, despite the multiple layers I was wearing. Tried to move and discovered I couldnt because I had seized up. Lay around for a few hours. Got up and got dressed. Had some lunch. Lazed around in the sun. Walked to the shops in Alford and had something to eat at the 'Alford Bistro & Coffee Shop'. Travelled back to Aberdeen. Unpacked and then cleaned out our Hamster's cage. Had some food and then collapsed into bed.

  4. Yeah I was unfortunate enough to witness the 'climax' to the chilli challenge...........gads! Made me feel rather queasy.

    How they all managed to last the whole song I'll never know.......I tried a little bit and it made my entire mouth sting!

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