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Posts posted by KittyCat

  1. Even if it was traced the artist still has to have some talent to do all shading etc as well as he does so give the guy some credit where it's due. Also, it's still pretty difficult to trace something really well and the drawing with the ketchup and chips would have been pretty hard to do.

    Also Neil Buchanan from Art Attack is a fraud and deserves no credit what so ever.

  2. Nah it's dead dead, as in battery going down to red then switching off. Actually to be fair to it if I just switch it on and leave it playing it'll last a good 8 hours, but if I go into the menu to pick an album, or skip a track it seems to be using the screen just decimates the battery. Cheers for the charging tip. I'll try turning off the click and backlight too, that should help. I have the 30gb video btw.

    I have the exact same problem with mine.....it's so annoying. Mine lasts barely four hours and I've only had it just over a year. I love having an iPod, just wish the battery didn't die so quickly.

  3. What were those discs called that contained thone powdery stuff? or were they simply called discs? 'Flying Saucers' also rings a bell.

    Yeah, they are called Flying Saucers.....I love those things. If we are thinking of the same things then they are made out of sugar paper and the powdery stuff is sherbet.

  4. Right, I have a joke for you, if I mess it up, my apollogies but it is nearly 3.30am.

    A man gets killed and he goes up to heaven. He meets St Peter at the gates of heaven, St Peter says, "you have been a good man, you may enter heaven." So the man enters heaven and around him there are people dressed in white, flowing gowns, women playing harps and everyone looks happy. He has been in heaven for a few days, when he looks down to hell and sees beautiful semi-naked women, huge barrels of beer and everyone having a great time. So, this man goes to St Peter, "Heaven is great and all but it's not my thing, I rather be down there, in hell having what looks like a great time." So St Peter takes the man down to hell and lets him in. As he walks away, St Peter says to himself, "well what he doesn't know is that it's only the barrels of beer with holes in them!"

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